Biology Forum Human Biology about Cervics Cancer

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    • #5066

      hmm….can i nOe more about Cervics Cancer?…..hw can it be cured?….n wat causes it?

    • #50258

      well, there is some wonderful news. 🙂 ❗

      It is caused by a virus.

      So makes me wonder how many other cancers are also caused by a virus?
      so it cervical cancer can be contagious. ❓ 💡

      Your doctor can immunize you for it. In fact they are advisig all woman to get that.

    • #50301

      Cervical cancer is caused by Human Papilloma virus … it is sexually transmitted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      again….be careful… use condoms!

    • #50482

      btw… can be cured by removin the vaginal if it is in e early stage rite?

    • #50654

      Well it depends on how far advanced it is or if has spread to other organs


      Most often, treatment for cervical cancer involves surgery and radiation therapy. Sometimes, chemotherapy or biological therapy is used. Patients are often treated by a team of specialists. The team may include gynecologic oncologists and radiation oncologists. One treatment method or a combination of methods may be used. Some patients take part in a clinical trial (research study) using new treatment methods. Such studies are designed to improve cancer treatment.

      Surgery is local therapy to remove abnormal tissue in or near the cervix. If the cancer is only on the surface of the cervix, the doctor may destroy the cancerous cells in ways similar to the methods used to treat precancerous lesions. If the disease has invaded deeper layers of the cervix but has not spread beyond the cervix, the doctor may perform an operation to remove the tumor but leave the uterus and the ovaries. In other cases, however, a woman may need to have a hysterectomy or may choose to have this surgery, especially if she is not planning to have children in the future. In this procedure, the doctor removes the entire uterus, including the cervix. Sometimes, the ovaries and fallopian tubes also are removed. In addition, the lymph nodes near the uterus may be removed and the cells examined to learn whether the cancer has spread to these organs.

      Radiation therapy (also called radiotherapy) uses high-energy rays to damage cancer cells and stop them from growing. Like surgery, radiation therapy is local therapy; the radiation can affect cancer cells only in the treated area. The radiation may come from a large machine (external radiation) or from radioactive materials placed directly into the cervix (implant radiation). Some patients receive both types of radiation therapy.

      A woman receiving external radiation therapy goes to the hospital or clinic each day for treatment. Usually, treatments are given 5 days a week for 5 to 6 weeks. At the end of that time, the tumor site very often gets an extra "boost" of radiation.

      For internal or implant radiation, a capsule containing radioactive material is placed directly in the cervix. The implant puts cancer-killing rays close to the tumor while sparing most of the healthy tissue around it. It is usually left in place for 1 to 3 days, and the treatment may be repeated several times over the course of 1 to 2 weeks. The patient stays in the hospital while the implants are in place.

      Chemotherapy is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. It is most often used when cervical cancer has spread to other parts of the body. The doctor may use just one drug or a combination of drugs. Anticancer drugs used to treat cervical cancer may be given by injection into a vein or by mouth. Either way, chemotherapy is systemic treatment, meaning that the drugs flow through the body in the bloodstream.

      Chemotherapy is given in cycles; a treatment period followed by a recovery period, then another treatment period, and so on. Most patients have chemotherapy as an outpatient (at the hospital, at the doctor’s office, or at home). Depending on which drugs are given and the woman’s general health, however, she may need to stay in the hospital during her treatment.

      Biological therapy is treatment using substances to improve the way the body’s immune system fights disease. It may be used to treat cancer that has spread from the cervix to other parts of the body. Interferon is the most common form of biological therapy for this disease. It can be used in combination with chemotherapy. Most patients who receive interferon are treated as outpatients.

    • #50668
      damien james

      The new Merk vaccine Gardisil is very encouraging. I just hate that there are still groups that are lobbying against it on religious grounds. See below.

    • #50686

      icic….dats veri useful for mi to understand…..but….1 more qn…i heard frm my aunties n father that removing the entire female reproductive system or part of it(i forgotten,i tink is the entire tink) will result in the patient gettin old veri quickly(on the appearance or so). Is this a fact or a myth? i also asked my brother and he told me its a fact, he said that it got sometink to do wif the hormones…sometink like that which cause aging in the patient. Can someone tell me whether this is true anot?.thanx 😀

    • #50696
      quote kelcy:

      icic….dats veri useful for mi to understand…..but….1 more qn…i heard frm my aunties n father that removing the entire female reproductive system or part of it(i forgotten,i tink is the entire tink) will result in the patient gettin old veri quickly(on the appearance or so). Is this a fact or a myth? i also asked my brother and he told me its a fact, he said that it got sometink to do wif the hormones…sometink like that which cause aging in the patient. Can someone tell me whether this is true anot?.thanx 😀

      well removing every thing is exteme. Usualy just the tumors and/or tissue is removed and radiation and other treatments started.

      But woman have been having complete hysterectomies for a long time and it doesnt make you older any faster. And Dr will prescribe hormons to take.

      damien do you mean RE this exerpt:

      While public health professionals view the vaccine, Gardasil, as miraculous, many conservative organizations oppose it on grounds that — because some diseases caused by HPV are sexually transmitted — its use might encourage promiscuity among adolescent girls

      not just transmitted sexually, Reportedly it is transmitted in other ways.

    • #50716
      damien james

      Yes that is so stupid. To stop prevention of HPV using vaccine that may help millions of women in future because religious right is nosey about what other people do with their bodies.

    • #50723

      Well sadly, maybe not millions of women are going to be saved in the first years, because with a vaccination program over 300 USD, most of them won’t be able to get the shot. Worse even is the fact that those who can afford the vaccination, are also the one who can afford regular pap test, and avoid the real complications.

      And men are not going to have it either. Yes, they can have it, because even if HPV seem innocuous, we can be vectors.

      Our world is beatiful, isn’t it?

    • #50805

      hmmm….so removal wont cause agin?….even without intake of hormones?

    • #50838
      quote kelcy:

      hmmm….so removal wont cause agin?….even without intake of hormones?

      I believe that its more about oxidents and how we think that makes us "less healthy and results in a shorter life.
      Studies have been done that link what and how we think to health.

      For example, one study by the US gov concluded that DNA was affected by the kinds of movies one watches, Those who watched only, horror, violent, negative movies VS those who watched happy, nice movies.
      They did before and after tests of DNA and saw significant changes for the worse in the first control group of violent movie watchers.
      maybe this discussion will help you

      think positively be a good person, fill your mind woth good, read Alex happy thread. 🙂

      viewtopic.php?t=6189 😆

      Yes, if you or someone yu know is facing drastic surgery, it will be stressful to the body, but you can bounce back fast enough if you employ healthy practices.

      As far as aging in general its a "switch" that we have yet to find to undue it. YES I BELIEVE in the future. I mean its not fair that redwoods and torteises heck even the KOI in my pond can live longer than we do.

      Any way here is a discussion about the genetic reasons for aging:

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