Biology Forum Microbiology Is Spirulina really good for our health ?

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    • #1761

      I know Spirulina very good for our health. But I think nothing is perfect! I wonder if it has any bad point ? ๐Ÿ™„

    • #28970

      spirulina is as good as oxygen because of hight content of protein and some secondary metabolisms.
      Sorry because I just see good properties.

    • #29002

      Spirulina is a cyanobacteria. Spirulina’s scientific name is arthrospira platensis. This edible algae has a long history of safe human consumption and over 30 years of safety testing. Special farms where spirulina is cultivated under controlled conditions do not allow the growth of other contaminant blue-green algae, as in lakes and waterways.

      World’s highest beta carotene food reduces long term health risks.
      Spirulina beta carotene is ten times more concentrated than carrots. So even if you don’t eat the recommended 4 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day (most people eat only 1-2, including french fries), get your natural beta carotene insurance from spirulina to help support your body’s defenses.
      60% easy-to-digest vegetable protein without the fat and cholesterol of meat.
      People are eating less meat and dairy protein because they want to lower fat, cholesterol, and chemicals in their diet. Spirulina is the highest protein food with all the essential amino acids and has only a few calories to keep your waistline where you want it.
      A rare essential fatty acid is a key to health.
      Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) in mother’s milk helps develop healthy babies. Studies show nutritional deficiencies can block GLA production in your body, so a good dietary source of GLA can be important. Spirulina is the only other whole food with GLA.
      Iron for women and children’s health.
      Iron is essential to build a strong system, yet is the most common mineral deficiency. Spirulina is rich in iron, magnesium and trace minerals, and is easier to absorb than iron supplements.
      High in Vitamin B-12 and B Complex.
      Spirulina is the highest source of B-12, essential for healthy nerves and tissue, especially for vegetarians.
      Unusual phytonutrients for health and cleansing.
      Scientists are discovering the benefits of polysaccharides, sulfolipids & glycolipids, and the rainbow of natural pigments that give spirulina a deep green color. Green (chlorophyll), blue (phycocyanin) and orange (carotenoids) colors collect the sun’s energy and power growth. Chlorophyll is a natural cleanser and is often referred to as nature’s green magic.

      So, it’s not so bad, is it? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • #29271

      But if we eat too much Spirulina, will we have any problem ? What’s its limitation ?

    • #29281

      If you take in too much beta-carotene your skin can become yellow…
      but this is not too bad since your body will eventually excrete it. It doesn’t do any harmful/permanent damage

      Vitamin A is a different story though and can cause some serious problems. I’m not sure if spirulina contains Vitamin A…

    • #29287

      Yes, but a very low quantity. Or so i remember… Anyway you can’t overdose from it…

    • #29298

      Or maybe something like Vitamin C. It is an antioxidant, but if you get too much it has just the opposite effect.

