Biology Forum Human Biology dreamyyyyyyyyy

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    • #3096

      Hey guys, πŸ˜€
      how many of us are regular dreamers (apart from the sleepin’ and dreamin’ in class)?????? πŸ˜†
      well, i get dreams of all kinds(even about stuff that i’ve never thought of).
      some say dreaming makes your mind sharper. πŸ™„
      how does this happen? i mean, how are dreams actually associated to the brain and stuff… πŸ˜•

    • #36240

      What I think is…dreaming makes you more lazy and also makes you wanna get it more and more…so happy sleepin’..:mrgreen:

    • #36402

      During sleep there is a cycle of abput 90 minutes that repeats itself. During this 90 minutes cycle, there are two phases: 1. Non-REM sleep(the first 80 mins) in which we do not dream… 2. REM sleep(the last 10 minutes). During REM sleep your eyes move very fast, you dream and you are easy to wake.
      Dreams are a reorganising of previous thoughts, memories and desires. they are important for your brain to function normally. They also help your memory, it has been suggested.

      PS: dreaming is nice, i like it

      PPS: moved to anatomy forum, this is actually biology talk..

    • #36417

      Read this, a bit long but this is actually interesting πŸ™‚


      A dream is the experience of images, sounds/voices, words, thoughts or sensations during sleep, with the dreamer usually unable to influence the experience. The scientific discipline of dream research is oneirology. Dreaming has been associated with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, a lighter form of sleep that occurs during the latter portion of the sleep cycle, characterized by rapid horizontal eye movements, stimulation of the pons, increased respiratory and heart rate, and temporary paralysis of the body; however, this association has been questioned, as it may only be that dream recall is easiest after REM sleep.

      Dreaming does occur in other phases of sleep, though dream recall is more difficult. Hypnogogia, which occurs spontaneously during the approach to sleep, is thought to be related to dreaming. Dreams are also associated with male erection about as frequently as with REM sleep.

      Dreams are full of imagery. This imagery ranges from the banal to the surreal; in fact, dreams often provoke artistic and other forms of inspiration. Forms of dreams include the frightening or upsetting nightmare, and erotic dreams with sexual images and nocturnal emission.

      Most scientists believe that dreams occur in all humans with about equal frequency per amount of sleep. Therefore, if individuals feel that they did not dream or that they only had one dream in any given night, it is because their memory of the dream has faded. This "memory erasure" aspect of the dream state is mostly found when a person naturally awakes via a smooth transition from REM sleep through delta sleep to the awake state.

      If a person is awoken directly from REM sleep (e.g. by an alarm clock), they are much more likely to remember the dream from that REM cycle. Still, it is most likely that not all dreams will be remembered because they occur in REM cycles, which are interrupted by periods of delta sleep which in turn have a tendency to cause the memory of previous dreams to fade.

      For a long time true dreaming had only been positively confirmed in humans, but recently there have been research reports supporting a view that dreaming occurs in other animals as well. Animals certainly undergo REM sleep, but their subjective experience is difficult to determine. The animal with the longest average periods of REM sleep is the armadillo. It would appear that mammals and birds are the only, or at least most frequent, dreamers in nature, which is perhaps related to their sleep patterns. Many animals such as frogs probably do not sleep at all (except when in hibernaculum, which is a different kind of state). Some researchers have managed to block the brain mechanism that paralyzes the body during dreaming. With this method it has been discovered that a cat seems to dream mostly about chasing prey and playing with it. On a more basic level, many dog owners have also noted that their pets sometimes move their legs as if running or even make weak barking noises while asleep, or that their pets suddenly wake up and appear to think that a character from a nightmare is actually real.

    • #36418

      an image about Dream: Pierre-CΓ©cile Puvis de Chavannes: The Dream, 1883 πŸ™‚

    • #36440

      the only reason i love to sleep is to dream! its exciting wondering wat you’ll dream next!

    • #36444

      Yeah, but only if the dream is nice, if it is horrible I prefer to get up soon πŸ˜†

    • #36445

      exactly! sometimes you’re half awake and dreaming! hey is it weird if your dreams repeat again & again?

    • #36447

      Sometimes I got a ‘vision’ thru my dream. For instance, I dream of someone and in the morning I met him after a lont time not see awwawaaaa πŸ˜€

    • #36449

      u know my friend had this dream. she was in a room filled with pics of her, her dad & some other woman( not her mom).
      she was looking at the pics wen that other woman comes in the room.
      that woman started getting angry at her telling her that she should leave as she is not their daughter and stuff. then she left the room and forgot a key.
      she kept having this dream till one day she found this key in her dads personal belongings. wen her dad saw her he got really pissed off! after she found the key the dream never repeated.
      she never found out what lock that key opens………..

    • #36471

      if that is so, then does it mean that a dream is only a reflection of the events of the day or before?

    • #36502

      well that is an "ingredient" ina dream but not only. read my first post on this thread. dreams are a reorganising of previous memories, thoughts and desires

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