Biology Forum Molecular Biology Important unknown nanotech within humans

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    • #10882

      (Post note,someone had edited my posts to make it appear as if i make frequent pauses in my writing in the form of dots…..
      the reason for this is to attempt to hide up the fact that i am covered up via the actor/watching method,that is an identical synth of myself acts as me and is often watched in place when the upper v’s wish to descredit me or hide info about myself and the true situation we are in.
      this results in pauses and gaps in the footage you see of me,ie i pause and wait.i never do this,this is when they cut to the synth android to hide information.
      my true self and actions are never seen by you(ais),even my writings are changed by hyperspace holographics.
      i do believe this method of censorship is often used against targets,attempt to link strange actions and gaps with censorship of lives.
      targets with twitching eyes will often be censored,the twitching occurs to cover the cuts to the actor.
      the "moon",julius,roman and many other upper v’s are partaking in this censorship of history and people)

      Two prior postings of this information resulted in deletion without valid explanation,it breaks no terms and conditions.
      I ask for people to discuss the evidence presented using the scientific method,after all this is a scientific forum and not a censorsip forum?
      All the phenomenon described are valid scientific facts who source and function is somewhat unknown,thus it most be deciphered what is occuring using the scientific principle.
      After all its what science is,discovering the unknown.

      This explains the true purpose of morgellons and the aerosol(chemtrailing) campaign.
      disseminate this information it is vital.
      If you are not familiar with morgellons then I suggest you research the work of Dr hildergard staninger for morgellons and clifford carnicom for chemtriails.
      These links have details into both. … hread=1146 … ead=114071

      bare with me whilst i explain the detail before the overall situation.

      firstly i ask you to become familiar with colloids
      morgellons disease has certain tell tail characteristics which indicate it is caused by a hydro silicate aerogel mass within the body,a colloid.
      Such colloid characteristics are the existence polymer fibres within and around the body, silicate particles and structures such as silicone liquid crystals, vesicles, gels,solid sol and polymer liquid crystals also in and around the body.
      morgellons sufferers also experience intense static charges many times beyond the normal threshold.

      All such characteristics found within sufferers of morgellons are the result of a complex colloidal system within the human body,based primarily upon hydrosillicate aerogel.

      A colloidal mass has a gaseous ,liquid and solid phase,so it is possible for a colloidal mass to exist in a liquid state and transform into a solid state.
      this transformation from a liquid to a solid is exactly what is occurring inside the bodies of morgellons sufferers,more specificly into a hydrosillicate aerogel.

      the transformation of a hydro colloid from a liquid phase to a solid phase leaves signatures of the process and these signatures correlate exactly with what is seen in morgellons disease.

      firstly the colloidal gel, an example of which is shown here

      and referenced here,
      "We report herein a male patient displaying factitious disease of the breast due to injection of a high viscosity liquid plastic material" … cd=6&gl=uk

      such gels are the result of a colloidal aggregation process…

      quote :

      Colloidal suspensions can be regarded as an ideal model system for emulsions, protein solutions, foods, and inks. When colloidal particles strongly attract with each other, they aggregate, phase-separate, and sometimes form gel … Col_E.html

      here is a video demonstrating the coagulation process … dnL5IidXrE

      So as you can see the gel present in morgellons disease is a source of a hydro silicate colloid.

      Now for the liquid crystals unvirsaly seen in morgellons seeping out the skin,in faeces etc.
      an example of which seen in this video … re=related

      and spoken of here,
      "The other woman pulls out “threads, black specks and crystals" … cd=6&gl=uk

      they too are the direct result of a colloidal process,

      quote :

      We propose a novel technique to fabricate a free-standing three-dimensional colloidal crystal by self-assembling the colloidal microspheres with controllable thickness from the air–liquid interface. Highly ordered three-dimensional colloidal crystals are formed by polymethylmethacrylate or polystyrene monodisperse microspheres. We also demonstrate the fabrication technique of the free-standing inversed opals by removing the microspheres using calcination. The free-standing colloidal crystal structures can be used for nano-photonic circuits, white-light LEDs or as a photocatalyst.

      the liquid crystals exist to construct structures such as silicon crystal wires within the body, … ion=detail

      Now the solid sols as discovered by hildegard staninger, … ead=114071…
      "in conclusion, further joint testing and exchange of result between these scientists will prove and illustrate that the particles of silicon and even silica may be a form of silica-sol sphere"

      solid sols are once again a by product of the dynamics of a hydro colloidal mass within the human body,the solid form of an aerogel.

      "solid sol. (chemistry) A type of colloid, of the form of one solid dispersed in another continuous solid."

      vesicles have also been seen im morgellons sufferers,once a again an effect of a colloidal mass.
      These the vesicles are actually comprise a portion of what is referred to as the morgellons “nanobots”,which are actually polyionic bio bots,artificial vesicles. … 0c32828770

      “Spontaneous vesicle formation has been observed in aqueous mixtures of tri-(N-dodecyldimethylhydroxypropylammonium chloride) phosphate (PTA) and bis-(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate (Aerosol OT) “
      it is noticeable that all of the elements used to form vesicles from a colloid are present in the composition of chemtrails or as additives in the food supply.

      Now we have seen how the elemental signatures of morgellons are the product of an existence of a hydro colloid within the body.
      the next part regards the process of a colloid turning from a liquid to a solid state.
      An important aspect of this is chemtrails,so I ask you to research it here,

      a colloids particles will contain a uniform electrostatic charge which results in a repulsive effect between its nanoparticles,hence a stable medium that does not coagulate strongly.
      if one wishes to cause a colloid to coagulate and thus turn into a solid the following procedures are used.
      (the solidifaction of a colloid is called a destablisation).

      "* Removal of the electrostatic barrier that prevents aggregation of the particles. This can be accomplished by the addition of salt to a suspension or changing the pH of a suspension to effectively neutralize or "screen" the surface charge of the particles in suspension. This removes the repulsive forces that keep colloidal particles separate and allows for coagulation due to van der Waals forces.
      * Addition of a charged polymer flocculant. Polymer flocculants can bridge individual colloidal particles by attractive electrostatic interactions. For example, negatively-charged colloidal silica particles can be flocculated by the addition of a positively-charged polymer.
      * Addition of nonadsorbed polymers called depletants that cause aggregation due to entropic effects.
      * Physical deformation of the particle (e.g., stretching) may increase the van der Waals forces more than stabilization forces (such as electrostatic), resulting coagulation of colloids at certain orientations.

      It is highly conveniant that morgellons is known as the fibre disease,and that two of the methods described above to solidify a colloid is via the use of a charged polymer,either charged polymer flocculants,or non absorbed polymers(depletants).
      these polymers and fibres seen in morgellons are emitted FROM THE CHEMTRAILING CAMPAIGN and are described by Dr Hildergard Staninger in these interviews … -there-tv/

      the fibres from chemtrails have been analysed in detail in this research article, … ead=114071

      you can actually see how fibres have caused the hydro silicate colloid to solidify into its gel state in this video, … re=related
      the fibres are woven intricately within and around the silicate structure indicating the silicate structure formed around the fibres.this would only be the case IF THE FIBRES CAUSED THE COLLOID TO SOLLIDIFY with an introduction of an electrostatic charge imbalance.

      This next video demonstrates how the fibres are seen to cause the silicate gel to aggregate around the charged fibres in sporadic,clumped gelatinous masses. … re=related
      you can actually see the silicate gel clumping around the polymer fibres.

      It can be seen then that the fibres that are emitted in chemtrails and manufactured in the body from “dragonead” shaped nanotechnology exist as a scaffold for the colloid to solidify into complex forms.

      The changing of the P.H level is also important. "cures" for morgellons usually involve the intake of extreme PH substances,this is clearly disinfo and designed to solidify the colloidal mass.
      As described above
      “ Removal of the electrostatic barrier that prevents aggregation of the particles. This can be accomplished by the addition of salt to a suspension or changing the pH of a suspension to effectively neutralize or "screen" the surface charge of the particles in suspension.”
      despite this fact extreme P.H cures are spouted everywhere and are clearly an attempt to accelerate the advancement of the technology.

      The intense static charge evident in morgellons is the result of the colloidal particles large surface area allowing for intense static charges to be created.
      this static charge is noticed by morgellons sufferers and is often wholey blamed on the fibres.
      however it can be seen to be caused by the presence of the hydro silicate colloid in the abdomen area of the sufferers.

      What is also important is the composition of the water fluoridation system,they all contain silicates,…odium_fluorosilicate.html
      aluminium floursilicate
      floursilicate acids

      So the sillicates which are the bases of the hydro silicate aerogel which is the lynch pin of the morgellons system find their way into our bodies via the water supply.over the years the silicates aggregate within the digestive system which acts as the base for the entire system..
      It is uncertain at present if this is the only delivery system of silicates to the body.

      The other elements which are needed to construct the complex colloid based technology system within the body are delivered through the food supply in the form of transitional metals, positively charged ions(which solidify the colloids),and through the chemtrail campaign which supplies the fibres, metals and more positively charged anions.

      So what we have is an undeniable evidence that morgellons disease is primarily the existence of a hydro silicate colloidal mass within the body which solidifies into a hydro silicate aerogel and complexes such as bio nanotecnology.

      this hyrdo sillicate aero gel has been detected around the world in strange locations with human white blood cells embedded in its structure
      white blood cells attack foreign matter within the human body.

      There is evidence to suggest the bio nanotechnology aquires its energy from glycolysis,the same method as the human body,this is why a low sugar diet is seen to be somewhat benificial in morgellons.

      From preliminary research the complex agreggation of the colloid into more solid forms can be stopped by the use of similiary charged particles,such as negative ions…
      Anions, which are one such method,thus permiating the biological strucutre with an anionic substance should reduce or negate the functions of the bio nanotechnology.

      so what is going on?,

      There exists in all humans a highly sophisticated network of hidden bio nanotechnology , the evidence described above to you is but an iota of the network which permeates our bodies.

      This hydro silicate based network exists to control the biological and mental functions of human beings,from mind control to the implementation of diseases which are assumed to be natural.

    • #88940

      Ionic liquids can be made to co agulate/sollidify with the addition of hydro phobic sillica particles!

      "All the ILs used in this study can be solidified by the addition of hydrophobic silica particles."

      it is no co cidence water flouridastion compounds all contain sillicate particles!

      there are room temperature ionic liquids that perform the above process perfectly,they are called Deep eutectic solvents( which are soluble in celluose which comprises the structure of biological life).
      Deep eutectic solvents can be formed via various processes:

      when Choline chloride reacts with urea it forms an ionic colloid,
      "The deep eutectic phenomenon was first described in 2003 for a mixture of choline chloride (2-hydroxyethyl-trimethylammonium chloride) and urea in a 1:2 mole ratio, respectively. Choline chloride has a melting point of 302 °C and that of urea is 133 °C. The eutectic mixture however melts as low as 12 °C."

      choline chloride unsuprisingly is a additive in the food chain,specificly as an additive in livestock feed and is also known as the "vitamin" B4.
      you may also notice that the choline chloride additive is usually 50% sillica!

      urea is formed in the body with the interaction of aspertic acid,water,ammonia and c02.

