Biology Forum Human Biology Adiposity and Disease

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    • #15000

      To start off with, I do not have a degree in biology; so, please, forgive me if I seem ignorant on the complexities of how biological mechanisms in the human body work.

      It seems to me, considering the modern diet of westerners in affluent countries, that, we fail to experience times of fasting, at least during waking hours. If we consider the conventional diet that consists of eating three meals a day which roughly coincide with the amount of time it takes for our stomachs to empty and, then, the five to six hours it takes to complete digestion, absorption, and assimillation, there appears to be no time during the day our cells are not being fed, extraneously. So, gluconeogenesis is a little used mechanism that only occurs, for most people, in the early hours of the morning before waking. This, of course, implicates those who consume a traditional western diet high in carbohydrates.

      If this is true, it may be said, our blood serum levels of insulin are chronically elevated, giving a tendency towards adiposity. The question I have is, can chronically high blood serum levels of insulin create a condition in which our adipose tissue acquires an advantage over other tissues and organs leading to disease and atrophy?

    • #105316

      Yes….insulin has a prominenet effect on adipocytes by which they get glucose into them. The glucose once inside is again converted into fat. The whole mechanism actually depends on a glucose transporter protein GLUT 4 present specifically on fat cells. Gluconeogenesis occurs in normal course but is elevated when we are on fast or body requirement of glucose is not fulfilled by the normal glycemic intakes.

    • #110400

      Adiposity or morbid overweight is an illness with a lot of different causes. We generally speak of adiposity if the concerned person has a so-called “body-mass-index” (BMI) of more than 30 kg/m². Scientific findings have shown that abdominal fat and the fat in the organs are especially problematic. Because the BMI does not take the differences in fat distribution into account, overweight is also evaluated through waist-to-hip ratio (WHR). If this ratio is more than 0.85 with women and more than one with men, you can speak of adiposity.

      insulin effect on adipocytes which they glucose into its totally depend on our glucose

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