    • #80335

      An international detective hunt has been underway for 20 years. Researchers in Japan, China, India, Europe and the USA are discovering how and why the microalgae Spirulina is so effective for human and animal health. Hundreds of published scientific studies reveal how Spirulina, and its unique phytonutrients and extracts, boost the immune system and improve health in many ways.
      There are several new peer reviewed scientific studies about the ability to inhibit viral replication, strengthen both the cellular and humoral arms of the immune system and cause regression and inhibition of cancers. While these studies are preliminary and more research is needed, the results so far are exciting.
      In April 1996, scientists from the Laboratory of Viral Pathogenesis, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School announced on-going research, saying "Water extract of Spirulina platensis inhibits HIV-1 replication in human derived T-cell lines and in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. A concentration of 5-10 ยตg/ml was found to reduce viral production."
      HIV-1 is the AIDS virus. Small amounts of Spirulina extract reduced viral replication while higher concentrations totally stopped its reproduction. Importantly, with a therapeutic index of >100, Spirulina extract was non-toxic to the human cells at concentrations stopping viral replication.
      Another group of medical scientists in Japan has published new studies regarding a purified water extract unique to Spirulina named Calcium-Spirulan. It inhibits replication of HIV-1, Herpes Simplex, Human Cytomegalovirus, Influenza A virus, Mumps virus and Measles virus in-vitro yet is very safe for human cells. It protects human and monkey cells from viral infection in cell culture. According to peer reviewed scientific journal reports this extract, "holds great promise for treatment of HIV-1, HSV-1, and HCM infections, which is particularly advantageous for AIDS patients who are prone to these life-threatening infections."
      Calcium-Spirulan is a polymerized sugar molecule unique to Spirulina containing both Sulfur and Calcium.
      How does it work? When attacking a cell, a virus first attaches itself to the cell membrane. However, because of Spirulina extract, the virus cannot penetrate the cell membrane to infect the cell. The virus is stuck, unable to replicate. It is eventually eliminated by the bodyโ€™s natural defences.
      Several studies show Spirulina or its extracts can prevent or inhibit cancers in humans and animals. Some common forms of cancer are thought to be a result of damaged cell DNA running amok, causing uncontrolled cell growth. Cellular biologists have defined a system of special enzymes called Endonuclease which repair damaged DNA to keep cells alive and healthy. When these enzymes are deactivated by radiation or toxins, errors in DNA go un-repaired and cancer may develop. In vitro studies suggest the unique polysaccharides of Spirulina enhance cell nucleus enzyme activity and DNA repair synthesis. This may be why several scientific studies, observing human tobacco users and experimental cancers in animals, report high levels of suppression of several important types of cancer. The subjects were fed either whole Spirulina or treated with its water extracts.
      Medical scientists find it not only stimulates the immune system, it actually enhances the body’s ability to generate new blood cells. Important parts of the immune system, Bone Marrow Stem Cells, Macrophages, T-cells and Natural Killer cells, exhibit enhanced activity. Spleen and Thymus glands show enhanced function. Scientists also observe Spirulina causing macrophages to increase in number, become "activated" and, more effective at killing germs.
      Feeding studies show even small amounts build up both humoral and cellular arms of the immune system. Spirulina accelerates production of the humoral system (antibodies and cytokines), allowing it to better protect against invading germs. The cellular immune system includes T-cells, Macrophages, B-cells and the anti-cancer Natural Killer cells. These cells circulate in the blood and are especially rich in body organs like the liver, spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, adenoids, tonsils and bone marrow. Spirulina up-regulates these key cells and organs, improving their ability to function in spite of stresses from environmental toxins and infectious agents.
      Spirulina has a dark blue-green color, because it is rich in a brilliant blue polypeptide called Phycocyanin. Studies show it affects the stem cells found in bone marrow. Stem cells are "Grandmother" to both the white blood cells that make up the cellular immune system and red blood cells that oxygenate the body. Chinese scientists document Phycocyanin stimulating hematopoiesis, (the creation of blood), emulating the affect of the hormone erythropoetin, (EPO). EPO is produced by healthy kidneys and regulates bone marrow stem cell production of red blood cells. Chinese scientists claim Phycocyanin also regulates production of white blood cells, even when bone marrow stem cells are damaged by toxic chemicals or radiation.
      Based on this effect, Spirulina is approved in Russia as a "medicine food" for treating radiation sickness. The Children of Chernobyl suffer radiation poisoning from eating food grown on radioactive soil. Their bone marrow is damaged, rendering them immunodeficient. Radiation damaged bone marrow cannot produce normal red or white blood cells. The children are anemic and suffer from terrible allergic reactions. Children fed just five grams in tablets each day made dramatic recoveries within six weeks.
      Spirulina is one of the most concentrated natural sources of nutrition known. It contains all the essential amino acids, rich in chlorophyll, beta-carotene and its co-factors, and other natural phytonutrients. This is the only green food rich in GLA essential fatty acid. GLA stimulates growth in some animals and makes skin and hair shiny and soft yet more durable. GLA also acts as an anti-inflammatory, sometimes alleviating symptoms of arthritic conditions.
      Spirulina acts as a functional food, feeding beneficial intestinal flora, especially Lactobacillus and Bifidus. Maintaining a healthy population of these bacteria in the intestine reduces potential problems from opportunistic pathogens like E. coli and Candida albicans. Studies show when spirulina is added to the diet, beneficial intestinal flora increase.
      Based on this preliminary research, scientists hope the use of Spirulina and its extracts may reduce or prevent cancers and viral diseases. Bacterial or parasitic infections may be prevented or respond better to treatment and wound healing may improve. Symptoms of anaemia, poisoning and immunodeficiency may be alleviated.
      Scientists in the USA, Japan, China, Russia, India and other countries are studying this remarkable food to unlock its potential. More research is needed to determine its usefulness against AIDS and other killer diseases. However, it is already clear this safe and natural food provides concentrated nutritional support for optimum health and wellness. More about <A HREF="; REL="nofollow">Spirulina</A>

