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9 replies
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    • #9843

      I’m always getting nervous when meet some small problem.how can I get away off this?

    • #85065

      meet some big problems so you understand what small problems are.

    • #85112

      I thing you aren’t getting any big problems in your life, that is only you are getting nervous!

    • #85113

      Try autogenic training. It works. Is / was widely used in Eastern Europe in top level sport for psychological preparedness of athletes. It requires consistency and discipline, but its a worthy investment. It will help you.
      There are other cool tools which you can learn, but invest first in this one.

      You can boot yourself in it here:


    • #85118

      I cannot stop laughing at this!

      In fact this post was a big spam, but I removed the link to the pills supposed to solve his problems. All natural product of course. I kept the message, just as a test, and because I liked mith answer.
      Sorry I donot think the poster was actually seeking help. Just credulous customer.

    • #85119
      quote canalon:

      I cannot stop laughing at this!

      In fact this post was a big spam, but I removed the link to the pills supposed to solve his problems. All natural product of course. I kept the message, just as a test, and because I liked mith answer.
      Sorry I donot think the poster was actually seeking help. Just credulous customer.

      Im glad you I provided fun for you 😛


    • #85123

      LOL, Patrick, now it makes total sense

    • #85127
      quote Nad:

      Im glad you I provided fun for you 😛


      Sorry Nad, I did not wanted to make fun of anyone, but the turn that the thread took was quite funny considering how it started. In fact your answer might even be useful, but I somehow doubt that the pill peddler that started the thread would be interested in anything else than by pills. In fact, as it is obvious by his absence of reversion to original of the message, he probably already forgot everything about this forum…

      But, hey, people with anxiety, you might actually be interested in the subject and nad’s serious answer.

    • #85394

      My friend, you should forget, for the mean time, the saying, that "The more problems one has, the more positive emtions that are develooped in him". This is a desperate problem that requires immediate attention. My advices are:
      1. Try and forget the problem;
      2. Try, whenever such a nervousness traps you, to deeply breathe in, and slowly, portion by portion,to breathe out the inhaled air. It usually helps, and
      3. Make a continous massage of the smallest fingers (using other fingers) in both hands. The
      efferent response also always helps.

    • #85731

      Hey, I’m somehow facing the same problem! The difference is, I’m sometime really cool & sometimes really nervous!

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