Biology Forum Genetics help me!!!

last updated by GreenDog 16 years ago
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    • #10647

      in drosophila, the mutation for ebony body color is recessive and autosomal (e), and the white eyed mutation is recessive and X-linked. Determine the phenotype and phenotypic ratios of the F1 and F2 generations for the following;
      a)white eyed, ebony bodied female x pure breeding wild type male
      b)reciprocal cross

      i am helpless, i cannot figure out what the results should be! i beg, please someone help me!!! 😳

    • #88175

      Just because i like answering this type of questions:
      a)the cross is female white eye X linked: Xw Xw male XW 0
      ebony autosomal Ae Ae AE AE

      now draw the table to get all F1 progeny, divide to male an female: the females will be red eyed and brown, and the males white eyed and brown. F2 is a bit more work.
      The only thing you have to do is write the crosses and then list all the possibilities, not interesting and not complicated.

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