Biology Forum Human Biology eyes problem

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    • #4265

      Hey. few months ago i found that when there’s no light at the room and i roll my eyeballs in circle (around) , i see like shadows of a circle that look greenish at one moment of time and disappear. and sometimes when i roll my eyes up and down i see like flashes in the dark. I have myopia of around 400 degree and when i go to optomitrist and doctor they didn’t find anything else wrong with my eyes expcept for the nearsigntness, any reason that explain why?

    • #44785

      Nerves can respond to more than one stimulus. Your eyes are designed to respond to light producing sight; when a photon enters your eye the optic nerve percieves it and transfers it to your brain as color. However, the optic nerves will also respond to pressure, and rolling your eyes puts some pressure on them. Your eyes translate that pressure into green color when your brain picks it up (although it’s different for everyone, mine make blue in the same situation). A similar event is seeing colored spots when you rub your eyes, for the same reason.

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