    • #80374

      Uhuh… now that sounds exactly like biased hype that always freaks me out. It is surely nice to apply funding for a project that cures cancer, AIDS, famine, malnutrition, blood disorders and apparently whatever one can conjure up. I’m not saying that Spirulina doesn’t sound like an iteresting topic that certainly warrants further investigation, but this last reply seems to completely lack objectivity, and hence credibility – to me it looks just like a marketing speech disguised behind scientific terms.

      Anyone who has read proper peer-reviewed journals knows that a paper / review that comes with this many flashy or extreme adjectives hardly gets a green light from any well-respected reviewer. So either the writer has made them up themselves, or the articles aren’t quite from Nature or New Scientist.

      "The children are anemic and suffer from TERRIBLE allergic reactions."

      "Children fed JUST five grams in tablets each day made DRAMATIC recoveries within six weeks."

      "…are studying this REMARKABLE food to unlock its potential."

      "…to determine its usefulness against AIDS and other KILLER diseases."

      "It inhibits replication of HIV-1, Herpes Simplex, Human Cytomegalovirus, Influenza A virus, Mumps virus and Measles virus in-vitro yet is VERY safe for human cells."

      "HUNDREDS of published scientific studies reveal how Spirulina, and its UNIQUE phytonutrients and extracts, boost the immune system and improve health in many ways."

      TV-Shop, anyone?

      …and those were just a few examples, many of the more suspicious claims are either extremely generalised or vague. Heck, there are hundreds of substances out there that inhibit viral replication in vitro, and are safe (sorry, very safe!) to human cells – but are still completely useless agains viruses in therapeutical terms.

      I hope you get my point, this "review" or whatever you called fulfill all the requirements for a misleading scientific text. You can basically pick whatever a topic you wish and find "hundreds" of peer reviewed papers – just who reviewed them and in which paper..? (the Chinese are always a good pick, because until nowadays, nobody could ever check their results or methods anyway – and even today the situation is quite different from many other countries ;))

      I truly hope nobody makes their opinion about Spirulina based on this text!

    • #89080

      ๐Ÿ™‚ To: Tuyet Giang: In short, yes it is good for your health. The downside is it does not taste very good, and can be messy. The limitation on how much can be consumed is the nucleic acid content. The UNIDO suggests to use less than 45 grams per day. Health benefits in humans begin at just one gram per day, and probably peak at about 10-15 grams per day.
      To: 8) biohazard; You are quite right. The piece I wrote more than ten years ago is of the commercial genre’, not scientific.
      ๐Ÿ’ก For science go to and enter phycocyanin NADPH oxidase or just Spirulina.
      The value to human health of Spirulina is primarily it’s peculiar form of bilin (phycocyanin) and polysaccharide. The bilin is not only a direct antioxidant in-vivo, it powerfully inhibits NADPH oxidase and COX-2, which means it is a powerful immunosupressant.
      The polysaccharide is finding applications in medicine as an immunostimulant.
      Eating Spirulina provides both immunostimulant and immunosuppressant effects, which though it sounds odd, do not cancel one another out. Both effects are desirable in most people.

