Biology Forum Human Biology In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

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    • #10070

      Any suggestions for implications of IVF? Things like, infertile people can now have babies, same sex couples can produce a baby, any implications like that

    • #85855

      Those are some of the implications, and also why it’s such a highly controversial issue.

    • #85873

      Thanks, as an implication, I could talk about how it could affect future generations too.

      Thanks for your help! I’m loving this website! 🙂

    • #85903

      i think the implications are there in the case of same couple in the sense
      that the child will be denied of natural breastfeeding.

    • #85906

      Thanks 🙂 Could anyone please help me make a list?

      * Infertile people can now have a baby
      *Same sex couples can have a child
      *Sex determination
      *Child denied natural breastfeeding

      Any other ideas are invited!

    • #85911

      May I ask why you’re doing this? Is it for a class project?

    • #85915

      Well to be honest, a family friend is really thinking about doing it so I’m just studying up on it a bit

    • #85919

      Oh, well that will depend on your friend’s personal morals/beliefs. A lot of people find in vitro to be extremely immoral while others have no problem with it. Many Christian faiths, for example, consider in vitro to be a very serious sin. Myself, I think it’s wrong since there’s so many orphans in need of loving adoptive parents; I think adoption is a far better choice for couples that cannot conceive naturally. However, if your friend is determined to have a child that is genetically his/hers, in vitro might be a conceivable option if it doesn’t contradict his/her religious/personal beliefs.

      I would suggest you tailor your list to suit this person specifically. For example, the point about same-sex couples is rather irrelevant if your friend is in a heterosexual relationship. Also take into account your friend’s religious convictions (or lack thereof) to help him/her make an informed choice that s/he will be happy with.

    • #85945

      Yeah I think that is why she is concidering IVF because she wants it to be genetically hers. She isn’t religious either, I’m not sure if IVF is really a good idea, thats why I have been looking into it a bit, but thanks for your help!

    • #106335

      My wife met with her doctor lately and she was told that she has an ovarian cyst and that needs to be removed through operation. Doctor also said that this cyst is the main reason as to why she is not becoming pregnant. Doctor mentioned that after the surgery, we can go for In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) in an attempt to get pregnant.

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