      Aspartame- another food additive breaks down into aspertic acid in the liver,the location where the fomration of urea takes aspertame acts as an accelerant in the production of urea which in turn accelerates the creation of the ionic liquid.
      urea is also heavily used in the agriculture process as a fertilisation accelerant, which causes urea to leak into the water table.
      it also leaks into the water suppy as a result of water recycling.

      so when an ionic liquid such as deep euticitc solvent interacts with sillica particles it causes the ionic liquid to sollidify into a hydro sillicate gel within the human body!

      an alternative method by which an ionic liquid can be produced within the digestive system is by the interaction between qaurternary ammonium salts and hydrogen donors such as Carboxylic acid.
      Benzoic acid is one such hydrogen doner,as to is sodium chlorite and formaldhyde.all three are present in the human consumption chain,bezoic acid being a highy common food preservative,sodium chlorite is present in toothpast,chewing gum,shampoo and aqueous cosmetic formulations,.formaldehyde is present in tobocco smoke, resins, crease resistant fabrics and aqueous cosmetic formulations such as shampoos, conditioners, shower gels, liquid handwash and bubble bath.
      It is noticable that formaldehyde and sodium chlorite,two of only a handful of carboxylic acids availible to form an ionic liquid are often coupled together in similar products.
      What also catches the attention is the exact composition of cosmetic preservatives;
      Quaternium-15, imidazolidinyl urea and diazolidinyl urea ……..formaldehyde and urea coupled together.if you remember urea is needed to react with choline chloride to form an ionic liquid,and that urea forms with formaldehyde to form urea formaldehyde resin.
      here is an interesting article regarding formaldehyde in cosmetics … art-2.html

      When reacted with urea formaldehyde produces hard thermoset urea formaldehyde resin, which are commonly used in permanent adhesives such as those used in plywood or carpeting.
      It is noticable the number of food contanimination scandals involving the carboxylic acid formaldehyde despite the fact it is illegal and carconigenic.

      Quaternary ammonium salts are also present in the environment in the forms of water repellents, fungicides, emulsifiers, paper softeners, antistatic agents, corrosion inhibitors ,amine present in tobacco and numerous other sources.
      Recently “they” have been used once again been touted as a food preservative … cd=5&gl=uk

      what is strange is that there is a mystery surrounding the dissapearence of quaternary ammonium salts in the digestive system as described in this study … 1&SRETRY=0

      The study concludes ions are responsible for the salts dissapearance……cations comprise the ionic liquid spoken of prior.

      Below is a study regarding the absorption of highly ionized drugs by the digestive system,
      “Gastro-intestinal absorption of such compounds cannot be explained by the pH-partition hypothesis”

      the existence of an ionic liquid in the gasto-intestinal system is a clear explanation for the above missing mechanism … of_ILs.asp

      So it is established the mechanisms by which an ionic colloid can be made to exist within the biological system

      Once again we move on to the subject of previously described the coagullation of the cationic liquid can be achieved by many methods,these methods are strangly present in chemtrials.
      We have already established that fibres and polymers are present in chemtrails and are intended to cause the soldification of the cationic colloid.
      Now we must look at other substances.
      The addition of oppositily charged ions to the colloid cations,anions would also cause a solidification……such cations are dominant in chemtrail samples!


      Infact the constituants of chemtrials contain entrirely cationic elements tying in exactly with the predication that chemtrails are being used to deliver cations to the anionic colloid/liquid present in the human body in order to sollidify it!.

      Such is the level of cationic dispertion from the chemtrails that the soil is beccoming more saline.

      “A case can be made that the salt levels in our soils may be increasing from
      the deposition of atmospheric aerosol reactive metal salts over time” … cd=5&gl=uk

      so it can be seen then that it all ties together perfectly,anionic colloids are being “brewed” within the biologocial system of humans which are then being sollidified into hydrosillicate aerogels in order to create nanotechnology that is often assosciated as morgellons disease!

      So whats the cure?,i do believe abstaining from all forms of cations and the chemicals and elements described in this research will negate or at least grind down the development of the morgellons network.
      The intake of anions is essential as it destablises the colloid causing it to remain in a liquid state.

      Sources of natural anions are waterfalls,showers,beaches and any such moving water,
      sunlight pine forests etc
      a listed is in this link.

    • #88941

      What can I say, I’m stunned. Looks like the best scientific theory right after phlogiston!

    • #88942
      quote biohazard:

      What can I say, I’m stunned. Looks like the best scientific theory right after phlogiston!

      that is an opinion which does not include an iota of an argumentent,evidence or data.

      please use the scientific method if you wish to form an opinion,otherwise your opinion is worthless.

      you havnt even discussed a single point raised,have you even read it?.

      i want no more of this-i ask simply for discussion using the scientific principle, i expect the opposite to be the case.

    • #88943

      The short answer to your request is, it’s not scientific. We want posts to be backed up by either:

      1. Classwork/experiments
      2. Textbooks
      3. Peer-reviewed journals
      4. .edu domain sites

      Other sites of questionable merit do not qualify. Additionally, citing a definition of colloids or a paper on vesicle formation but does not otherwise say anything about morgonell’s disease is not a valid form of support. The connection should be solid, the disease itself should be cited in the article. None of your sources show that.

      The long answer is, we already had a thread (over 500 posts) where we debated the validity of such disease, treatments, diagnosis etc. You would do well to read that. We concluded that the parties involved produced no credible evidence for continuation of the thread.

    • #88944

      I don’t know why I even bother to answer, since this thread probably gets deleted again in no time (and can’t blame the mods for that), but maybe I just want to protect other Internet users from hoaxes like this.

      So, I actually did read through that monstrous list of nonsense you managed to post here, even though just a few chapters would’ve been well enough to prove that this whole morgellons talk is just there to mislead people, either intentionally or unintentionally. Although the latter option requires such a lack of objective thinking and common sense that I find it unlikely that even the author themselves truly believes all this. It would be oh so easy just to hope that nobody with a slightest hint of rational thought would buy this, but in this wonderland we call the Internet apparently any theory no matter how absurd it might be has its devoted supporters.

      There are so many flaws, errors, over-generalisations and wrong conclusions in the original post that it’d take more than a couple of days to sort them all out, so there’s no way I’m starting to correct or disprove those claims.

      All I will say is that if someone seriously believes this load of doodelidoo, then good luck in avoiding your cations and the gazillion chemicals and other compounds listed in the post, and happy sitting in the waterfall. I bet it makes your life fantastic. Just don’t let ’em nanomachines get you!

    • #88947

      i am flabergasted by the negative response and the level of hostility shown towards a simple posting.
      there are many people whom are suffering greatly because of this ailment i seek only to get to the bottom of this out of my own free will and dedicated good heart.
      if you biohazard have a problem with this thats fine by me but if all you will do is slate without discussion then you are of no use to this line of enquiry.

      mith,there is valid and scientificly proven evidence provided,agreed this is not actually a presentation of the proof of morgellons rather an explanation for what it is.
      if you wish me to prove its existence then i will.
      Dr hildegard staninger is world renowkned chemtist and toxicoligist whom has done significant research into this subject,she and other shave proven categoricly the exstence of advanced technology within human beings.
      the link to the some of her research was provided.
      the data and results she aquired were done under the scientific method using well established labs run by qualified professionals,the specimen results of those tests once again PROVE beyond all doubt the existence of unknown technology within humans.

      this is indeed a new and rough thread i made and that is intended,its just beggining and i hoped it would blossom here due to the expertise of others.a few hours reseach and writing,the groundwork for the whole of the line of enquiry to reach a conclusion.

      i have been through this all before and have won , there is something here that has a basis for research…why 500 pages couldnt prove it is probably down the ignorace of the critics and lack of knowledge of the adherants.

      this line of enquiry takes a completly different direction to those which have come before as it is of my own research and via a piece of information supplied by some one else "hydro sillicate aerogel".
      so i hope the answer to morgellons lies here,those 500 pages as you say were most likely wasted on disinformation,ignorance and ineptitude.

      so i ask again for you to read the evidence and argument provided,do not cop out and say "its not worth reading",thats an excuse to not enter a debate.

      if you beleive it to be so unvalidated then prove it wrong,come on what do you have to fear?,discuss it,enter a logical discourse with me and attempt to get the bottom of the sitation with me,people need our help and theres no one better than i.

      this is to important to be haughty over , my points have yet to be refuted only ignored.

      criticism is welcome as i as you wish to find the truth.

    • #88949

      i might add its impossible to supply
      1. Classwork/experiments
      2. Textbooks
      3. Peer-reviewed journals
      4. .edu domain sites

      because no one bar research scientists working for the governments/militaries a and few brave scientists are actually undertaking research and study into it.
      those few brave scientists who do actually do discover there is something in it beyond the disinformation and disingenious rebutles.

      this is a budding area of research,as with all such areas the groundwork must be layed in order for it to become more "established",its impossible to do so otherwise is it not?.

      it is noticable there are patents in existence regarding the spraying of barium,aerosols and aero sol liquidsinto the atmosphere and that the phenomenon and results of these aerosol activities have been studied and proven. … cd=4&gl=uk

      the dates of these patents are around 2 decades old,and now we are seeing the implimentation of them which co incides with the acceleration of morgellons.the constituents of these aerosol campaigns are proven to all be cations.what is the purpose of them?,i provide an answer.

    • #89093

      there is a conclusive history of silica gels being formed with ionic solvents such as a deep eutectic solvent,

      Preparation of silica aerogel using ionic liquids as solvents

      Room temperature ionic liquids as templates in the synthesis of mesoporous silica via a sol–gel method … c634edda48 … e83ab13929

      given that silica aero gels are being found in humans,and in abundance in humans who suffer from the morgellons mystery technology i believe its evident i am presenting the right information to you,

      anyone interested in helping me?,this is vital its more important that you could ever imagine.

    • #89094

      the exact process i described of urea and choline chloride as the mechanism by which silica gels are being formed in humans has been proven to be true externaly,

      Superhydrophobic optically transparent silica films formed with a eutectic liquid ,

      quote :

      “A eutectic liquid (choline chloride and urea) that served as a templating agent in sol–gel processing was used to prepare thin silica films on glass microscope slides. Subsequent extraction of the eutectic liquid yielded a film with a rough surface. After treating the film surface with a fluoroalkyl silane, the surface became superhydrophobic with a contact angle not, vert, similar 170° and a contact angle hysteresis < 10°. The optical transmittance of the film coated on the glass slide was comparable to that of the microscope glass slide. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) was used to characterize the surface structures; a tipless probe allowed measurement of the force of interaction with superhydrophobic surfaces. The interaction force between the AFM probe and the superhydrophobic surface was reduced greatly compared to that between the probe and the flat surface treated with fluoroalkyl silane.

