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    • #3464

      1. How do man’s teeth indicate that he is an omnivorous animal?

      2. What are the special functions the stomach performs?

      3.Describe the mechanics of digestion as food passes through man’s digestive system.

      4. Why may digestion be described as a breaking-down process?

      5. What are enzymes?

      6. Name the enzymes that are important in the digestion of starch, fats, and proteins.

      7. How do the villi of the small intestine function?

      8.In what respect does the absorption of simple sugars differ from that of fats?

    • #39497

      1. They are good for eating after doing homework
      2. Digests stuff in people that do their homework
      3. Food goes in after you do your homework and from then you know what happens.
      4. It breaks down naughty students that don’t do their homework.

      I could continue, but i think you get my point…

    • #39587

      Ah Andrew 😆 8)

    • #50261

      ummm, I had those questions to and they are very hard. First of all it doesnt have the exact research for it and Second of all that person just needed help. I dont think you have to be that sarcastic about it.

    • #50266

      That was certainly very funny, Andrew. I wonder if he got the point.

    • #50271


      we feel that everyone needs to do homework as part of a learning process, as the confucious saying goes, give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him to fish and feed him for life.

      Many people are simply too lazy to crack open their textbooks or use google to search online. Remember, we are a forum for discussion.

    • #50999

      THESE questions are too easy to be asked
      1-man’s teeth are adopted for crushing as well as for grazing…in other words, we may say that these are adopted in suc a way that these have chraceristics of carnivores as well as herbivores
      2-main function of stomach is to store food for some time and it also partly digest the food
      3-third question is very long and should not explain that
      4-because larger food particles are digested to simple diffuseable molecules
      5-enzymes are globular proteins which are biological active .they increase the rate of biological reactions without themselves being used up
      6-for stach……………amulase or amylopsin
      for fat………………lipase
      for protein……….pepsinogen or tripsinogen
      7-they tremendously increase the area of contact with food
      8-simple sugar is absorbed directly into blood wheras fats firstly, in the form of fatty acid and glycerole, enter the lecteal and then enters the blood

      are u satisfyyyy

    • #51013
      damien james

      Another good candidate for homework thread.

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