Biology Forum Cell Biology About The Cell Biology Course

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    • #12590

      Greetings everyone,

      I will be taking cell biology for the first time very soon. I was wondering if anyone had any tips in how to do well in it (I’m shooting for an "A")? Study I know haha. But, in terms of study tips. How to study? Or the mindset to keep in mind.

      I have taken general biology I before and another biology course that intertwined general biology II concepts that I did well in, so I am just wondering how this course is like (and I know it will vary depending on the school, so I’m just looking for general information).


    • #96649

      cell biology is a bunch of processes. Just reading isn’t always enough, you should make sure you know all the steps of each process and imagine what would happen if you were to take away one of the components or tamper with the system in some way (ex: add ATPgammaS to a system containing dynamin etc)

    • #96661

      Thanks a bunch Mrmistery for your insights…They are greatly appreciated.

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