      Keywords: Superhydrophobicity; Sol–gel; Eutectic liquid; Transparency; Surface roughness … ac60039d0b

      with the addition of the affore mentioned methods of coagulation such as charged fibres and sillica particles its evident that complex forms of silica aerogel could be produced.

      i need an expert as i have many other things on my plate(that is an understatement!) come along and ride with glory. … sawyer.jpg

    • #89097

      Well the thing is you’re not helping your case if you do not cite relevant information. For one, what makes you any different from the quacks who talk about phrenology?
      We cannot verify any of the info that you are posting, if you’re truly against disinformation, how do you propose we differentiate your "correct" information from the postings of other people(like those in the previous thread) since none of you actually cite anything more credible than the other?

    • #89104
      quote mith:

      Well the thing is you’re not helping your case if you do not cite relevant information. For one, what makes you any different from the quacks who talk about phrenology?
      We cannot verify any of the info that you are posting, if you’re truly against disinformation, how do you propose we differentiate your “correct” information from the postings of other people(like those in the previous thread) since none of you actually cite anything more credible than the other?
      quote mith:

      Well the thing is you’re not helping your case if you do not cite relevant information. For one, what makes you any different from the quacks who talk about phrenology?
      We cannot verify any of the info that you are posting, if you’re truly against disinformation, how do you propose we differentiate your “correct” information from the postings of other people(like those in the previous thread) since none of you actually cite anything more credible than the other?

      what are you talking about?, ive cited numerous credible sources. you are being intentfuly dismissive ignoring the facts and credible sources i clearly presented,one in the first few sentences.
      heres a few.

      this research is not from rumormill it is simply posted there amoungst several other places,its highly credible. … ead=114071

      the work of DR michael castle.

      Link to Dr karjoo who researches morgellons,

      clifford carnicom has done numerous research projects into this subject using professional laboratories wiht "credible" scientific method.

      you are simply refusing to engage in a debate,refusing to discuss the argument i present,why?
      it amounts to anti science,proove me wrong. if you are so confident of fault then it is your duty to prove otherwise.

      i present a valid argument backed up by evidence,research and systems analysis.

      the argument i present is pretty convincing as i explained the use of ionic solvents such as choline chloride/urea to generate sillica gels is a proven fact and i didnt even know that as i was writing the report,the clues came together as i knew compounds digested by humans are being used to form silica gels within the digestive system.

      i present a method and explanation for morgellons,the most valid one so far as all the analysis of the compounds found within morgellons point to a ionic solvent being used to generate silica gels which form the back bone of the nanotech.

      what do you believe the morgellons situation is?,how do you account for the anomylous compounds and elements seen within morgellons?,the solid sols?,the nanopolymer fibres?.
      i have seen the fibres growing out of peoples skin,i have seen peoples hairs being replaced with pseudo hairs,it is a real phenomenon that needs explaining,simply saying "i refuse to discuss it as it isnt recognized by certain establishment" is a cop out.
      and when that establishment refuses to aknowledge any evidence presented to them no matter how conclusive even showing them chemicly analyzed fibres masquerading as eye lashes,the argument wears thin,theres something here that needs explaining and they are to afraid or arrogant to do so.

      what do you mean exactly by credible?,who are you to judge for the whole world what is and isnt credible?,it sounds more like a dismissal of evidence based purely upon hierarcial status of the source rather than the method and data.
      in other words using status prejudice as a disguise for a refusal to aknknowledge an argment.
      anyway so called credible sources arnt exactly the be all and end all of the scientific world given their lack of ability to explain various phenomena.

      for example alzheimer’s is the accumilation of iron in the brain caused by the breakdown of red blood cells and the subsequent release of their iron(65% of the bodies iron is contained in RBC),ive been saying this for years and now it is coming to light,

      quote :

      Examining the role of anomalous iron concentrations in Alzheimer’s disease, and their implications for early detection and diagnosis … mentID=272

      what is breaking down the red blood cells?,by god its the nanotech
      as you can see this a credible and valid experiment showing the existence of pathogens which are destroying red blood cells releasing iron into the bloodstream which then accumlates in the brain,

      whats more the only real(aknowledged ;-)) method by which to prevent alzhiemers is to control your diet along the lines of,

      quote :

      The components of a Mediterranean diet, which include fruit and vegetables, bread, wheat and other cereals, olive oil, fish, and red wine, may all individually or together reduce the risk and course of Alzheimer’s disease.[103] Several vitamins such as B12, B3, C or folic acid have been found in some studies to be related to a reduced risk of AD[104] but other studies indicate that they do not have any significant effect on the onset or course of the disease and may have important adverse effects.[105] Curcumin from the curry spice turmeric has shown some effectiveness in preventing brain damage in mouse models.

      now correlate that which iron antagonists and synergists,

      quote :

      Iron Synergists:
      Phosphorus, bismuth, germanium,nickel,
      manganese, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin C,
      folate, niacin, niacinamide, lecithin, protein,

      Iron Antagonists:
      Zinc, calcium, magnesium, tin, cobalt, Vitamin B2,
      Vitamin B5, Vitamin B12, Vitamin E, caffeine,
      insoluble fiber, rice (phytates), tea (tannic acid),
      soy protein, dairy (casein), oxalic acid, [folate],

      and with iron rich foods,

      a meditarianin diet contains highl levels of insoluble fibre,low levels of red meat(protein=high iron),olive oil reduces iron … 1/art00793
      Olive oil is also a huge source of vitamin E,an iron antagonist

      Folate another iron antagonist and is also in abundance in the medditeranian diet,as is vitamin b 12 yet another iron antagonist,

      quote :

      Women with the least Mediterranean-like diet were about three times more likely to have had a child with spina bifida, the researchers found. And the more closely a woman’s diet adhered to the Mediterranean pattern, the higher her blood levels of folate and vitamin B12. … zEz1067246

      need i continue?,everything that is an iron antagonizer is linked with reduced alzheimers symptoms,and the disease is seen to always show iron concentrations in the brain.
      alziemers explained most will say its merely natural iron accumilation but i say its the nanotech,why?,because as i understand the nanotech and its source,the reason for it being in us population control.
      as i said in the first post the nanotech is used to afflict so many diseases within us that are assumed to be natrual and i will prove that.and if you understand the nanotech you will realise how easy it is to cure so called complex natural diseases so who wants to ride with glory,and i mean glory 😉

      cure the nanotech and you cure 90% of diseases simple as that,would you like to be the one?

      who wants the cure for cancer?

    • #89111

      Hihihi, this is so absurd that it’s getting hilarious. Dude, don’t forget your tin foil hat!

      But I have to give it to you: the day you manage to prove that cancer, alzheimer’s, squint and bad hair day are all caused by nanotechnology, you really get to say "neener" to a whole lot of people 😛

    • #89119
      quote biohazard:

      Hihihi, this is so absurd that it’s getting hilarious. Dude, don’t forget your tin foil hat!

      But I have to give it to you: the day you manage to prove that cancer, alzheimer’s, squint and bad hair day are all caused by nanotechnology, you really get to say “neener” to a whole lot of people 😛

      Once again you seem incapable of entering a discussion resorting to insults and words that carry a negative connotation.

      you mention not an iota of the positive information i present,information which anyone can see is seem intent in portraying all presented as negative a bit strange no?, you are biased,illogical incapable of rational discussion,incapable of weighing simple facts that others can,therefore you are not able effectivly understand the scientific process.

      i kinda get the impression you are acting the fool on purpose "hihihih" "dude" "neener"…that doesnt sound like you,you are lowering the tone of the overall discussion?,pretty obvious you are ,why?

      so let me explain it real simple to you iron accumilation in the brain causes neurodegeneration.fact

      alzhiemers is seen to be a neurodegnerative condition where iron accumilates in the brain,fact.

      is the link not obvious?,what do you have to say about the link?,anything?,will you even aknowledge anything valid i say or are you intent on focusing and portraying only the negative like a rasping bushite politician?

      Everything about alzhiemers points to an iron accumilation, technological pathogens have been proven to be destroying red blood cells that contain the majority of iron in the body,the link isnt between the nanotech and alzhiemers isnt concrete i admit but i know for a fact diseases are caused by nanotech FOR I HAVE CURED APPRARENT INCURABLE DISEASES MYSELF by targeting the nanotechnology.
      simple as as that,with my own hands INCURABLE DISEASES.

      now will you please enter a discussion just once,actually attempt to prove me wrong or right instead of resorting to well known and established trolling stratagems,the fact that you dont enter a discussion is evident you are incapable of it.

      prove me wrong , the onus is one you.if you cant, stay silent and stick to your insults which are the hallmark of he who is incapable of intelligent discourse.

      the fact that you use the phrase tin foil hat is a heavy indicator of your directive,for that phrase is suddenly being used worldwide as a method to discredit the truth.

      im not a fan of conspiracy theory,but the worlds biggest conspiracy website which us widely known as a disinformation operation run by rumoroued sources and is pretty much promoting the whole tin foil hat term to describe its own users,theyve got a wiki page named tinwiki,which again exists to discredit the truth.
      the website latest phrase is "10 years of tin",now everyone who looks learns the website is disinfo and rumours are abound as to whom is running it,it exists to discredit the truth,everything there is a lie.
      the exact same tactics used their by professional disinformation networks you are using now…..a refusal to debate or even mention the evidence presented,a continual attack upon the reputation of the poster,catch phrases which carry negative connotations…its all been noted and many are becoming aware of it.
      so use not discreditation tactics or insults, DEBATE THE EVIDENCE i present rationaly,how simple could it be for you?.