    • #92107

      Where i can buy Spirulina i have no idea? i live u.k

    • #92473

      I buy my spirulina online, it’s cheaper than buying it at the drugstore.

    • #92479
      quote Poison:

      Or maybe something like Vitamin C. It is an antioxidant, but if you get too much it has just the opposite effect.

      This is actually not correct. Of the "simple" vitamins, only A, D, E, and K can pose a problem when you have too much. The reason for this is that they are fat-soluble and will be retained in your body for longer periods of time. If you consume too much then the amounts of these vitamins can reach toxic levels.

      Other vitamins, such as vitamin C are water soluble and will simply be expelled from the body as waste; you cannot overdose on vitamin C (though it is often acidic and may cause some sort of urinary tract infection… but not because it is a vitamin.)

    • #92653

      My question is, once spirulina is processed into powder, flakes, or tablets, does it still retain its health benefits? Is there a certain form and brand that is better?

    • #97879
      quote adain24:

      Where i can buy Spirulina i have no idea? i live u.k

      Hi there.

      Yes you can get spirulina online. I’ve tried a few places and different health stores around London but I’ve found it easier to shop online, You can get spirulina powder, tablets and capsules – be careful with the tablets though as it’s better to find a brand that don’t use fillers or agents that tend to be used to give the tablet it shape.

      I prefer taking the capsules over the powder and can recommend [link removed as it broke the rules of the forum] who are a good brand in the UK – I think their stuff is all natural and have used their online store a few times now.

      Hope that helps! It’s great stuff by the way – I’ve been taking it for a few years now and it really gives an energy boost all day and I use it to help with my running so I hope it works for you as it certainly works for me!


    • #103480

      Hi all,

      I have read that 3g spirulina powder contains 100% of the RDA of vitamin A.

      As I take around 8g a day, is this safe for me to take this much vitamin A on a long-term basis?

      Also is Beta-Carotene the same as vitamin A? Or are they different?

      I take the Spirulina primarily as a source of tryptophan, to counteract insomnia caused by low night-time serotonin (which causes a problem known as Night-Eating-Syndrome).

      It has been working great and also seems to make me more energetic and happy.

      I have read that spirulina works in the same way on the brain as SSRI’s (selective-serotonin-reuptake-inhibitors). If that’s true, are there any possible negative long-term effects to consider? eg possible permanent changes to brain-chemistry, or a big ‘crash’ if I stop taking it?

      In all truth I have felt great since taking spirulina and am just wondering if it’s safe to feel this good!

      Many thanks for any help…


    • #103482

      no, it’s definitely not safe to take like 300% of vitamin A’s RDA, because it’s soluble in fats and thus is not excreted from your body, but rather stored in your adipose tissues.
      And beta-caroten is provitamin A. By it’s cleavage is the vit A produced.

    • #103486
      quote jyaron:

      quote Poison:

      Or maybe something like Vitamin C. It is an antioxidant, but if you get too much it has just the opposite effect.

      This is actually not correct. Of the “simple” vitamins, only A, D, E, and K can pose a problem when you have too much. The reason for this is that they are fat-soluble and will be retained in your body for longer periods of time. If you consume too much then the amounts of these vitamins can reach toxic levels.

      Other vitamins, such as vitamin C are water soluble and will simply be expelled from the body as waste; you cannot overdose on vitamin C (though it is often acidic and may cause some sort of urinary tract infection… but not because it is a vitamin.)

      But, you have to be careful on wasting something excessively through your kidney. Vitamin C is water soluble, so it is excreted in your urine. Furthermore, the acidic property of vitamin C can affect your kidney function. Some people with high uric acid are asked not to consume vitamin C because its acidic property will hinder uric acid excretion through kidney.

      So make sure that you dont overdose vitamin C. Take high dose of Vitamin C only if you are in the need of it, like in a terrible weather condition, or after-sick condition where your immune system are weak.


