Biology Forum Human Biology DIGESTION

last updated by Dr.Stein 19 years ago
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    • #3547

      GOOD day or what ever says the time.i have a question concerning food and digestion.actually why is it that young children can live on milk four a year or more but adouts can"t four even a single day or two?

    • #40198

      I think it has got something to do with their metabolic rate

    • #40224

      (I think) As we age some individuals lose the ability to digest the lactose in milk.

    • #40231

      children has enzyme in his stomach to brake down protein in milk. but this enzyme can not found anymore in the man(adult) stomach.

      that’s why after 2 year, a baby can eat others food, not only milk.

    • #40235

      How could it happen then? What kind of regulation control this case, so that the adults don’t have that kind of enzyme?

    • #40245
      quote GORDEN:

      GOOD day or what ever says the time.i have a question concerning food and digestion.actually why is it that young children can live on milk four a year or more but adouts can”t four even a single day or two?

      I am writing in response to your question. I believe that people who are given an antibiotic have problems digesting dairy products and some other products from that time on. Children that are given antibiotcs at a young age never know the proper function of their digestion system and are more prone to illnesses. A properly working digestive system will break down whatever you eat and dispose of the things that the body doesn’t need. Frequent trips to the lavatory is a good indication there is something wrong with your digestive tract. I was told as a child progresses through his or her first year or so of life that certain foods are introduced slowly so that the immune system can develope and food alergies will be less likely. I think doctors give some food immunization shots for some dairy foods to infants as well.

    • #40262

      🙄 So, you’ve just said that that mechanism is similar with the work of immune system, haven’t ya? It normally recognizes certain food. but, when a young kid is given antibiotic, the body will lose it’s ability to do so. And then, responses as if the food is alien that must be removed quickly from the body… 😮


    • #40263

      Clue: Rennin enzyme 8)

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