Biology Forum Human Biology Headless

last updated by Dr.Stein 19 years ago
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    • #3281
      Micky T

      Someone told me when people were decapitated they remained concsious for several minutes. Is this true, or just an urban myth?

    • #37836

      i think it’s true. im not sure about humans but once i saw a decapitated chicken running around!!!! but then it died!!

    • #37891
      Micky T

      I thought headless chickens were just because the nervous system went crazy, and spasmed. I heard that when people were decapitated, their head, not their body stayed "alive" ( if you can call that life). I heard that people would continue looking around and blinking even without their bodies, but this could just be spasms too, I guess

    • #37894

      i think it all depends where you sever the neck, if there is still connection to the brain stem or cerebellum then the person cant still be alive for a bit. that is that their body can move but they arent really alive in the true sense

    • #38687
      playboy bunny
      quote Micky T:

      Someone told me when people were decapitated they remained concsious for several minutes. Is this true, or just an urban myth?

      maybe you should try it and find out. if you last for several minutes then you can send us a lab report

    • #38728
      quote playboy bunny:

      quote Micky T:

      Someone told me when people were decapitated they remained concsious for several minutes. Is this true, or just an urban myth?

      maybe you should try it and find out. if you last for several minutes then you can send us a lab report

      now thats just sick! 😯

      wat if he dosent survive how will we know the answer?

    • #38774
      playboy bunny
      quote jnkdna:

      quote playboy bunny:

      quote Micky T:

      Someone told me when people were decapitated they remained concsious for several minutes. Is this true, or just an urban myth?

      maybe you should try it and find out. if you last for several minutes then you can send us a lab report

      now thats just sick! 😯

      wat if he dosent survive how will we know the answer?

      very good point.
      but that that is such a random question. when you get your head cut of thats it, ya dead. although its kinda like when you put an aniaml to sleep. when you euthanise the aniaml, they still get muscle spasms etc.
      but somehow i dont think thats related!

    • #38811

      yea i dont get the relationship btw muscle spasms and being decapitated! being a sleep is not like you’re dead. but then again they could have some relation!

    • #38813
      quote Micky T:

      Someone told me when people were decapitated they remained concsious for several minutes. Is this true, or just an urban myth?

      Why urban?

    • #38815

      Urban mith doesn’t mean it’s from the city, it means "modern mith"

    • #38881
      quote jnkdna:

      i think it’s true. im not sure about humans but once i saw a decapitated chicken running around!!!! but then it died!!

      Haha yes! When I saw someone cutting a hen for food, the hen was running away after being decapitated, here and there for awhile then dead 😛

    • #38954

      Yes, i saw a similar situations at my grandparents house when i was like 5. Talk about trauma…

    • #38967

      The case of the decapitated human is somwhat clear. The head may remain "alive" in terms of motor movement and consciousness. If you think what the body supplies the brain it is rather little, a steady flow of oxygen, nutrients and removing of waste products. Thus the brain is able to remain active in a state of shock for a few breif moments, that is until it runs out of oxygen. Thus the accounts of the moving jaws during the England treason trials
      The headless chicken(or person I suppose) can be explained not through the spasms but through the reflex arch of the spinal cord where the body may conduct basic reactions (such as firing of the muscles of legs) for a short period of time 🙁

    • #39322
      Micky T

      But how can you know that decapitated heads remain conscious…its not as if we can ask them

    • #39491

      from first-aid course:

      without oxygen, the brain has enuff stock of O2 to last for only 10 secs after which the brain cells will start to die..

      after 4-6 mins the brain will suffer irreversible damage 😡 😡 …

      so it’s possible that the ‘head’ has the ability to remain "alive" for a few secs after it’s decapitated??

      where is O2 stored in the brain? how bout the excessive loss of blood from the brain?

      uuuhh.. this is kinda sickk…

    • #39498

      I saw a chicken today(i live at the country) with it’s head cut off and it was running…

      I would say that the brain could remain alive as glucose is stored in astrocites. But only for 2-5 minutes…

    • #39589

      Aww now I am afraid to eat chicken’s head 🙄 😆

    • #39659

      when do you ever eat a chickens head?
      I only ever eat the legs

    • #39717

      I eat all part of chicken mwahahaaaaa 😈

      Hey, you stole my egg? 😯

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