    • #103495
      quote JackBean:

      no, it’s definitely not safe to take like 300% of vitamin A’s RDA, because it’s soluble in fats and thus is not excreted from your body, but rather stored in your adipose tissues.
      And beta-caroten is provitamin A. By it’s cleavage is the vit A produced.

      Thanks for the info Jackbean!

      That makes sense…

      I’m just wondering though, how do the manufacturers get away with recommending 8 grams at day on the side of the packet?

      Also a lot of spirulina promoting websites say 10-15g a day is fine and any amount under 40g a day is safe to take.

      Have they all got it horribly wrong or is there something else I’m not considering – for instance whether the full amount of beta-carotene is absorbable by the body or not?

      I ask because I’m loath to cut down on the spirulina as it has helped in a lot of areas of my life. I’m not exactly in love with the idea of turning yellow though!

    • #103516

      B-carotene is absorbed about ten to twenty percent in the body, so that is one reason people can eat it more than the active form of the vitamin A. Also, it seems that less B-carotene is converted into vitamin A if the body already has a lot of the vitamin stored.

      However, excessive intake of B-carotene can have similar harmful effects as overdose of vitamin A. Also, B-carotene is stored in the liver, where it may reserve so much "storage space" that some other fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin D, cannot be stored anymore.

      So, the same goes with beta-carotene as with other fat-soluble vitamins: too much is too much.

      I’m not sure what is the maximum safe daily intake, though, but considering the absorption rates given it is likely to be many times the amount of vitamin A, probably at least 5 to 10x, or more.

    • #104416

      I know that spiriluna have many health benefits but in some forums/sites people are saying that spiriluna may have some nasty "side-effects"

      Like this :
      and :

      And these:

      quote :

      The possible potential health risks from chronic exposure to microcystins from contaminated cyanobacteria Spirulina health food should not be ignored, even if the toxin concentrations were low. The method presented herein is proposed to detect microcystins present in commercial cyanobacteria Spirulina samples.
      quote :

      Under certain conditions, blue-green algae, as Spirulina, seems to be able to produce a neurotoxin called BMAA ([beta]-N-methylamino-L-alanine), which can cause a neurodegenerative disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-parkinsonism-dementia complex) (Papapetro-poulos 2007).
      quote :

      Few side effects have been reported from spirulina including headache, muscle pain, flushing of the face, sweating, and difficulty concentrating. These have been described in people taking 1 g of Spirulina per os daily. Skin reactions and liver damage have also been reported (Iwasa et al. 2002).
      quote :


      Whilst it is indeed nutrient rich, the question is – Is it food?

      Natural hygiene makes a distinction from all other systems of healthcare in that it is interested not in what has a nutrient content that appears high, but in how likely is it to be a food for humans. Think about Spirulina. It is pond scum essentially. I mean that in the most reverent way possible of course, for it serves an important function. It is the liver and the kidneys of fresh water. It is vital for the wellbeing of many aquatic systems. But in the tropical jungles of Africa, how likely do you think it is that we would come across Spirulina. And if we did come across a source of Spirulina in the form of a pond, how likely is it that we would dive down, pick some off a rock and eat it in its fresh whole state? Have you ever looked at a dirty fish tank and though when staring at that algae that prevents you from seeing if any fish are still alive in there “mmm I could just lick that tank clean”?

      This might sound like I’m being silly, but this is an important concept. In our natural environment, we would have evaluated food choices based on the use of our senses. Does the food look appealing? Does it smell appealing? Does it feel pleasant to touch in the hands? Is it easily accessible with the hands? Does it taste delicious or bitter or bland? Does it feel pleasant to chew? Does it feel nice when its in the stomach and digesting? Does it feel good when eliminating and still smell good? When we were living in tune with our bodies, we would have used all of this as feedback, to determine as all other animals do, whether something is truly an optimal food for us.

      What is an optimal food then?

      In order to be an optimal food, it must meet as many of the following criteria as possible, without coming at the expense of other criteria:

      1) Contain a sufficient source of macronutrients (protein, fat, carbs) to meet our requirements at the given time
      2) It must be easily digestible
      3) It must be easily eliminated
      4) It must be pleasing to all of the senses
      5) It must be accessible without the use of tools or processing agents
      6) It must contain minimum harmful toxins and agents.

