Biology Forum Human Biology Pitituary Disease

last updated by Myra 18 years, 1 month ago
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    • #4840

      Does anybody know anything about Pitituary Disease. My doctor is sending me for a CT Scan to see if I have it. I have had several symptoms for the last 6 years. I have seen every doctor and they keep saying that they cannot find anything wrong with me. My doctor seems to think now that this could be a possibility.
      Any help would be appreciated!

    • #48717

      There are a number of diseases that affect the pituitary gland. Without knowing which ones your doctor is looking at, or what the specific symptoms are that you’re experiencing, there’s no way to really elaborate.


    • #50248

      I also have been to numerous doctors and nobody seems to be able to help me. I have been looking for help for the last 4 1/2 years. I am trying to help myself via the internet and am now checking into the pituitary gland. I will ask the doctor about this the next time I go in. Maybe I can help point her in the right direction so perhaps she can help me! Yikes. What are your symptoms? Are you experiencing any pain?

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