Biology Forum Molecular Biology Can you reuse qiashredder columns?

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    • #8516
      science out

      Our lab has recently undergone a serious budget crunch and need to cut back on our expenses by about half. We do a lot of RNA extractions using RNeasy kits, DNase treatment and qiashredder columns and get great results. Does anyone have some suggestions for alternate methods of RNA extractions or ways to reuse the qiaShredder columns?

      Thanks for the help!

    • #77500
      science out

      You CAN regenerate DNA and RNA resin columns…here’s how:

      hmmm…they won’t let me post a link ‘cuz I’m new, so here the details, you’ll have to look it up yourself: Biotechniques vol. 42 no. 2 2007, Siddappa NB et al "Regeneration of commercial nucleic acid extraction columns without the risk of carryover contamination"

      The authors say there is no DNA/RNA carryover contamination and they’ve used the columns multiple times. Have fun!

      Now I just need to know if you can reuse qiaShredder columns as well…[/i]

    • #78412

      wo ca give me the method of regenerate DNA and RNA QIAGEN column!Thanks very much!

    • #78510

      All the qiashredder columns do is tear open your tissue, they shouldn’t bind nucleic acid. I don’t see why you can’t just was them really well, or just pull your sample through a 22guage or smaller syringe.

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