      When we look at Spirulina, we see that it doesnt appeal to most peoples senses in its natural state (ie. before it was freeze dried, powdered and put in an attractive storage container). Before its powdered and turned into a liquid, it wouldnt be that easily digested and absorbed. And it likely wouldnt have got that far, as it would be rejected by functional senses. Its only once the senses have been dulled can we deceive them with unnatural substances. It wouldnt be easily accessible. This final criteria is important. For there are two things that could be considered disadvantageous when consuming spirulina.

      1) It contains toxins – Remember, not only is it a living organism and therefore it has defense mechanisms . It is the liver and kidneys of the water. It doesnt just get all the nutrients. It gets all the toxins too. Some endogenous, some exogenous. Indeed some people have reactions to these.

      2) Its not a plant, its in its own category, since it has more characteristics of bacteria than plant. Infact, check out this video … =4&playn… at 8.40min. you can see that there are actually cases of it infection peoples brain. Gross.

      3) It contains B12 analogues. Analogues are inactive forms of nutrients. This might sounds relatively innocuous, but think of it this way. Analogues are like locks that fit into a key. They turn perfectly, but dont actually open any doors. Not only that, but they snap inside so that the real key can’t get in. B12 analogues can actually create B12 deficiencies as a result, partly because they create false readings in blood tests, which invariably only test for B12 in the blood without making a distinction between analogue and digital forms, and also without making a distinction between whether it is being used or not. And partly, because they prevent the active b12 being used

      Just wondering is that bullshit or is it true that in some cases spiriluna may be even dangerous?

    • #104445

      When you want to know if a claimed health aid is actually backed by science, the best web site to visit is

      On spirulina, go to : … algae.html

      While spirulina appears to be a pretty safe material, quckwatch also reports that many of the health claims made for it have been tested and prove to be pure bunkum. Read the reference.

      While spirulina contains a number of useful nutrients, they are also available in quantities fully sufficient to meet our daily requirements in a wide variety of other foods, at a price way, way lower than buying spirulina. It is called eating a balanced diet!

      General conclusion : spirulina is a scam to make money.

    • #104460

      @skeptic: apparently some people choose to spend a lot of money on spirulina than to chew and swallow vegetables. Oh yes, the latter could be the hardest moment for human carnivores.

      My friend doesnt eat vegetables, she avoids any vegetables exist. She take some of pills like this…algae pills, but i dont think that her pill cost much since she never complain about algae runs her pocket dry ๐Ÿ˜€ lol

    • #106105

      Yes spirulina is good for health it is full of vitamins and nutrients, great if you are low on energy. I take it every day. Only drawback it smells like fish food, (but it is fed to fish). Also wheatgrass is as good, maybe even better but is more expensive.

      Facts on Spirulina

      The richest source of proteins, it provides 18 out of 22 amino acids the body needs.
      Its range of B-Vitamins strengthens the immune system and builds resistance. Its natural beta carotene (pro Vitamin A) helps maintain normal and healthy eyesight.
      It provides iron in a form that is easily absorbed. It helps maintain an optimum level of hemoglobin in the blood.
      It is the best natural source for antioxidants like carotenoids, vitamin E, zinc and selenium that help fight against free radicals and also slow down the ageing process.
      Being the richest vegetarian source of vitamin B-12, it helps reduce physical and mental stress.
      GLA in Sunova Spirulina prevents the formation of cholesterol, keeps the heart healthy and checks the onset of degenerative diseases like arthritis and diabetes. It also balances the various hormonal functions to improve energy utilisation and all-round health.

    • #106135
      quote lucyy:

      Yes spirulina is good for health it is full of vitamins and nutrients, great if you are low on energy. I take it every day. Only drawback it smells like fish food, (but it is fed to fish). Also wheatgrass is as good, maybe even better but is more expensive.

