Biology Forum Human Biology Nitroglycerine

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    • #5473

      I think I’ve ever heard that Nitroglycerine is used for a vasodilator agent for certain health disorder like asthma, heart attack, etc…
      What makes me keep wondering is, I ever ask my chemistry teacher about my mechanism to synthesize nitroglycerine and he asked me that what is my purpose till I wanna ask this kind of synthesize. I know that nitroglycerine is a powerful bomb which can explode anytime if any shock gets into it….

      So, for the question….isn’t it dangerous when we see people inhale nitroglycerine which they take it from their bag?? what if that nitroglycerine container suddenly slipped out and dropped onto the floor? 😕

      Hehe…sometimes I really feel that I wanna synthesize a large amount of nitroglycerine…:twisted:

    • #53245

      A quick saerch on google and I found this:

      In short, and as you should have guessed th quantities in use and the dilution are such that there is no risk of explosion.

      But as for all homeworkers, my dear victor, searching by yourself is a good idea 😉 I used Nitroglycerine as a keyword in the most famous search engine to find that.

    • #53251

      Thank you..thank you… 😀
      I’ve gotten the answer…Nitroglycerine must be kept in neutral pH or it will explode…so I think, nitroglycerine used in medication is diluted with certain amount of HCl and keep measured till it raised at neutral pH….

      Oh, I’ve also found "the right way to synthesize nitroglycerine" in your suggested hyperlink…:lol: Guess, I can test it….

    • #53418

      Hang on, what you mean by inhaling in astma is NOT nitroglycerin, its either corticosteroids as antiinflammatory agent for chronic treatment and adrenergic receptor agonists (albuterol etc) for acute treatment; these are used as BRONCHOdilators. Nitroglycerin is used as VASOdilator in episodic anginal chest pain and this is in tablet or spray form. Of course there is no risk of dropping one of these little containers and setting off an explosion.

    • #53426

      Sorry for my wrong writting… 😳

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