    • #89120

      so i took up your challenge of saying "neener" to alot of people and within about 10 mins of research theres a strong link between morgellons and iron neurodegeneration…..

      firstly the iron seen in alzheimers is iron magnetite,

      quote :

      The study looked at brain tissue from 11 Alzheimer’s Disease and 11 age-matched control subjects. It showed, for the first time, that the total concentration of biogenic magnetite is generally higher in the Alzheimer brain (in some cases as much as 15 times greater than controls) and that there are gender-based differences, with Alzheimer’s Disease with female subjects having significantly higher concentrations than all other groups. … des/19993/

      there is also a mystery surrounding the source of that magnetite in humans given its scarcity in the animal kingdom and that it has no use in the human brain at all……

      quote :

      Magnetite has also been found in animals that navigate by compass direction, such as bees, birds, and fish, but scientists do not know why the magnetite is present in humans, only that it is there.

      now its no surpise that such iron magnetite is usually seen in morgellons sufferers….often coming out the nasal cavity

      here are some pictures of "black crystals/specks often seen in morgellons,they are magnetic and look identical to iron magnetite … cd=4&gl=uk

      this what magnetite looks like

      as you can see the substance is cleary magnetite,this magnetite is present in many sufferers and is refered to as "black specks" that often ooze out of the anus and nasal cavity,many sufferers have noted its magnetic nature.

      here is search term already done for you bio to look up the black specks as you dont seem to like doing any, 😆 … arch&meta=

      so we have an abundance of iron magnetite in morgellons which accumilates in the brain and causes….neurodegneration. blood cells as previously mentioned also are significantly lowered in morgellons…..and the iron is realeased into the blood stream and accumilates in the brain,neurodegeneration,

      quote :

      Hematological (blood work) abnormalities: low hemoglobin and hematocrit with abnormal red blood cell count and biochemical abnormalities, … cd=1&gl=uk

      it is no suprise that iron oxide is constantly seen in chemtrailing,another search term for you … arch&meta=

      once again we have another co incidence the ability of hydro sillica aerogels to produce iron magnetite nanoparticles! … 4d9cfae81b

      quote :

      Magnetic nanocomposites formed by iron oxide particles hosted in silica aerogels pores have been synthesized by sol–gel processes and supercritical evacuation of the solvent.

      what is important in morgellons is of course that….cognitive abilties seem to wain and degenerate…… … arch&meta=

      …Thus we have alot of highly suggestive and incriminating evidence do we not?,hmmmmm? i say the source of mystery iron magnetite in the human brain is caused by the hydro silica aerogel based nanotechnology system.

      ahhhhhhh…it took me 10 mins to find all of that….
      ,give me a research team, a modest budget and hospital and ile prove and cure anything you want from cancer(ile leave that for later :mrgreen: ) to hyperthyroidism. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      its all about understanding the nanotech,then the worlds your mollusk!

    • #89121

      Ok, if you can’t tell reputable sources from non, then don’t post. Look on the frontpage of rense, it has conspiracy theories, banners from the raelians which if you remember pretended to clone someone and proposed they all be taken up by the mothership.

      Here’s the disclaimer from rense

      The myriad of facts, conjecture, perspectives, viewpoints, opinions, analyses, and information in the articles, stories and commentaries posted on this site range from cutting edge hard news and comment to extreme and unusual perspectives. We choose not to sweep uncomfortable material under the rug – where it can grow and fester. We choose not to censor skewed logic and uncomfortable rhetoric. These things reflect the world as it now is – for better and worse. We present multiple facts, perspectives, viewpoints, opinions, analyses, and information.

      This passage means, there is no fact checking, and you can make up pretty much any BS and be published. Where’s the accountablility? Why do you think this site is reputable, or reliable in any way? What standards if any are you using?

      I’ve already said what I believe what reputable sources are(journals etc), and I was even generous enough to give you leeway if you can explain how these alternative sources are reputable but you have not shown me anything to support this claim.

      Same thing with carnicom. All I see is a bunch of pictures and videos, there are no journal entries or well ordered protocols. If he adhered to the scientific principles, why is he not published? There’s thousands of journals and you’re pretending to tell me that he got published in none of them even though he followed the scientific method? You’re telling me that everyone is in on some policy and that there’s no drug company greedy enough to jump on developing the next blockbuster drug?

    • #89122
      quote vincio:

      now will you please enter a discussion just once,actually attempt to prove me wrong or right instead of resorting to well known and established trolling stratagems,the fact that you dont enter a discussion is evident you are incapable of it.

      Okay, you got me there: I’ve been guilty of trolling (or at least feeding one?). I try to improve my behaviour from now on and keep my trap shut, just like I should’ve done in the first place. The mods removed two of your posts before I stupidly took the bait and commented on this thread, and now we’re having this fight against windmills of pseudoscience (gee, how poetic!), which leads us nowhere.

      So unless something actually important emerges in this thread, I try to be silent and not insult you any more. Be well.

    • #89131
      quote mith:

      Ok, if you can’t tell reputable sources from non, then don’t post. Look on the frontpage of rense, it has conspiracy theories, banners from the raelians which if you remember pretended to clone someone and proposed they all be taken up by the mothership.

      Here’s the disclaimer from rense

      The myriad of facts, conjecture, perspectives, viewpoints, opinions, analyses, and information in the articles, stories and commentaries posted on this site range from cutting edge hard news and comment to extreme and unusual perspectives. We choose not to sweep uncomfortable material under the rug – where it can grow and fester. We choose not to censor skewed logic and uncomfortable rhetoric. These things reflect the world as it now is – for better and worse. We present multiple facts, perspectives, viewpoints, opinions, analyses, and information.

      This passage means, there is no fact checking, and you can make up pretty much any BS and be published. Where’s the accountablility? Why do you think this site is reputable, or reliable in any way? What standards if any are you using?

      I’ve already said what I believe what reputable sources are(journals etc), and I was even generous enough to give you leeway if you can explain how these alternative sources are reputable but you have not shown me anything to support this claim.

      Same thing with carnicom. All I see is a bunch of pictures and videos, there are no journal entries or well ordered protocols. If he adhered to the scientific principles, why is he not published? There’s thousands of journals and you’re pretending to tell me that he got published in none of them even though he followed the scientific method? You’re telling me that everyone is in on some policy and that there’s no drug company greedy enough to jump on developing the next blockbuster drug?

      here we go again.

      mith you are confusing the host of the material with the source of material itself.
      the information you are talking of regarding rense was not made or produced by rense IT IS HOSTED THERE amoungst several other places.
      it is equivelant to saying "i will not accept the second law of thermodynamics because it is hosted on a cooking website"

      the research contained on rense you refer to is that of doctor hildergard staninger whos research and methods are entirely valid and adhere to all known scientific principles and use the highest of laboratory facilities.her research i cite is presented in the mannor you require.
      end of that discussion.
      i dont see how you got the two muddled up…infact it astonished me! 😳 😳 😳

      clifford carnicom has done a decades worth of research into the aerosol phenomena and his reseach once again does include well ordered protocols etc,here take a look at some picked at random

      an example of a lab report showing the constituiants of chemtrails

      as you can see the accusation of it being "nothing but videos and pictures" is utterly based in the recesses of your imagination and is an utter distortion of reality,why are you so intent on portraying an alternate version of reality,its so obvious the opposite is true anyone can see that!.
      all you are doing is refusing to discuss by citing invalid refusal aurguments,what are you afraid of?,the truth?.

      ok lets start again,would care to discuss this research,it has everything you need and require no grounds for you to refuse at all. … ead=114071

    • #89132
      quote biohazard:

      quote vincio:

      now will you please enter a discussion just once,actually attempt to prove me wrong or right instead of resorting to well known and established trolling stratagems,the fact that you dont enter a discussion is evident you are incapable of it.

      Okay, you got me there: I’ve been guilty of trolling (or at least feeding one?). I try to improve my behaviour from now on and keep my trap shut, just like I should’ve done in the first place. The mods removed two of your posts before I stupidly took the bait and commented on this thread, and now we’re having this fight against windmills of pseudoscience (gee, how poetic!), which leads us nowhere.

      So unless something actually important emerges in this thread, I try to be silent and not insult you any more. Be well.

      what planet are you living on?,you once again refuse to enter debate despite the fact ive asked you twice to discuss the alzhiemers iron link….which if you bothered to do any research or actually read what i posted is trure.

      let me make it even easier for you…..not a report but a news report…. … 191530.htm

      quote :

      cienceDaily (Sep. 28, 2007) — Scientists suspect that iron accumulation plays a role in neurodegenerative processes such as Parkinson’s disease, but its distribution in neurons has never been observed because of the lack of techniques to do so. Until today.

      read it and understand what i say is entirely valid,not only is iron accumliation seen to be present in alzhiemers but also in parkinsons,isnt that a co incidence.
      do have anything to say about that?…i doubt it…you are intentionally derailing…the only question is why?,you fear something…its obvious.

      look terry pratchett has come out with a theory of how alzhimers is being caused by mercury dental fillings,how does he get headlines!,mine has infinitly more evidence and co incides with iron accumilation in other neurodegenerative diseases. … alzheimers

      here is some links to how to professionaly derail and discredit threads.

      first the definition

      number one: attack the threads sources,sound familiar 😉

      two: attack the author,

      3 appeal to higher authority,ie "protocols"(which were infact adhered too)

      quote :

      First, the attacker must portray his attack as an attempt to support the order of values of society by exposing a violator who deserves to be exposed, in essence enhancing his own image as he assaults another’s.

      4: potray an alternate reality ie "its all images and videos"

      quote :

      CONTRAST IMAGE AND REALITY. As alluded to earlier, this is a basic method for discrediting someone or something, which is part of all the other techniques described. In it, the journalist shows the claims that are being made and contrasts them with other information, to show that those claims are false

      5: changing the subject,ie not once discussing the arguments presented at all costs

      quote :

      What Does It Do? It’s basically a technique for muddying the rhetorical waters and derailing comment threads away from the original point of discussion.

      6: the charecature,ie tinfoil etc

      quote :

      The Strawman

      What Is It? The essence of this tactic is to set up a caricature of your opponent (most amenable to demolishing by your preferred line of argumentation, of course), then proceed to knock it down. You can see an excellent discussion of this tactic (carried on at book length in the Left Behind series!) at Slacktivist’s post “The Imaginary Liberal.” Jonah Goldberg’s exercise in historical revisionism Liberal Fascism is essentially one long exercise in building strawmen.

      7.conflation ie pretending rense was the source of the information when infact it was merely the host,

      quote :


      What Is It? This tactic is used to generate a long-lasting pollution of terms by confusing two dissimilar things. An example of conflation would be the Bush Administration’s relentless linking of Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein in speeches leading up to the invasion of Iraq and afterward. You can see a similar thing happening in John McCain’s recent speeches, where he’s (deliberately or not) confusing Sunni Iraq and Shia Iran. The tactic works similarly to the sleeper effect, in that over time, the two items can become indistinct in people’s minds (similar to how, in the sleeper effect, a viewer’s skepticism of a biased source may disappear over time in relation to how persuasive the message i

      8.projection,it was i who was accused of being disinformation!,ha!

      quote :


      What Is It? This is another classic of RW argumentation — basically, accuse your opponent of everything you’re doing. As mentioned above, the book Liberal Fascism is also a classic example of projection, as David Neiwert has demonstrated in his series “If conservatives really, really hate being called fascists…” (See the sidebar for links to parts 1-6.)

      lastly the most obvious a complete and utter refusal to enter any debate regarding the information presented no matter what!

      now can we please get back to the original subject,if you have nothing to contribute ie either prove or disprove the information then stay out,otherwise you are JUST DISTRACTING FROM THE INFORMATION PRESENTED which i am getting damn suspiscious as anyone would is the intention!

    • #89133

      i mean the supression of health and biological based information kinda has a presidence……just this for example from a list of murdered or deceased scientists…..many in the field of health and many in extremly strange circumstances,ile qoute only the medical health related ones right?….

