Biology Forum Cell Biology Anti-fungals or not?

last updated by MrMistery 16 years ago
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    • #10746

      ok i am very confussed about this…

      A researcher at my university when doing cell culutre experiments vows not to use anti-fungal drugs in the medium but all other reasearchers do and i realy do not understand why he doesn’t use them?

      Does anybody know why he might not use them?

    • #88457

      I have personally never used anti-fungal drugs in my cultures; good aseptic technique is well enough to keep your cultures clean. Unlike anti-microbial drugs, anti-fungal ones target eukaryotic cells, and thus the chances of side effects are much bigger with anti-fungal drugs. Could you give me an example of what kind of drugs people over there use?

      I don’t know anyone around here who’d use anti-fungal drugs in their cultures, but then again, it probably depends on many factors, like what cells you use, what’s the aim of your experiment and so forth.

    • #88484

      I’ve never heard of anti-fungal drugs in cell cultures either. Just an antibiotic in the growth medium and a good sterile technique were always enough to prevent infections…

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