Biology Forum Microbiology Identification of a bacterium.

last updated by WntScientist 13 years ago
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    • #16078

      In 1985, a 0.5-mm cell was discovered in surgeonfish and named
      Epulopiscium fishelsoni. It was presumed
      to be a protozoan. In 1993, researchers determined that
      Epulopiscium was actually a gram-positive bacterium.Why do you
      suppose this organism was initially identified as a protozoan?
      What evidence would change the classification to bacterium?

      I don’t know would it be the shape and whether it shows up to be gram positive in a test?

    • #109623

      Probably because it
      1. Is gigantic for a bacterial cell.
      2. Has strange morphological features, like invaginations, vesicles, and tubules.
      3. Reproduces strangely.

      It was found to be bacterial after rRNA sequencing. … 239a0.html

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