Biology Forum Microbiology Need help in Micro!

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    • #16062

      1. Compare and contrast Endospore formation and fungal spore formation. be sure to include and identify the following:
      a) environmental conditions
      b) purpose
      c) methods
      d) outcomes-give and organism example for C & D

      2. Discuss fungal sexual spore formation. Be sure to include the 3 phases, products, sexual spore producing components.

      3. List 5 environmental requirements/conditions as well as nutrient requirements for fungal growth.

      4.List and discuss the life cycles of the (5) groups of mycoses.

      5. Compare and contrast Lichen with Algae. What is the importance of cyanobacteria.

      6. Describe and discuss the similarities of the Lichen thallus and the animal cell membrane.

      7. Describe algae life cycle and nutrition requirements.

      8. Describe and discuss diatoms- be sure to provide the critical importance of diatoms and energy production.

      9. Describe dianoflagellates ant the aquatic and human diseases they cause.

      10. Define and describe a typical Protazoan.

      11. Identify and explain the inportance of the following:
      a) trophozoite
      b) schizogony
      c) conjugation
      d) encystment

      12. Descibe the Apicomplexa life cycle, then identify an apicomplexan infection (disease) and describe the entire life cycle. (do not use malaria)

      13. Compare and contrast the Ciliophora & Euglenozoa. Give organism names and diseases caused.

      14. Discuss and compare Phatyhelminthe & Namatode parasitic infections

      15. Describe vectors and then discuss a disease caused by a vector.

      16. Compare and contrast bacteria and virus (be specific not general)

      17. Discuss the importance of viral "Host range"

      18. Define "bacteriophage" and discuss their importance in destruction of microbes.

      19. Discuss viral taxonomy. What 3 criteria are used by the ICTV to classify a virus.

      20. Discuss the use of plaque-forming units in Virology.

      21. Descride the lytic cycle of the T-even bacteriophage.

      22. Describe the lysogenic cycle of the bacteriophage lambda.

      23. Compare and contrast the multiplication cycles of DNA & RNA containing animal viruses.

      24. Discuss the steps of viral budding. Does this method always kill the host cell?

      25.Define the term "Oncogenic virus" then discuss one DNA oncogenic viral caused disease and one RNA oncogenic voral caused disease.

    • #109565

      sure, why shouldn’t we spend time working out 25 questions for you, right? 🙄 Where is your attempt to solve these?

    • #109580

      I didn’t ask you to spend time working out 25 questions. For some reason it didn’t post my answers. All I need was help with the first one NOT all of them. I tried reposting with answers but again they are not there… 😕

    • #109588

      LOL 😆 yesterday I student told me, that she spilled coffee on her lab report. I have no idea, why I have recalled it right now 😆

    • #109593

      If you really need help with only the first, I guess you do not need to post all 25, that will save some typing to you, and reading to us. And maybe you can on the other hand type what you think about the answer. A quick summary would be fine.

    • #109602

      i second the motion

    • #109711

      I do take issue with the question. Though it may have left a trap, it does include an illogical aspect and that is "purpose". Unles you’re syllabus includes intelligent design, neither has a purpose – neither was designed to accomplish an objective. As products of evolution andf natural selection – they have developed to a functuion.

    • #109721

      So, the purpose of lungs is not to get oxygen?

    • #109724

      I’m surprised, Jack, that you don’t understand evolution – or are you a supporter of intelligent design?.
      Purpose brings the concept of intent into this matter. By the theory of evolution, humans have developed with functional lungs to our state of anatomy – not by someone’s or something’s intent or design that we needed lungs. The function was not identified for evolution to develop lungs.
      Bacterial endospores were not developed to survive hard times – the process of mutation/natural selection estsblished a structure and phyiology that functions to this end and therefore is sustained.

    • #109743

      I guess the problem is in wording.

      Is the function of lungs to get oxygen? Yes or no.

    • #109749

      As JorgeLobo says the idea of a purpose (which implies intent) is quite iffy when it comes to biology. It is at best a poorly worded question, at worst some IDiocy, but I suspect the former. And I see why the lecturer would want to have the effect of the creation of spores explained. In any case our OP do not really appear really responsive, and was obviously expecting a spoon fed answer. too bad for him/her.

    • #109782

      Indeed jack – it is in "wording" and the question is incorrectly "worded" – as incorrect as black and white per the currenty theries of biology. Functionally, endospores are survival structures whereas fungal spores are reproductive structures (assume conidiospores ala the aspergilli).
      Indeed the function of lungs is as you say – and that is not a purpose. This gets more to the theory of science and I know it is obvious when you give it some thought.

      thanks canalon.

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