Biology Forum Microbiology M Biology

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    • #11259

      Help, I need to identify a bacteria for my micro bio lab.
      We need to try to figure out the genus but don’t necessarily need the species. Would be a plus if I could come close to figuring it out.
      Here are the results of all the tests I performed.
      Colony morphology Circular, Raised, smooth, glistening
      Cell morphology Rod, Bacillus (single)
      Gram stain Pink, Gram –
      Osmotic sensitivity Up to 20% NaCl
      Temperature tolerance 4˚ – 37˚ – Mesophile
      Acidity/alkalinity Prefers Alkaline/neutral
      Growth on glucose No Growth
      Growth on amino acids (a.a.) Growth
      Growth on glucose & a.a. Growth
      Growth on glucose, a.a. & yeast extract Growth
      Aerobic/anaerobic Aerobic
      MacConkey agar No Growth
      Mannitol salts agar No Growth
      Amylase No Growth
      Citrate No Growth
      Oxidation/fermentation Pink/Orange No Growth
      Glucose; acid/gas Can’t Produce Acid or Gas From Glucose
      Methyl red Lt. Yellow, Negative
      Voges-Proskauer Gold Yellow, Negative
      Triple iron sugar No Gas, No FeS
      Indole Does Not Produce
      Ornithine decarboxylase Positive, decarboxylase of ornithine
      Nitrate reduction Alot Nitrate Present
      Oxidase Oxidase Negative
      Catalase Strong Reaction
      Coagulase Negative Result, no clot
      Hemolysis β-Hemolysis
      Motility Very Motile
      Thank you for any help!

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