Biology Forum Human Biology brain cancer

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    • #5375

      cancer is the malignant growth of cells, if a tumor would develop in the brain how does the health service deal with it? do the cut it out? if thet do then how?

    • #52511

      it depends on where the tumor is. Some parts of the brain are easier to operate than others. And others are impossible. These are only treated using chemotherapy. I am not exactly an expert on this, so maybe someone else may be able to offer more precise info.

    • #52576

      what cancers are curable and which are not?

    • #52653

      i think cancers in the vital area are incurable

    • #52686

      what are vital areas of cancer can u explin this plz?

    • #52738

      vital is part of our body that can not be replaced by anything but it self.
      by the way one of the vital organ is brain. i think all of us do not want our brain is replaced by the other brain even by "another our brain"(from cloning)

      nevertheless, you can replace your heart by mechanical pacemaker…

    • #52739

      Heve you heard that there’s a man who live with only a half of his brain??? and what makes suprise is that he only get a little defect after the surgery….

    • #52740

      …. how if all the brain cells is the cancer cells? as i said before, i think all of us do not want our brain is replaced by the other… 🙂

    • #52741

      I don’t think that brain cells can undergo cancerous stage, because they’re mass of neurons which are so specialized so they can’t undergo cell reproduction…:lol:
      so, we’re talking about glial cells…:lol: I think that’s what they’re calling brain cancer..well, I think with the technology now, we can cure cancerous glial cells..:lol:

    • #52745

      i do not think so vic.

      as i know, cancer cells can not back to its normal structure, the normal cells.
      to make someone heal his cancer, the cancer cell(s) must be removed from his/her body, or destroy the cells and the other normal cells near the cancer cell(s) in order to make sure that in the future the same cancer cell(s) will not be back again.

      in this case, the brain cancer, cancer is not only begin from the glial cell(s) but also from other cells such as meningens,Schwann cells.
      but commonly it from glial cells.

      back to the original question. does it curable?
      honestly but sorry. some are not. but we can suppres it by therapy. just as i said before,again, if the cancer had the root all around the brain, entirely, it is hard to cure it… it is better to treat it before it become too dangerous.
      the best people who can you ask for about this disease are doctors.
      we are biologist. we can not treat or judge people that he/she can not be cured or not. i strongly recommended to ask doctor who specialized in this disease.
      well, if you want to ask some question maybe we, the member, can help you.

    • #52748

      Meninges (singular Meninx) = consist of three layers which cover the brain. They are Piameter, arachnoid and durameter.

      Schwann cells = also called Neurolemmocytes, part of the glial cells. (Protoplasmatic astrocytes, Fibrous astrocytes, Plasmatofibriller astrocytes, Oligodendrocytes, Microglia, Epyndemal cells, Schwann cells and friends.)
      Please refer to what is the definition of glial cells. I think the definition of glial cells (neuroglia) is groups of cells exclude neurons which provide neurons mechanical and physical support and also nutritive insulation. Therefore, they’re grouped into nervous system.

      Brain cells = Neurons 😉

      haha..luckily, with the nowadays technology (called Nanotechnology), we can cure those ‘incurable-said-cancers’…for more informations, read National Geographic Magazine June 2006. Or visit this:

    • #52814

      your hyperlink do not work, vic

    • #52815

      your are correct bazuka

    • #52822

      Link fixed for him. Looks like victor has big slippery fingers that sometimes miss the intended key (he type co. instead of com)

    • #52832

      😳 looks like I’ve made a mistake on my previous post..:mrgreen:
      Thanks for correcting it.. 😆

    • #53016

      …. ok, now the hyper link is work. but there is one problem here. which the article you want to show to us?… i get trouble on finding them. uh, the most related article i got is "No Survival Benefit of Adding Chemotherapy to Initial Treatment of Two Types of Brain Tumors"

      pls make a userfriendly hyperlink, next time. okay?
      oh, and you are right that Schwann cells is glial. i’m forget about it. hehe

    • #53023

      see the page with a gecko attached there and it’s written "nanotechnology".

    • #53029

      ….. let see, what i found.
      … did this is better than searching in the page where within that page you should find the related page(s) from many pages.

      ok, nice article. i do not know this before. hehe

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