Biology Forum Genetics imbreeding

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    • #4570

      i think i understand this question better than others

      the process according to which eventually there are barriers to successful imbreeding between two species with separate geographic ranges is called

      a. sympatric speciation
      b. allopatric speciation
      c. adaptive radiation
      d. polyploid speciation
      e. exaptation

      im thinking a, just because it makes sense in myhead hehe

    • #47138

      its either a or b… but i could use some confirmation on that too!

    • #47139

      it’s B – allopatric speciation occurs due to geograhpical isolation (barriers) like
      the speciation of tilapia fish in lake turkana in kenya due to the lake drying up and separating the original group into three.

      A is speciation between two groups in the same environment due to behavioural habits (one nocturnal and one diurnal), non-matching position of genetalia for reproduction (like a chihhuahua with a great dane) or formation of sterile hybrids (mule from a donkey and a horse)

      i don’t know about E. D might deal with mutations. but C is the process by which one species evolves into different varieties to take advantage of other available niches in it’s habitat (or something like that)
      for example, darwin’s finches in the galapagos islands.

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