Biology Forum Microbiology understand the cause of infection

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    • #15121

      hi all i hope some body can help me pleases , i need to identify the differences between bacteria,viruses,fungi and parasites.
      i all need to identify common illness and infections caused by bacteria,viruses,fungi and parasties i would be very gratefull if someone could help me thank you 😀

    • #105441

      Okay, here’s a dumbed down version for you,

      Bacteria – unicellular organisms which produce toxins as they grow and divide

      Virus – protien shells packed with genetic information – which are considerably smaller than a cell. It can’t reproduce outside the cell unlike bacteria, so they invade the cells and inject the genes into the nucleus and creates copies of itself

      Fungi – causes disease by absorbing nutrients, and producing toxins

      By the way, what do you mean by parasites? Pathogenic bacteria, and fungi are all parasitic in nature, if I’m not wrong.

    • #105442

      Genotype: I would guess it’s something like nematodes or tapeworms. On the other hand, for sure are not all bacteria and fungi pathogenic!Think about bacteria in your gut and Bifidus actiregularis 😆 😆

    • #105444

      Parasite is an organism that lives inside (endo-) or outside (ectoparasite) some other organism and this relationship is good for the parasite and bad for the host. The difference between a predator and a parasite is that the parasites’ host usually doesn’t die. So I guess it can be any kind of organism – plant, animal, bacteria… :-).

    • #105445

      yes, of course, but in the context of tracey’s question, I would suggest the multicellular organisms

    • #105450
      quote JackBean:

      Genotype: I would guess it’s something like nematodes or tapeworms. On the other hand, for sure are not all bacteria and fungi pathogenic!Think about bacteria in your gut and Bifidus actiregularis 😆 😆

      Where did I say that? I said most of the pathogenic bacteria/fungi are parasitic in nature 🙄

    • #105494

      thank you all you are so nice and i am gratefull that really helped me .

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