      May 7, 1996: Tsunao Saitoh PhD, 46
      —Expertise: He was professor of neurosciences at the University of California, San Diego. was an internationally respected researcher into the reasons for diseases such as Alzheimer’s and had been doing ground-breaking research on the deformation of the amyloid brain protein (found in CJD and Alzheimer’s).
      —Circumstance of Death: He and his 13 year-old daughter were killed in La Jolla, California, in what a Reuters report described as a “very professionally done” shooting. He was dead behind the wheel of the car, the side window had been shot out, and the door was open. His daughter appeared to have tried to run away and she was shot dead, also.

      alzhiemers eh?,a bit strange?

      1988: Stanley Irving Sigal, 35
      —Expertise: Top AIDS researcher at Merck’s.
      —Circumstance of Death: In seat number 13B on Pan American Flight that was shot down over Lockerbee Scotland.

      1994/95?: Dr. Jawad Al Aubaidi
      —Expertise: Veterinary mycoplasma and had worked with various mycoplasmas in the 1980s at Plum Island.
      —Circumstance of Death: He was killed in his native Iraq while he was changing a flat tire and hit by a truck.
      Source: Patricia A. Doyle, PhD

      April 1996: Dr. Clive Bruton
      —Expertise: He had just produced a paper on a new strain of CJD. He was a CJD specialist who was killed before his work was announced to the public. He had been publicly arguing that deaths from CJD were going unrecognised because it was assumed that Alzheimer disease – which has indistinguishable symptoms – was the cause.
      —Circumstance of Death: He died in a car crash after an apparent heart attack.

      hey another alzhiemers one…..

      Dec 25, 1997: Sidney Harshman, 67
      —Expertise: Professor of microbiology and immunology.
      “He was the world’s leading expert on staphylococcal alpha toxins,” according to Conrad Wagner, professor of biochemistry at Vanderbilt and a close friend of Professor Harshman. “He also deeply cared for other people and was always eager to help his students and colleagues.”
      —Circumstance of Death: Complications of diabetes

      July 10, 1998: Elizabeth A. Rich, M.D., 46
      —Expertise: An associate professor with tenure in the pulmonary division of the Department of Medicine at CWRU and University Hospitals of Cleveland. She was also a member of the executive committee for the Center for AIDS Research and directed the biosafety level 3 facility, a specialized laboratory for the handling of HIV, virulent TB bacteria, and other infectious agents.
      —Circumstance of Death: Killed in a traffic accident while visiting family in Tennessee

      September 1998: Jonathan Mann, 51
      —Expertise: Founding director of the World Health Organisation’s global Aids programme and founded Project SIDA in Zaire, the most comprehensive Aids research effort in Africa at the time, and in 1986 he joined the WHO to lead the global response against Aids. He became director of WHO’s global programme on Aids which later became the UNAids programme. He then became director of the Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights, which was set up at Harvard School of Public Health in 1993. He caused controversy earlier this year in the post when he accused the US National Institutes of Health of violating human rights by failing to act quickly on developing Aids vaccines.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died in the Swissair Flight 111 crash in Canada.

      March 2000: Larry C. Ford
      —Expertise: Served as a consultant to both the CIA and the chemical and biological-weapons program of the South African Defense Forces, headed by Wouter Basson. His contributions to Basson’s program included lectures on converting ordinary items into lethal biological weapons.
      He provided samples of virulent, designer strains of cholera, anthrax, botulism, plague, and malaria, as well as a bacteria he claimed had been mutated to be “pigment specific” for the white minority government of South Africa.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died of a shotgun blast at his home in Irvine, Orange County, California. His death was later ruled a suicide.

      April 15, 2000: Walter W. Shervington, M.D., 62
      —Expertise: An extensive writer/ lecturer/ researcher about mental health and AIDS in the African American community.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died of cancer at Tulane Medical Hospital.

      July 16, 2000: Mike Thomas, 35
      —Expertise: A microbiologist at the Crestwood Medical Center in Huntsville.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died a few days after examining a sample taken from a 12-year-old girl who was diagnosed with meningitis and survived.

      November 19, 2000: Dr. Fred Knauert, 57
      —Expertise: He was a civilian scientist who served the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) for 17 years.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died suddenly at his home.

      December 25, 2000: Linda Reese, 52
      —Expertise: Microbiologist working with victims of meningitis.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died three days after she studied a sample from Tricia Zailo, 19, a Fairfield, N.J., resident who was a sophomore at Michigan State University. Tricia Zailo died Dec. 18, a few days after she returned home for the holidays.

      February 1, 2001: Dr. Shmuel Gillis, 42
      —Expertise: A senior hemotologist at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem in Jerusalem who treated patients suffering from leukemia and lymphoma regardless of ethnic or religious orgin.
      —Circumstance of Death: Killed by 11 gunshots fired from a passing car on a section of the Jerusalem-Hebron Highway.

      February 16th, 2001: Dr Joe Gibbs, 76
      —Expertise: An expert on neurological diseases who helped show that maladies like mad cow disease and scrapie are infectious rather than genetic.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died of a heart attack while in a hospital in Washington

      another neurodegerative disease….

      March 2001: Dr. Trudy L. Bush, 52
      —Expertise: Professor of epidemiology and preventive medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine whose work in the field of women’s health brought her international acclaim.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died of undetermined causes at her home.

      May 7, 2001: Professor Janusz Jeljaszewicz
      —Expertise: Expert in Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections. His main scientific interests and achievements were in the mechanism of action and biological properties of staphylococcal toxins, and included the immunomodulatory properties and experimental treatment of tumours by Propionibacterium.

      November 2001: Yaacov Matzner, 54
      —Expertise: Dean of the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School in Jerusalem and chairman of the Israel Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusions, was the son of Holocaust survivors. One of the world’s experts on blood diseases including familiar Mediterranean fever (FMF), Matzner conducted research that led to a genetic test for FMF. He was working on cloning the gene connected to FMF and investigating the normal physiological function of amyloid A, a protein often found in high levels in people with blood cancer.
      —Circumstance of Death: Professors Yaacov Matzner and Amiram Eldor were on their way back to Israel via Switzerland when their plane came down in dense forest three kilometres short of the landing field.

      November 2001: Professor Amiram Eldor, 59
      —Expertise: Head of the haematology institute, Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Hospital and worked for years at Hadassah-University Hospital’s haematology department but left for his native Tel Aviv in 1993 to head the haematology institute at Ichilov Hospital. He was an internationally known expert on blood clotting especially in women who had repeated miscarriages and was a member of a team that identified eight new anti-clotting agents in the saliva of leeches.
      —Circumstance of Death: Professors Yaacov Matzner and Amiram Eldor were on their way back to Israel via Switzerland when their plane came down in dense forest three kilometres short of the landing field.

      November 6, 2001: Jeffrey Paris Wall, 41
      —Expertise: He was a biomedical expert who held a medical degree, and he also specialized in patent and intellectual property.
      —Circumstance of Death: Mr. Walls body was found sprawled next to a three-story parking structure near his office. He had studied at the University of California, Los Angeles.

      Nov. 16, 2001: Don C. Wiley, 57
      —Expertise: One of the foremost microbiologists in the United States. Dr. Wiley, of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Harvard University, was an expert on how the immune system responds to viral attacks such as the classic doomsday plagues of HIV, ebola and influenza.
      —Circumstance of Death: Police found his rental car on a bridge outside Memphis, Tenn. His body was found Dec. 20 in the Mississippi River.

      Nov. 21, 2001: Vladimir Pasechnik, 64
      —Expertise: World-class microbiologist and high-profile Russian defector; defected to the United Kingdom in 1989, played a huge role in Russian biowarfare and helped to figure out how to modify cruise missiles to deliver the agents of mass biological destruction.
      —Background: founded Regma Biotechnologies company in Britain, a laboratory at Porton Down, the country´s chem-bio warfare defense establishment. Regma currently has a contract with the U.S. Navy for “the diagnostic and therapeutic treatment of anthrax”.
      —Circumstance of Death: The pathologist who did the autopsy, and who also happened to be associated with Britain´s spy agency, concluded he died of a stroke. Details of the postmortem were not revealed at an inquest, in which the press was given no prior notice. Colleagues who had worked with Pasechnik said he was in good health.

      Dec. 10, 2001: Robert M. Schwartz, 57
      —Expertise: Expert in DNA sequencing and pathogenic micro-organisms, founding member of the Virginia Biotechnology Association, and the Executive Director of Research and Development at Virginia´s Center for Innovative Technology in Herndon.
      —Circumstance of Death: stabbed and slashed with what police believe was a sword in his farmhouse in Leesberg, Va. His daughter, who identifies herself as a pagan high priestess, and several of her fellow pagans have been charged.

      Dec. 14, 2001: Nguyen Van Set, 44
      —Expertise: animal diseases facility of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization had just come to fame for discovering a virulent strain of mousepox, which could be modified to affect smallpox.
      —Circumstance of Death: died at work in Geelong, Australia, in a laboratory accident. He entered an airlocked storage lab and died from exposure to nitrogen.

      January 2002: Ivan Glebov and Alexi Brushlinski.
      —Expertise: Two microbiologists. Both were well known around the world and members of the Russian Academy of Science.
      —Circumstance of Death: Glebov died as the result of a bandit attack and Brushlinski was killed in Moscow.

      January 5, 2002: Dr. Graham Ryder, 52
      —Expertise: A Staff Scientist at USRA’s Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston who was a premier lunar scientist that pioneered many of our most important concepts about the Moon and its evolution.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died suddenly from cancer.

      January 28, 2002: David W. Barry, 58
      —Expertise: Scientist who codiscovered AZT, the antiviral drug that is considered the first effective treatment for AIDS.
      —Circumstance of Death: unknown

      Feb. 9, 2002: Victor Korshunov, 56
      —Expertise: Expert in intestinal bacteria of children around the world
      —Circumstance of Death: bashed over the head near his home in Moscow.

      Feb. 14, 2002: Ian Langford, 40
      —Expertise: expert in environmental risks and disease.
      —Circumstance of Death: found dead in his home near Norwich, England, naked from the waist down and wedged under a chair.

      Feb. 28, 2002: Tanya Holzmayer, 46
      —Expertise: a Russian who moved to the U.S. in 1989, focused on the part of the human molecular structure that could be affected best by medicine.
      —Circumstance of Death: killed by fellow microbiologist Guyang (Matthew) Huang, who shot her seven times when she opened the door to a pizza delivery. Then he shot himself.

      Feb. 28, 2002: Guyang Huang, 38
      —Expertise: Microbiologist
      —Circumstance of Death: Apparently shot himself after shooting fellow microbiologist, Tanya Holzmayer, seven times.

