Biology Forum Human Biology HELP!!!-weight

last updated by L0veBritt 15 years ago
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    • #4429


      I need help. I am at a total loss. I am a 33 year old female who exercises 4 times a week and eats very well. For the past 6 years I have had a problem with extreme bloating in my stomache. I have seen too many doctors, specialiasts , naturopaths, psychologist etc….I have been tested for everything you can imagine.. Food alleriges, IBS, Thyroid etc… everybody keeps saying that I am healthy and they can’t find out what is wrong. It is controlling my life. I never want to go anywhere because the thought of getting dressed is very depressing. I cannot wear fitted clothes because the second I put food in my mouth I bloat. This is not just a little bloating, I can look about 5 months pregnant. I just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy 9 months ago. The bloating actually subsided for a little bit after delivery. I was hoping that my body chemistry changed after birth but no such luck. If I do not eat then my stomach is okay. Regardless of what I put in my mouth it is almost an instant reaction. The weird thing is that it affects by weight as well. I can gain and loose about 8 pounds in 1 day. I must stress that it is NOT gas!!! Almost all doctors say that it is probably gas but it is not…
      I have been doing ALOT of research and the only thing that sort of makes sense is a sluggish lymphatic system. One of the things that does seem to work temporarily is bouncing (rebounding) on a trampeline.
      I do not want this to control my life anymore. I look over weight when I do everything to make sure that it is not possible. When my stomach becomes enormous this uncontrolable anger stirs inside of me. I just do not want my son to ever see his mommy that way.
      If there is anybody that can help me I would really appreciate because I cannot take this anymore. I want to like myself and enjoy my life with my beautiful son and husband.
      KMAS 🙁

    • #46827
      quote kmas:


      I need help. I am at a total loss. I am a 33 year old female who exercises 4 times a week and eats very well. For the past 6 years I have had a problem with extreme bloating in my stomache. I have seen too many doctors, specialiasts , naturopaths, psychologist etc….I have been tested for everything you can imagine.. Food alleriges, IBS, Thyroid etc… everybody keeps saying that I am healthy and they can’t find out what is wrong. It is controlling my life. I never want to go anywhere because the thought of getting dressed is very depressing. I cannot wear fitted clothes because the second I put food in my mouth I bloat. This is not just a little bloating, I can look about 5 months pregnant. I just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy 9 months ago. The bloating actually subsided for a little bit after delivery. I was hoping that my body chemistry changed after birth but no such luck. If I do not eat then my stomach is okay.

      Dear Kmas

      I am currently in the throws of studying a Bowen Therapy course. I am not quite sure where you live, but I do hope that you are in the area where there is a Bowen therapist. Bowen therapy is an extremely effective non invasive gentle therapy method that can balance and rectify your body – hormones, lymphatic system, muscular system, by using very particular and precise hands on manipulation methods which kicks starts your body’s own amazing ability to heal itself. I would definitely try
      to see a Bowen therapist in your area. I have personally seen some amazing results, where other modalities struggled to get any success.

      Good luck and God bless

    • #47415

      hey! i suffer from the anxiety thing also. mine seems to be much worse tho. just a heads up… if you feel light-headed, sit down outside & just take slow breaths & clear your mind. Im only a high school freshmore, so i know how scary & wierd it is. but whoever told you it was from stress is very right. & if you dont get your stress levels down…it can lead to bigger problems! 💡

    • #47557

      I hope you find relief, it sounds awful
      Sometimes I get bloating, I think it is hormone related.
      Have you had blood work done @ your ob/gyn to see if your hormone levels are balanced? or ultra sound of ovaries and uterous?

      Best wishes to you,

    • #47586

      Hi Lynne,

      I am having blood test done text week. For years they were looking for problems with my digestive system and found nothing wrong. I think that you are right about the hormones. When I was pregnant and breastfeeding I did not have this problem. Do you know for sure that your problem is hormonal?


    • #47588

      No I do not know for sure, but, they
      did find fibroid tumors on my ovaries. And we have elected to not opperate at this time.
      I do have intestinal problems too, that seem to be aggrevated by menses.
      If ther are fibroids growing that could do it and they could press on other organs. My sister in law had one the size of a football!
      so If they said its not your intestines then maybe it is the other, bloating in the abdomen can be a sign of some things with the female reproductive.
      just my personal experiences. 🙂
      Hope you find out
      let us know

    • #91403

      Hi Linn! I have also been battling with fibroids. I had surgery about 2 years ago and they are back even bigger. I don’t understand. My question to you is why did the doc decided to opt out of surgery ❓

    • #91894

      I think that your problem is a little thing i like to call stress! You may not think you are stressed out but stress is a major weight gain symptom and if you try, it is really easy to control. You said that you exercise, that’s good for stress and weight. You should also try only eating 3 times a day with a healthy snack here and there. Try to take something out of your diet that you have everyday because maybe its a certain food that you eat that may cause this bloating to happen. I hope that i helped and i hope you sort out this problem. 🙂

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