Biology Forum Evolution Bacteria invent an alternate life chemistry

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    • #14228

      Just a short post here in this forum, and I will make it sticky for a week, the microbiology news of the day.
      Discuss in this thread: about20140.html

      NASA scientist have discovered a new strain of a known genus of bacteria that is capable to use Arsenic instead of Phosphorus. And this includes the Backbone of the DNA. Yet it is related to other well-known bacteria that do not have this ability. This is a major change of what we know about life and how it works, and an example of what major shift evolution can create at the very foundation of what we knew about life chemistry.
      This is even better proof of the level of change that can evolve than a flying pig. A great day for science (and for Science too, who publish the paper) and one more nail in the coffin of ID and creation ***cough***cough*** science. 😈

    • #102615

      If they have no bread, let them eat cake!

      How has arsenic come in DNA?
      With nutrition or reproduction?

    • #102958
      quote canalon:

      Just a short post here in this forum, and I will make it sticky for a week, the microbiology news of the day.
      Discuss in this thread: about20140.html

      NASA scientist have discovered a new strain of a known genus of bacteria that is capable to use Arsenic instead of Phosphorus. And this includes the Backbone of the DNA. Yet it is related to other well-known bacteria that do not have this ability. This is a major change of what we know about life and how it works, and an example of what major shift evolution can create at the very foundation of what we knew about life chemistry.
      This is even better proof of the level of change that can evolve than a flying pig. A great day for science (and for Science too, who publish the paper) and one more nail in the coffin of ID and creation ***cough***cough*** science. 😈

      There really out a be a fence with an armed guard around the creationist and id corpses, because the religious fanatics keep digging up the dessicated bodies and a list of useless reanimation spells.

    • #102965

      It might just be weak research technique – … ed_dna.php

    • #102971

      I see that blog is popular 😛 🙂

    • #102990

      Yep that was discussed in the other thread. I might have been a bit too hasty and hopeful.
      We will see what the authors come with to improve their results. But I doubt that they are going to confirm their hopes now.
      Still one more proof that science work, if you say something wrong, others have a chance to point that…

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