Biology Forum Cell Biology meosis: telophase 1

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    • #5172

      In meosis telophase 1, does two separate cell form already? or are they still together but the cell membrane just pinches in b/t the two?

      Some info that i’ve read, the cell are still together until after telopohase 2 when cytokinesis begin then it result into 4 daughter cells. However, other info suggest that at telophase 1, 2 daughter cell result and then undergo individual separation of sister and non-sister chromosomes. (as in mitosis)

    • #51098

      In telophase I of meiosis, a nuclear membrane may or may not reform, and cytokinesis may or may not occur. In humans, the nuclear membrane does reform and cytokinesis does occur.
      Whether two separate cells form, therefore, depends on of what organisms you speak. Unfortunately, no blanket generalization exists.

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