Biology Forum Community General Discussion is scientific determinism "wrong"?

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    • #11515
      charles brough

      What do you think about this explanation of scientific determinism?

      DETERMINISM: the principle that all change is the result of natural (not “spirit”) cause and effect and that there is no such thing as “a miracle,” and that “Chaos,” “chance/luck,” “free will,” “random,” and “quantum physics,” are all terms that only describe phenomenon which we are not, as yet, able to find the cause and effect involved. It is arrogant to assume that whatever we cannot explain will be forever unexplainable!


    • #91668

      I do agree that things such as religion and luck etc are just explanations to help the brain cope with the unknown. Quantum physics is a subject that is applicable, but is not known in its entirety, as all science is.

      I believe there is a section on determinism in Steven Hawkins "Brief History of Time"

    • #91698

      There will always be a limit to what we are able to learn about the universe, so even if naturalistic determinism is correct, chances are we will never know it. Thus there will always be room for other interpretations.

    • #91703

      I’d tentatively agree with most of what you said, except for this.

      quote charles brough:

      It is arrogant to assume that whatever we cannot explain will be forever unexplainable!

      Arrogance seems a bit of a strong word for the average person. We must all live with certain assumptions. A prominent scientist, on the other hand, could be considered arrogant by making such an assumption.

      PS: Good to see you back around here charles. I think you should get to know gamila. You two would get along great.

    • #91724
      quote AstusAleator:

      PS: Good to see you back around here charles. I think you should get to know gamila. You two would get along great.

      Oh wow, would that be a discussion worth watching! 😈

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