      Facts on Spirulina

      Would you care to provide any study that substantiate your facts, mostly those that are claiming to improve health?

      I too love the sound of chirping crickets, but I think I am disapointed…

    • #106156

      Wow, I learned something new today. I had not even known what spirulina was till I read this thread. Apparently the Aztecs and Mesoamericans had eaten it as well. Very interesting, indeed.

    • #106667

      Hi, I ordered 250 g of spirulina (625 tablets) online and the package arrived today. I read that 10g is the recommended daily dose. So I have to take 25 tablets a day?! Isn’t that a little too much?

    • #106676

      are you sure it’s 10 grams? Isn’t it miligrams (mg)?

    • #106699

      Spirulina is received much attention, your general health good one of the latest health care products. Spirulina major benefit is that it supports a healthy immune system, it can promote a healthy inflammatory response, oxidative stress protection. Major projects to ensure that you can maintain a healthy way of life, a person’s brain and heart.

    • #106709

      And your point is? Besides that you cannot change your post?

    • #108130

      If you really want to found out what current scientific research indicates about Spirulina, or anything else, use scientific resources such as or

      It’s not wise to just trust what random people say on a discussion board.

      Do your own research.

    • #108135

      Yes, a few people have asked for the scientific evidence for this product and I have not seen anyone respond. I have not researched this product extensively, but from what I can tell it is simply a multivitamin with some other bells and whistles thrown in and I have not seen any definitive scientific proof that vitamins will do all of the wonderful things supplement companies would have you believe. As for the other products, I have not researched them much either but it is up to the ones making the claim (the company making the product) to produce the necessary scientific evidence to prove that their product can actually do all of the things it claims. I can not find that evidence anywhere. Don’t take the company’s word for it. … -industry/

    • #109465

      I didn’t know anything about Spirulina 8 weeks ago and when I was doing some research into finding a supplement to give me more energy (now I am a vegetarian and I most certainly eat my greens) I came across articles pertaining to all the wonderful benefits of Spirulina. So I started taking it and was blown away by how much energy it gave me to get through my days without having to have "power" naps and it does suppress my sugar cravings exponentially and I also eat less. Now that is a bonus in my 50’s menopausal years.

      The scientific studies can say all they want but for me personally I have noticed many benefits and I really enjoy taking it daily. My mother who is in her 70’s has noticed that her Bronchitis has cleared in her lungs and she is no longer coughing all the time. She never expected that to happen, nor did I.

      So now I am blogging about it because to me it all comes down to the human individual who has personally felt the benefits, who has tried other supplements that never worked and who does not need scientific studies to tell her she has got it wrong.

      Just my humble opinion ๐Ÿ™‚

    • #110748

      Hi – What about the B12 analogs? I’m trying to find answers because, as an athlete, I’m interested in eating a lot of spirulina as a protein source (and I make a great spirulina "ice cream" with thai coconut and chia seeds and a few other things – so I like to have this as a post-workout meal) I’m concerned about blocking B vitamin receptors and can’t seem to find the answers – How many ounces a day of spirulina can I eat safely? I tend toward low B12…

      Thanks in advance for replies!

    • #110750

      Right sprulinabenefitsyou – don’t bother me with facts my minds made up. Testimonial stuff like this (presuming you haven’t a financial interest) can be found for any treatment from colloidal gold to conical aluminum foil helmets.

    • #111091

      Spirulina is good if taken properly.

    • #111092

      And that is how?

    • #111348

      I have been reading more studies recently that suggest supplements with Beta Carotene not only do nothing for cancer prevention, but they actually cause cancer. Spirulina contains Beta Carotene (at least my pills do).

      Here is the info on the American Cancer Society website: … a-carotene

      Does anyone have any research to the contrary?

    • #111359

      Conclusion of the relevant research was not that beta carotene causes cancer. Long-term high-dose treatment (in smoking-associated population) was associated statistically with increased cancer risk. The study was not claimed to show risk for other populations with lesser exposures.
      There are studies that concluded some cncer prevention potential of carotenoids – here’s a review:

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