      March 24, 2002: David Wynn-Williams, 55
      —Expertise: Respected astrobiologist with the British Antarctic Survey, who studied the habits of microbes that might survive in outer space.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died in a freak road accident near his home in Cambridge, England. He was hit by a car while he was jogging.

      March 25, 2002: Steven Mostow, 63
      —Expertise: Known as “Dr. Flu” for his expertise in treating influenza, and a noted expert in bioterrorism of the Colorado Health Sciences Centre.
      —Circumstance of Death: died when the airplane he was piloting crashed near Denver.

      August 05, 2002: David R. Knibbs, PhD., 49
      —Expertise: Director of Electron Microscopy at Hartford Hospital and had a doctorate in pathobiology from the University of Connecticut. He also served as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Hartford.
      —Circumstance of Death: He collapsed and died after an evening
      run (one of his joys in life).

      Nov. 12, 2002: Benito Que, 52
      —Expertise: Expert in infectious diseases and cellular biology at the Miami Medical School
      —Circumstance of Death: Que left his laboratory after receiving a telephone call. Shortly afterward he was found comatose in the parking lot of the Miami Medical School. He died without regaining consciousness. Police said he had suffered a heart attack. His family insisted he had been in perfect health and claimed four men attacked him. But, later, oddly, the family inquest returned a verdict of death by natural causes.

      April 2003: Carlo Urbani, 46
      —Expertise: A dedicated and internationally respected Italian epidemiologist, who did work of enduring value combating infectious illness around the world.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died in Bangkok from SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) – the new disease that he had helped to identify. Thanks to his prompt action, the epidemic was contained in Vietnam. However, because of close daily contact with SARS patients, he contracted the infection. On March 11, he was admitted to a hospital in Bangkok and isolated. Less than three weeks later he died.

      June 24, 2003: Dr. Leland Rickman of UCSD, 47
      —Expertise: An expert in infectious disease who helped the county prepare to fight bioterrorism after Sept. 11.
      —Circumstance of Death: He was in the African nation of Lesotho with Dr. Chris Mathews of UCSD, the director of the university’s Owen Clinic for AIDS patients. Dr. Rickman had complained of a headache and had gone to lie down. When he didn’t appear for dinner, Mathews checked on him and found him dead. A cause has not yet been determined.

      July 18, 2003: Dr. David Kelly, 59
      —Expertise: Biological warfare weapons specialist, senior post at the Ministry of Defense, an expert on DNA sequencing when he was head of microbiology at Porton Down and worked with two American scientists, Benito Que, 52, and Don Wiley, 57.
      —Helped Vladimir Pasechnik found Regma Biotechnologies, which has a contract with the U.S. Navy for “the diagnostic and therapeutic treatment of anthrax”
      —Circumstance of Death: He was found dead after allegedly slashing his wrists and throat and then dragging himself a half mile away in a wooded area near his home at Southmoor, Oxfordshire while he was out for his regular walk.

      Oct 11, 2003: Michael Perich, 46
      —Expertise: LSU professor who helped fight the spread of the West Nile virus. Perich worked with the East Baton Rouge Parish Mosquito Control and Rodent Abatement District to determine whether mosquitoes in the area carried West Nile.
      —Circumstance of Death: Walker Police Chief Elton Burns said Sunday that Perich of 5227 River Bend Blvd., Baton Rouge, crashed his Ford pickup truck about 4:30 a.m. Saturday, while heading west on Interstate 12 in Livingston Parish. Perich’s truck veered right off the highway about 3 miles east of Walker, flipped and landed in rainwater, Burns said. Perich, who was wearing his seat belt, drowned. The cause of the crash is under investigation, Burns said.
      “Mike is one of the few entomologists with the experience to go out and save lives today.”
      ~ Robert A. Wirtz, chief of entomology at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

      November 22, 2003: Robert Leslie Burghoff, 45
      —Expertise: He was studying the virus that was plaguing cruise ships until he was killed by a mysterious white van in November of 2003
      —Circumstance of Death: Burghoff was walking on a sidewalk along the 1600 block of South Braeswood when a white van jumped the curb and hit him at 1:35 p.m. Thursday, police said. The van then sped away. Burghoff died an hour later at Memorial Hermann Hospital.

      December 18, 2003: Robert Aranosia, 61
      —Expertise: Oakland County deputy medical examiner
      —Circumstance of Death: He was driving south on I-75 when his pickup truck went off the freeway near a bridge over the Kawkawlin River. The vehicle rolled over several times before landing in the median. Aranosia was thrown from the vehicle and ended up on the shoulder of the northbound lanes.

      January 6, 2004: Dr Richard Stevens, 54
      —Expertise: A haematologist. (Haematologists analyse the cellular composition of blood and blood producing tissues eg bone marrow)
      —Circumstance of Death: Disappeared after arriving for work on 21 July, 2003. A doctor whose disappearance sparked a national manhunt, killed himself because he could not cope with the stress of a secret affair, a coroner has ruled.

      January 23 2004: Dr. Robert E. Shope, 74
      —Expertise: One of the world’s top experts on viruses and infectious illnesses who was the principal author of a highly publicized 1992 report by the National Academy of Sciences warning of the possible emergence of new and unsettling infectious illnesses. He had accumulated his own collection of virus samples gathered from all over the world and worked on a Defense Department project to develop antidotes to viral agents that terrorists might use.
      —Circumstance of Death: The cause was complications of a lung transplant he received in December, said his daughter Deborah Shope of Galveston. Dr. Shope had pulmonary fibrosis, a disease of unknown origin that scars the lungs.

      January 24 2004: Dr. Michael Patrick Kiley, 62
      —Expertise: One of the world’s leading microbiologists and an expert in developing and overseeing multiple levels of biocontainment facilities. He was at the forefront in the early studies of Lassa fever, the Ebola virus and mad cow disease while at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Ga.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died of massive heart attack. Coincidently, both Dr. Shope and Dr. Kiley were working on the lab upgrade to BSL 4 at the UTMB Galvaston lab for Homeland Security. The lab would have to be secure to house some of the deadliest pathogens of tropical and emerging infectious disease as well as bioweaponized ones.

      March 13, 2004: Vadake Srinivasan
      —Expertise: Was one of the most-accomplished and respected industrial biologists in academia, and held two doctorate degrees.
      —Circumstance of Death: He died in a mysterious single car accident in Baton Rouge, La. Crashed car into a guard rail and ruled a stroke.

      April 12, 2004: Ilsley Ingram, 84
      —Expertise: Director of the Supraregional Haemophilia Reference Centre and the Supraregional Centre for the Diagnosis of Bleeding Disorders at the St. Thomas Hospital in London.
      —Circumstance of Death: unknown

      May 5, 2004: William T. McGuire, 39
      —Expertise: NJ University Professor and Senior programmer analyst and adjunct professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark.
      —Circumstance of Death: His dismembered body was found floating in three suitcases in the Chesapeake Bay.

      May 14, 2004: Dr. Eugene F. Mallove, 56
      —Expertise: Mallove was well respected for his knowledge of cold fusion. He had just published an open letter outlining the results of and reasons for his last 15 years in the field of new energy research. Dr. Mallove was convinced it was only a matter of months before the world would actually see a free energy device.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died after being beaten to death during an alleged robbery.

      May 25, 2004: Antonina Presnyakova
      —Expertise: Former Soviet biological weapons laboratory in Siberia —Circumstance of Death: Died after accidentally sticking herself with a needle laced with Ebola.

      June 22, 2004: Thomas Gold, 84
      —Expertise: He was the founder, and for twenty years the director, of the Cornell Center for Radiophysics and Space Research, where he was a close colleague of Planetary Society co-founder Carl Sagan. Gold was famous for his provocative, controversial, and sometimes outrageous theories. Gold’s theory of the deep hot biosphere holds important ramifications for the possibility of life on other planets, including seemingly inhospitable planets within our own solar system. Gold sparked controversy in 1955 when he suggested that the Moon’s surface is covered with a fine rock powder.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died of heart failure.

      June 24, 2004: Dr. Assefa Tulu, 45
      —Expertise: Dr. Tulu joined the health department in 1997 and served for five years as the county’s lone epidemiologist. He was charged with tracking the health of the county, including the spread of diseases, such as syphilis, AIDS and measles. He also designed a system for detecting a bioterrorism attack involving viruses or bacterial agents. Tulu often coordinated efforts to address major health concerns in Dallas County, such as the West Nile virus outbreaks of the past few years, and worked with the media to inform the public.
      —Circumstance of Death: Dallas County’s chief epidemiologist, was found at his desk, died of a stroke.

      June 27, 2004: Dr Paul Norman, Of Salisbury, Wiltshire, 52
      —Expertise: He was the chief scientist for chemical and biological defence at the Ministry of Defence’s laboratory at Porton Down, Wiltshire. He travelled the world lecturing on the subject of weapons of mass destruction.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died when the Cessna 206 crashed shortly after taking off from Dunkeswell Airfield on Sunday. A father and daughter also died at the scene, and 44-year-old parachute instructor and Royal Marine Major Mike Wills later died in the hospital. … 860995.stm

      June 29, 2004: John Mullen, 67
      —Expertise: A nuclear research scientist with McDonnell Douglas.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died from a huge dose of poisonous arsenic.
      (Note: McDonnell Douglas did not exist in 2004. It merged with Boeing in 1997.)

      July 1, 2004: Edward Hoffman, 62
      —Expertise: Aside from his role as a professor, Hoffman held leadership positions within the UCLA medical community. Worked to develop the first human PET scanner in 1973 at Washington University in St. Louis.
      —Circumstance of Death: unknown

      July 2, 2004: Larry Bustard, 53
      —Expertise: A Sandia scientist who helped develop a foam spray to clean up congressional buildings and media sites during the anthrax scare in 2001. Worked at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque. His team came up with a new technology used against biological and chemical agents.
      —Circumstance of Death: unknown

      July 6, 2004: Stephen Tabet, 42
      —Expertise: An associate professor and epidemiologist at the University of Washington. A world-renowned HIV doctor and researcher who worked with HIV patients in a vaccine clinical trial for the HIV Vaccine Trials Network.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died of an unknown illness

      July 21, 2004: Dr Bassem al-Mudares
      —Expertise: He was a phD chemist
      —Circumstance of Death: His mutilated body was found in the city of Samarra, Iraq and had been tortured before being killed.

      July 21, 2004: Dr. John Badwey 54
      —Expertise: Scientist and accidental politician when he opposed disposal of sewage waste program of exposing humans to sludge. Biochemist at Harvard Medical School specializing in infectious diseases.
      —Circumstance of Death: Suddenly developed pneumonia like symptoms then died in two weeks.

      August 12, 2004: Professor John Clark
      —Expertise: Head of the science lab which created Dolly the sheep. Prof Clark led the Roslin Institute in Midlothian, one of the world’s leading animal biotechnology research centres. He played a crucial role in creating the transgenic sheep that earned the institute worldwide fame.
      —Circumstance of Death: He was found hanging in his holiday home.

