Biology Forum Microbiology good/bad bacteria

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    • #4468

      Hello I was wondering if there is a scientific name for "bad" bacteria?
      And also is "probiotics" a real scientific name for "good" bacteria?

    • #46474

      This can be what you are looking for:
      patogenic bacteria= bad bacteria
      beneficial bacteria(that’s what came to my mind)= good bacteria

      For probiotic:

      Hope this helps. 🙂

    • #47929

      all the pathogenics are not bad…it depend upon which organism they infect..pathogenic of humans are bad but the same for harmful insects may be beneficial for us..

    • #48054

      From the oxford english dictionary a pathogen is a micro-organism that can cause disease. So unless you have some kind of weird fetish in that you like getting sick then yes I’d say they are bad.

    • #48650

      the "good" bacteria is good for human
      the "bad" bacteria is bad for human too.
      i think so
      it is human that decide the bacteria is good or bad 🙁

    • #48743

      Bacteria can be classified as (Bad bacteria) Pathogenic & Commensal or Non- Patogenic Bacteria (Good bacteria)based on their ability to cause disease.

      Pathogenic bacteria always cause infection.It can be infectious to either humans, animals, plants or sometimes in combinations.

      Non- pathogenic bacteria are harmless organisms.More than 500 different species of bacteria exist in our bodies, making up more than 100 trillion cells.The bacteria are on the whole commensal, sharing our food but doing no real harm.In fact, they are often beneficial: Our commensal bacteria protect us from potentially dangerous infections. They do this through close interaction with our immune systems.

    • #51162

      Just a comment. I believe that we really cannot equate bad bacteria = pathogenic bacteria. I agree that all pathogenic bacteria are bad, BUT not all BAD bacteria are pathogenic!! Those bacteria that cause spoilage in the food and beverage industry are not all pathogenic, right?

      quote MAGEE XAVIER:

      Bacteria can be classified as (Bad bacteria) Pathogenic & Commensal or Non- Patogenic Bacteria (Good bacteria)based on their ability to cause disease.

      Non- pathogenic bacteria are harmless organisms.More than 500 different species of bacteria exist in our bodies, making up more than 100 trillion cells.The bacteria are on the whole commensal, sharing our food but doing no real harm.In fact, they are often beneficial: Our commensal bacteria protect us from potentially dangerous infections. They do this through close interaction with our immune systems.

      Commensalism is a relationship where one is benefitted while the other is neither harmed nor benefitted. Since some of those bactera are beneficial to us, they are not commensals. Mutualism, I think is the proper term. And "close interaction with the immune system"? Are you saying that they are in direct contact with our immune system. Maybe what you’re trying to say is that certain by-products of some bacteria may be beneficial to our immune system.

    • #52681

      you must see the structure of Bacteria first.

    • #52683

      Sorry, but this is one of the worst image I have ever seen.

      There is no such thing as a nuclear area, the chromosome being spread all over the cytoplasm, capsules are special structure that are not frequent in bacteria., far from it. Neither do they all have flagella.

      Vade retro to the drawing board inforpic.

    • #52684

      Not very detailed. Only 3 things labelled. 🙁

    • #52747

      ….. what do you mean by 3 labelled?

    • #52799

      He means the link to bacterial illustration. Only 3 are labeled and like what Canalon said, its a bad bacterial illustration. No cell membrane and cell wall even; which are present in all bacteria unlike the capsules and flagella

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