Biology Forum Human Biology Blood from the anus

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    • #2814

      Is it normal to bleed from the anus while you’re wiping your bottom with toilet paper…? 😯

      If no, is the person suffering from some kind of disease…?
      How to cure?

    • #34415

      Perhaps broken blood vessels from broken entry or else from secretion of hard materials.

    • #34417

      or if you are prone to skin dryness in general, the anus can be affected just as well.

    • #34419

      Thanks, but none have answered my question. Is this common for normal people. I know it’s not healthy due to bacteria infections etc?

    • #34445
      quote hurly:

      Thanks, but none have answered my question. Is this common for normal people. I know it’s not healthy due to bacteria infections etc?

      No. This is not a common condition. Perhaps you should see a health professional.

    • #34447

      It is quite probaly hemorroïds, which is quite common. Often linked to a lack of physoiscal activity (or too long time staying in a sitting position). This is often without gravity, but see a health professional, they will treat the bleeding (can cause infections as you said) and probbaly suggest some ways to prevent from coming back. Some rare cases can be important enough to justify some surgery so it is not something to sneeze at.

      And it can also be an array of other things that are much nastier. So in any case, as Kyle advised go see a health professional.

    • #34467

      Many people use toilet paper, it would be better if they wash with water and soap. Well, a bit busy but more higienis I think. Some toilet paper are rough and could make skin irritation which could lead to infection. Also it is very possible that the faeces is still around that also will caus infection because od the dirt.

    • #34477

      Urgh…that’s nasty….. 😡
      by the way, I’ve ever watched one health program about hemorroïds. it can be caused by many factors und one of them is too much in sitting position…if the case is only blood comin’ out from anus, that’s still no need to worry….they said that you’ve to go to the surgery if there’s already ‘something’ like flesh comin’ out from the anus so you have to make it get inside again…… 😡

    • #34523

      OK, here’s my 2 cents: NO, it is not common, YES it is possible, without having a desease: the mucoase of the rectum and anus is made out of a unistratified epithelial tissue… Only one layer of cells, easy to deteriorate if your poo is dry…

    • #34568

      Yeah, don’t ever say bleeding is common. Whatever, wherever, whenever, when you found yourselves bleeding (except for menstruation*), something has just happened and you should see medical people to solve your problem.

      * Sometimes blood that coming out during menstruation is not a blood from endometrium wall. It comes from an infection or another place, and we should be careful of this 🙂

    • #80781

      Hurly… I have the same condition, did u find out how treat it?

    • #80798

      As said earlier this symptom can be caused by many things.So the safest way is to go and see a health professional who will be able to see what is the best treatment, rather than copying the treatment given to someone you don’t know and whose symptoms are only shortly described over the internet.

    • #80805

      Without an examination to see where the bleeding is coming from it is not possible over the internet or telephone to say whether it is nothing to worry about or something that needs treating. Therefore as has been said many times before, you need to go and see a registered medical practitioner and then your mind as well as your tail can rest assured.

    • #80884

      There are some very benign things that can produce this blood, but there are some potentially dangerous things as well. Best get someone with some expertise to find out.

    • #83343
      quote Dr.Stein:

      Many people use toilet paper, it would be better if they wash with water and soap. Well, a bit busy but more higienis I think. Some toilet paper are rough and could make skin irritation which could lead to infection. Also it is very possible that the faeces is still around that also will caus infection because od the dirt.

      Using toilet paper first, then wash it with water is a much more advisable option. It’s because you wouldn’t know if your anus is bleeding if you just wash it off with water, then it may worsen the whatever-condition that is in the anus and worse, causing infection with other complications. Early detections are always much effective for our body.

      Moreover, I have to agree to most of the replies here. Seeking a medical professional’s help is essential when it comes to bleeding from within. It could be as simple as haemorrhoids, or it could be as fatal as internal bleeding. It will also have to depend on the colour of the blood that comes with the excrements to determine which part is really bleeding.

    • #83345

      OK you guys are over analyzing the whole thing. The blood you are seeing is from friction from the toilet paper. Causing your skin to be dry and broken.

      Let me ask you this, when you see the blood on the toilet paper, is right when you do the initial whipe or after several? If so, this proves that isn’t blood in your fecal matter, it is from the friction of you whipping. Maybe get softer toilet paper?

      But if you are that worried about it, check it out.

    • #106095

      Many diseases and conditions can cause rectal bleeding and toilet paper is not the main one. Common causes include:

      anal fissures, hemorrhoids, cancers and polyps of the rectum and colon, diverticulosis, abnormal blood vessels (angiodysplasia), ulcerative colitis, ulcerative proctitis, Crohn’s colitis, infectious colitis, ischemic colitis, and Meckel’s diverticula.

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