      September 5, 2004: Mohammed Toki Hussein al-Talakani, 40
      —Expertise: Iraqi nuclear scientist. He was a practising nuclear physicist since 1984.
      —Circumstance of Death: He was shot dead in Mahmudiya, south of Baghdad.

      September 27, 2004: Dr. John E. Mack, 74
      —Expertise: Professor John E Mack was an eminent Harvard psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and Pulitzer Prize winner who turned the academic community upside down because he wanted to publish his research in which he said that people who claimed they had been abducted by aliens, were not crazy at all.
      —Circumstance of Death: While traveling on foot in North London from the tube station, he was struck by an alleged drunk driver.
      The Author of “Abduction” and “Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters”

      October 13, 2004: Matthew Allison, 32
      —Expertise: (please help provide information – thank you MJH)
      —Circumstance of Death: Fatal explosion of a car parked at an Osceola County, Fla., Wal-Mart store was no accident, Local 6 News has learned. Found inside a burned car. Witnesses said the man left the store at about 11 p.m. and entered his Ford Taurus car when it exploded. Investigators said they found a Duraflame log and propane canisters on the front passenger’s seat.

      November 2, 2004: John R. La Montagne
      —Expertise: Head of US Infectious Diseases unit under Tommie Thompson. Was NIAID Deputy Director.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died while in Mexico, no cause stated.

      December 21, 2004: Taleb Ibrahim al-Daher
      —Expertise: Iraqi nuclear scientist
      —Circumstance of Death: He was shot dead north of Baghdad by unknown gunmen. He was on his way to work at Diyala University when armed men opened fire on his car as it was crossing a bridge in Baqouba, 57 km northeast of Baghdad. The vehicle swerved off the bridge and fell into the Khrisan river. Al-Daher, who was a professor at the local university, was removed from the submerged car and rushed to Baqouba hospital where he was pronounced dead

      December 29, 2004: Tom Thorne and Beth Williams
      —Expertise: Two wild life scientists, Husband-and-wife wildlife veterinarians who were nationally prominent experts on chronic wasting disease and brucellosis
      —Circumstance of Death: They were killed in a snowy-weather crash on U.S. 287 in northern Colorado.

      January 7, 2005: Jeong H. Im, 72
      —Expertise: A retired research assistant professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Primarily a protein chemist.
      —Circumstance of Death: He was stabbed several times and his body was found in the trunk of his burning white, 1995 Honda inside the Maryland Avenue parking garage.

      January 24, 2005: Roger L. Blair, 54
      —Expertise: He worked for the Kennedy Space center as a micro-biologist and most recently for Wuesthoff Medical Center as a Medical Laboratory Technician.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died suddenly

      February 8, 2005: Geetha Angara, 43
      —Expertise: She was a senior chemist with a doctorate from New York University.
      —Circumstance of Death: Divers found her body in a 35-foot-deep water treatment tank where she was doing water quality tests at the Passaic Valley Water Commission plant in Totowa.

      March 11, 2005: Hiram Graybill Daniel Jr., 61
      —Expertise: For 36 years, his day job was working as an epidemiologist for the Georgia Department of Community Health, combating sexually transmitted diseases.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died as a result of injuries sustained in an automobile accident

      March 29, 2005: Professor Carlos Hormaeche, 64
      —Expertise: A leading international expert in microbiology and vaccine
      development. From 1994 to 2002, he was professor and head of the microbiology department at Newcastle University.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died in a microlight aeroplane accident in

      April 5, 2005: Barbara Kalow, 45
      —Expertise: A FEDERAL government veterinary scientist and was a researcher before being hired by the feds in 1992 as a meat inspector.
      She then moved to veterinary biologics and was promoted to the science branch to advise on animal health issues.
      —Circumstance of Death: She died of asphyxiation after being smothered by a pillow in her hotel room while on vacation in Arizona.

      Aril 18, 2005: Douglas Passaro, 43
      —Expertise: He was an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health and had been an outbreak investigator with the Epidemic Intelligence Service for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention before completing an Infectious Diseases Fellowship at Stanford University in 2001.
      —Circumstance of Death: Died suddenly at his Oak Park home.

      May 8, 2005: David Banks, 55
      —Expertise: He was the principal scientist with Biosecurity Australia and was involved in containing pest and disease threats. His primary mission was protecting livestock and plants in the country, and keeping diseases from crossing into Australia. He was an expert in the propagation of diseases by insect vectors, among other things.
      —Circumstance of Death: He died along with 15 other people when the commuter plane he was traveling in went down in Queensland, Australia.

      May 20, 2005: Robert J. Lull, 64
      —Expertise: A prominent physician at San Francisco General Hospital who once headed the San Francisco Medical Society. Lull focused on improvements in diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer. Lull was a highly revered expert in the field of nuclear medicine, a specialty that performs diagnostic screens such as bone scans for cancer patients. Last year, Lull lectured in San Francisco about the threat of nuclear terrorism.
      —Circumstance of Death: He was found stabbed to death inside the doorway of his Diamond Heights home.

      June 7, 2005: Leonid Strachunsky (age unknown)
      —Expertise: World Health Organization expert and director of the Anti-Microbe Therapy Research Institute who specialized in creating microbes resistant to biological weapons, to the hepatitis outbreak.
      —Circumstance of Death: He was found dead in his hotel room in Moscow, where he came from Smolensk en route to the United States. He had been hit on the head with a champagne bottle, and some of his possessions were missing.

      Date?: Dr. C. Bruton
      –Expertise: He had just produced a paper on a new strain of CJD. He was a CJD specialist who was killed before his work was announced to the public.
      –Circumstance of Death: died in a car crash.

      alot of bloodwork based scientists there no?,infectious diseases?,micro biologists?

      theres been a new one in the last few days … id=3510203

      probably no protocols being used yeah?,so we can just dismiss it and everythings hunky dory!

    • #89134

      I must admit I am not very surprised but I spend some time on those website you linked to in the first post and i can only say that I am definitely not convinced that there is anything of value.

      A few things that cast more than a doubt on the validity on the results:
      -Sample collection are not very well described and do not provide any insight on how cross contamination is avoided. I read a paper where samples collected in non sterile bag without any precautions are analyzed at high magnification.

      – There is a complete absence of use of controls to ascertain that what is reported is real and not an artifact.

      – In fact I really suspect that artifacts must be there because when I see some of the information on the microscope picture I cannot help doubting that whoever took those picture did know very little about microscopy. Magnification above 5000x in optical microscopy? Simultaneous use of epi-illumination and trans-illumination? This is beyond ridiculous.

      So this kind of shoddy ‘experimental results’ cast more than a shadow of doubt on all the rest of the experiments that you are presenting. In fact considering the history of Morgellon ‘science’ on this website I do not think that you will convince anyone of anything.

    • #89135

      You make the point of the second law being cited in a cooking book as being the same as your article being in rense.

      However, the authority of and acceptance of the second law is not dependent on the cooking book because it is already in other scientific and reputable journals. However, the rense article is only in rense. If the second law was something I’ve only seen in Martha Stewart’s living, I would be very suspicious of it.

    • #89185
      quote canalon:

      I must admit I am not very surprised but I spend some time on those website you linked to in the first post and i can only say that I am definitely not convinced that there is anything of value.

      A few things that cast more than a doubt on the validity on the results:
      -Sample collection are not very well described and do not provide any insight on how cross contamination is avoided. I read a paper where samples collected in non sterile bag without any precautions are analyzed at high magnification.

      – There is a complete absence of use of controls to ascertain that what is reported is real and not an artifact.

      – In fact I really suspect that artifacts must be there because when I see some of the information on the microscope picture I cannot help doubting that whoever took those picture did know very little about microscopy. Magnification above 5000x in optical microscopy? Simultaneous use of epi-illumination and trans-illumination? This is beyond ridiculous.

      So this kind of shoddy ‘experimental results’ cast more than a shadow of doubt on all the rest of the experiments that you are presenting. In fact considering the history of Morgellon ‘science’ on this website I do not think that you will convince anyone of anything.

      your just nit picking,i mean your the mod who deleted this thread straight away without expanation are you not?

      cross contamination is not an issue because your not likely to "contaminate" the sample with higly advanced nanotechnology are you?,
      it was only the initial sample of the chemtrails which was as you describe and its kinda impossible for such a sample to become contaminated with extremly advanced nanotech isnt it?the nanotechnological fibres were what was found in the results.
      anyway the results of that sample( nanotechnological fibres) have been proven countless times,not a problem.

      you also use a logical phalicy there,you describe how a chemtrail sample was taken in methods not up to your standard(by a civilian)and then you try to expand that to the rest of the experimental data and procedure done by the scientists,you can do that it is the equivelent of saying "joe bloggs ran a 20. sec race therefore all his subsequent races were at 10 seconds".
      there is also is a phallacy of the sample was collected by a civillian and sent to the scientists,the civilian was at fualt not the scientific procedure which followed which includes many many experiments not involved with that one civillian sample you are attempting to portray as the standard of the whole.
      and any such fualts which may have resulted out of the civillians fault are void as once again you cant contaminate a sample with such nanotech

      microscopy..nit picking looking for any flaw ya can,
      Simultaneous use of epi-illumination and trans-illumination….here you go a search … on&spell=1
      not a problem,

      5000x optical magnification……can be done easily with the advent of digital micro scopy….didnt you know>?,look ive done the search for you … arch&meta=

      beyond ridiculous?,nope it is you who lack the knowledge of microscopy :mrgreen:

      so basicly there were no "shoddy" experimental procedures, you are just trying to portray them as such to undermine the data.

      once again no argument or attempt to rationalize,discuss or weigh the conclusions and argument just an attempt to undermine it by attacking the sources.

      anyone who actually researched morgellons realises it is real and based upon technology,how you come to such an alternate conclusion is beyond me.

      anyway today i discovered a website apparently dedicated to finding the truth about morgellons named "lymebusters"(neurolinguistic assosciation to smear it as lyme disease) is actually run by …nasa and their disinformation agents who are my best of "friends" at the moment.
      if their is nothing in it why is nasa running a disinfo website about it trying to smear it as lyme disease??
      and why is nanobot is a censored word on another morg;s website morgellons sanctum?,thats right its censored there…i was banned for merely mentioning that fact……strange huh?,covering up nothing eh?
      was banned again under a different account with hidden ip for suggesting a women sufferer go for an ultrasound scan……as the silica aerogel is optically transparent….ummmm hmm.

    • #89186
      quote mith:

      You make the point of the second law being cited in a cooking book as being the same as your article being in rense.

