Biology Forum Genetics Phenotypes and proportions

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    • #8993

      I am trying to answer a question and I’m not sure how the book got the answer they have.

      If P and Q loci are 35 mu apart, and PQ / pq is selfed what is the phenotype of the progeny and in what proportion?

      I know if you cross PQ/ pq with PQ/ pq you get gamates: PQ, pq the parental and Pq pQ as the recombinants. My book says that you take 1/2(1- 0.35) to get P Q, 1/2 (1 – 0.35) to get pq and 1/2(0.35) is Pq, 1/2(0.35) is pQ.

      Why is PQ (1-0.35) when the problem states the distance between P and Q is 35mu ? Why do we calculate 1-0.35 to get 0.65 ??

      Also, for the proportion of progeny they say for example that PQ/PQ has F1 genotype of 0.1056. Where does this number come from? I have no idea what numbers they use to come up with this.

      Any ideas?

    • #81127

      35 mu means 35% are recombinants therefore 65% are parental genotypes. therefore parentals percentalge

      PQ + pq = (1-0.35).

    • #81155


    • #81668

      my teacher gave me a take home test and one of the q. is
      7. A female calico cat is crossed with a male black cat. What are the phenotypes of the offspring and in what proportion?
      it makes no sence to me and the test mainly consists of q. like this one! ❗
      I do not understand..any of it!!

    • #81905

      well you need to know how the gene is transmitted, and if there is complete dominance between the alleles which one is the dominant one.

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