Biology Forum Community General Discussion Biology Course Online?

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    • #6562

      Hello, Im new to this forum and just after some advice. I would like to study a-level human biology but due to different reasons I would have to study part-time.
      I was thinking about doing an online course however is there a lot of practical stuff that I will be missing or are the majority of biology courses based on theory?
      Also, will there be a practical examination at the end of the course that would have to be held in a lab?
      Thanks in advance, Ide appreciate any advice. 😀

    • #63492

      Where I am, a course called "Human Biology" is usually a second-tier course, intended for non-science majors. It sounds, from your description of "a-level," that you might be talking about what I would call "Anatomy and Physiology." If we are indeed both discussing A&P, then it would be very difficult to do online – there’s a very heavy laboratory/hands-on component to those courses.

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