      However, the authority of and acceptance of the second law is not dependent on the cooking book because it is already in other scientific and reputable journals. However, the rense article is only in rense. If the second law was something I’ve only seen in Martha Stewart’s living, I would be very suspicious of it.

      information pertaining to morgellons is in multiple sources not just rense.

      how is it possible to get morgellons into "reputable journals" when morgellons is being ignored and supressed heavily and that is the truth….though there was an article in the new scientist i saw about it not so long ago heres the link….oh wait the articles been deleted!!(now thats a big suprise!!)…..ile have to post the cache 😉 … cd=1&gl=uk

      the same issue of new scientist also includes other medical mysteries such as chimerical heritage syndrome,that is where a persons dna suddenly changes out of the blue and they are no longer related to thier family members.whAts goIng on with that!?
      🙄 🙄 :mrgreen:
      reputable is also a matter of opinion and dogma is it not?,reputable has usually proven to be wrong in the future hAsnt It?,for thousands of years the status qou has always been changed with scientific evolution,to which the establishment has always taken the path of denial of new ideas as they are a threat to the purveyors of status reputaion.

      string theory for example was first formulated in the 50’s by a little old man,ignored and laughed at,decades later rediscovered and lauded as the truth….despite the fact there is no evidence whatsover for string theory……first they laugh at it then promote it without any evidence,whats going on?

      reputation means nothing,its just prejudice.

      anyway time to get back to the discussion…oh wait i would like to thank canalon for at least entering some kind of discussion in regards to talk of the procedures…..A step In the rIght direction eh aye?!,keep it up in the Future 😛 😛
      🙄 🙄 🙄

    • #89187

      A thought I had today regarding the inability to detect the morgellons technology.
      For sUre This is a result of the technology being composed of optically transparent sillica aerogels which as yUo know aRE difficult to image.
      A way Round this is to usE high magnification ultrasounD which lEnds itself towars transParent materials allOwing for Precise imaging techniqUes.
      this couLd Allow for The transparent gels to be Imaged for the first time!

      here is oNe such example of high maGnifaction UltraSouNd

      it is able tO See individUal Red blood cells!

      i suggest people try this method VIza Vi mORgellonS and we shall get the bottom of it …..hopefully just in time to stop it all before it gets nasty.
      but i know of many cases where so called medical professionals have witheld results,a women i talk to often had an xray of her nasal cAvIties denied her on multiple occasions,several months later what should fall out?,a large black strip of magnetic material…strange huh?.not to mention the fact my medical records have been changed and my bloodwork results of a test i had are being denied me despite freedom of information requests,though not to worry im getting it all sorted and its fallen massivly into my favour as definitive evidence of reputable establishment malpractice which i am currently using in a very interesting "case"!
      🙄 🙄 🙄

      so bascily find a method to easily detect and then cure the nanotech and all will be well… is powerful and capable of great evil.

    • #89188

      a bit more about this transparency…..

      silica aerogels can be so transparent they are used for contact lenses…..this makes it nigh on impossible to opticly image silica aerogel within the body especially if the target is microscopic or nanoscopic…..

      this explains why it has gone undectected for so long….and how it can be so widespread. … cd=4&gl=uk

      another picture

      morgellons is but an advanced form of the nanotech…..when it literally builds to take over your whole being.
      magnified ultrasound of the brain is necessary and ultrasound of morgellons sufferers abdomens is essential ;-0
      shame it comes out in black and white though!

    • #89201

      heres an animated gif showing the growth of the silica aerogel filaments,

      Clifford Carnicom-

      quote :

      The time lapse video covers a period of approximately six hours and compresses the time into approximately one minute with 30 frames. The video images are time stamped in the lower right hand corner. The time interval between successive images is approximately 12 minutes. At approximately one hour into the sequence, extending filaments can be clearly seen (left center) to emerge from a primary filament. The network continues to densify from that point forward. The width of the primary filament (larger size) is approximately 12 microns in thickness, which is in accord with previous measurements for the encasing or bounding filament from direct biological samples. A reasonable estimate of the narrow filaments is on the order of sub-micron to micron range, also in accordance with previous measurements of the sub-micron internal filament network.

      From the discovery shown here, it would appear that the encasing filament serves to provide feeder or extension filaments which serve to extend the growth of the pathogen. The estimated growth rate of the extension filaments on this particular culture is on the order of 50 microns per hour, or roughly the width of a thin human hair per hour.

    • #89210

      more links and evidence,
      jan smith also noted that morgellons is silica based and written an interesting article about it,i ask people to read it

      Silica gel found within a facial lesion

      more research by staninger noting the silica base of the technology to the extent that rivers of silicon were seen in patients,also ask you to read it if you have any care for justice or the truth.

      quote :

      Morgellons Disease
      New Lab Findings Point To Silicone/Silica
      and High Density Polyethlyene Fibers,

      Rivers of silcon within human tissue

      it keeps on coming and it wont stop….i tell the truth through the disinformation.

    • #89246

      i was hoping some one would wish to put one and one together with the pictures above but i guess not,so let me do it for you,

      here again is a picture of the silicone found within a morgellons patient

      now here is a picture of silica aerogel magnified

      as you can see the two phenomenon share an identical chemical structure,infact its obvious even to a child it is silica aerogel that is in the morgellons patient.

      the rivers of silicone are clearly highly porous identical the an aerogel,no other form of silicone is like this!,how no one has noticed this silicone is an aerogel is beyond my understanding!

      1+1 = 2!

      i expect no interest,i expect no honest replies i expect nothing, whilst the disinfo surrouding morgellons is lauded and recieves masses of attention,a clue once again as to the nature of morgellons(one is intricate and covert mind control) and why the truth regarding its real nature and source is so protected literaly by a whole world of disinformation agents.

      today ive been asking people what treatment protocols have been given to them from morgellons "experts",suprise suprse they are all high sources of silica and silicate synergists…..infact people are being told by these "experts" to do the opposite of what one should do to a silica based technolgical system….an indicator of how large the disinformation campaign is and how important the truth is… anyone reading this?
      why dont i get 500 pages of replies…because this is the truth and like hannibal who with 50000 men spent seven years in the heart of the roman empire undefeated,so great was his generalship the roman empire simply stopped fighting him and boarded themselves up in thier holes and waited for him to leave :mrgreen: :mrgreen: this is a pattern im seeing everywhere now…..everyones running for thier manholes!

    • #105988

      This is an old thread, but came across it and think its an amazing analysis of what is happening, are you still there?
      I’m on the same wave in terms of seeing the big picture- what a ride. And of course if someone wanted to establish and maintain a synthetic biology in humans, they would need to change the human diet, as the new biology would require different nutrients and elements, which is where the development of genetically engineered food came in. A daily dose of Agrobacterium would help transfer the synthetic biology into cells. They didn’t need to create entirely different foods to create a monopoly, so it isn’t just about money and patents. Also, a newly introduced life form would be like an infant placed in a forest- it would need to compete with well established lifeforms that had been competing in the environment a very long time. It basically wouldn’t stand a chance. Thus the need to really pump support for it on a continual basis, in our foods, water, medicines, personal care products (lots of flouride and silca) and the massive use of pesticides that kill off the naturally occuring lifeforms that would otherwise compete with it in the environment and in our bodies. The change to flourescent lighting, under which it thrives. The blanketing of the skies via chemtrails to alter the spectrums of sunlight we receive that favors the synthetic biology and hinders the natural life forms on earth that would compete with it. Every enyzeme, hormone and protein responds to different light frequencies. Then there is the electrical component- nanotech materials and coatings conduct electricity and we are living within increasingly intense electrical fields. The nanotech is just the architecture or platform for the synthetic biology, as it is conveniently invisible. It is similar to having a second operating system running inside you. So can we co-opt it?

    • #105998

      Just out of curiosity, who are these "they"?

    • #106006

      The US government has heavily promoted the development of genetically engineered foods, to the point of no required testing or labeling, and is basically forcing upon both the US public and most of the world. It is also heavily promoting the development and use of nanotech via the National Nanotechnology Initiative and the US military has funded research on synthetic biology, and is a world leader in the creation and manufacture of bioweapons. One of the stated aims of DARPA is to change humans "from the inside out." DARPA is a branch of the USA Dept. of Defense. So my guess would be that it is the military, whose budget and global presense never seems to stop growing.

      Or, if your really naive, I guess you could assume its an opps (unintended). The fact that genetic engineering of food, nanotech and synthetic biology have all hit the world stage in a huge way over the past decade speaks volumes. The nanotech is now in our foods, packaging, personal care products (people are covering their bodies with sunscreens that inclue nano sized titanium dioxide and zinc oxides), clothing, electronic devices, and has been found by industrial toxicologists coming out of waste water treatment plants (nanosilver) and inside of earth worms (nanogold). If you would like to read more about this, as several free download reports about what is happening globally with all this. Biotech companies are now capturing the DNA of lifeforms globally in silico and they can do this legally (biopiracy), because the materials never have to leave the country of orgin- it can be done in place.

      With respect to nanotechnology being found in humans, Morgellons disease, folding hexagonal packages, fullerenes, quantum dots, and synthetic biology are being documented coming out of humans. Civil society is doing their own research because the government is sitting on this- they are promoting all of these technologies. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) was informed of the outbreaks of Morgellons in around 2004-2005 and due to political pressure agreed to a study in 2006. The study was completed in 2009, but the results were never released to the public, they were sent by the CDC to the Army.

      What caused me to respond to Vincio’s thread was the fact that he/she was attempting to integrate all of these things that are expanding at once, and integration or synthesis in research is the goal in both science and in psychology (the shadow or unconscious aspects of the unconscious). I think the information offered was a call for responses in the manner of collective brainstorming, where ideas are allowed to flow, without predudice, for the sake of expanding the potential for a creative or novel approach in the synthesis. I appreciate that approach and find it hard to believe that the only responses received in 2 years were really nasty and immature putdowns that didn’t even attempt to address what was being said.

    • #106014

      Hmmh. It seems I’ve been guilty of responding with nasty and immature putdowns. Even the classical tin foil hat comment! And apparently I also said that I’ll have no further part in this conversation. Well, totally managed to forget that, and here I am. I try to behave better from now on and remain silent like I promised 😛

    • #119381
      Morgalien Pheno

      I hope that one day humans are able to look back at this post and see that someone in 2021 was aware that it was alien nanotechnology, but was too disabled by the technology to put any effort into spreading this information. Once your mind stumbles upon this possibility, you become socially and mentally disabled by the technology so that you’re not able to make a case for this to others. The symptoms of this disability mimic various forms of “mental illness”. We’re dealing with nanotechnology that is biologically activated by catecholaminergic activity in the central nervous system, and so has to be investigated accordingly. Therefore, one possible way to understand this technology at the current date may be to administer sleep deprivation with a psychostimulant to humans suffering from Morgellons, collect particles or fibers from their skin, and immediately run them under a nanoscope to look for activity that doesn’t make any sense otherwise. A standard microscope will show motile particles, but it’s not granular enough to figure out what’s causing the motility at the atomic/molecular level. Hopefully this will be figured out in the next century or so before it’s too late.

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