Biology Forum Community General Discussion Human or Animal

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    • #17486

      Can anyone tell me if this is human or animal? I think it looks like human scapula to me but could be an animal scapula also..hmmm


    • #114245

      Oh man. No one has a guess. Or can someone give me an idea where I could find out? Thanks

    • #114280

      I don’t suppose there are that many bone specialists about Goboso, and I’m not one. What you need to do is tell us exactly where you found it, was it buried and what in? and then someone might be of more help.

    • #114287

      I found it in the ground metal detecting. It was with a lot of broking bottles. May have been a privy dump. I thought it would be animal because of the signs of a privy but when I looked online at bones it looks more human. I would like to bring it to the police to make sure but the town I live in will just file it and never look at it again.
      If it is human it would that of a child I believe.

    • #114318
      quote goboso:

      I found it in the ground metal detecting. It was with a lot of broking bottles. May have been a privy dump. I thought it would be animal because of the signs of a privy but when I looked online at bones it looks more human. I would like to bring it to the police to make sure but the town I live in will just file it and never look at it again.
      If it is human it would that of a child I believe.

      In the very unlikely event that it was human, Goboso, it would be impossible for the police to do anything about it. If it was a complete skeleton that would be different, but an odd bone could have come from anywhere. I can’t quite understand why you say it looks human What bone do you think it is then? All mammals have hips and shoulder blades. To me it looks like part of a shoulder blade that is too thick to be human.

    • #114328

      The reason I thought it was human, I was doing research about the spongy bone pattern. It seems to follow that of a human more than animal. I am not sure as I am not an expert on this stuff. If you click on the 1st pic it gives a real good closeup.

      There could be more bone there I just never went back to check. This bone was full of dirt and I just through it in my back pack not realizing what it could be until I got home and washed it off.

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