Biology Forum Human Biology Odd food poisoning-like symptoms, strange tastes

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    • #13801

      Second post (After this, I promise I’ll stop cluttering the forum with newbie questions).

      To give a brief background on why I’m posting, I’m trying to find a diagnosis for symptoms that are either of a paranoid non-existent hypochondriac illness in my head, or for a very real disease. I’m by no means a biologist so excuse my simple laymans terms. The doctors I’ve spoken to have no idea what I’m talking about.

      Since about 1999, I’ve been getting some kind of problem, the doctors call it food poisoning, but I have a feeling it might be something else, I just don’t know, because some of the symptoms baffle me, and they’re worse than any bout of poisoning I’ve had, I feel like something is gravely wrong.

      Luckily for me it is now a very rare thing (I used to have it once every few months as a child), the last time I had this illness was 2008.

      One minute I’ll be fine, then literally within minutes, my mouth entirely dries up, as if someone has sucked it dry with a vacuum cleaner, and then I get bloated. Whenever I burp, a foul rotten egg taste comes to my mouth (I can only describe the taste of it as a mixture of foul rotten eggs, burning toast/popcorn, and sulphur in one). It’s so bad it literally makes me want to be sick. When I get this burp, I *know* I’m in trouble for the next 7 hours. It’s followed immediately by the most painful, extreme case of the runs, abdominal pains (Feels like someone is boiling water in my intestines and stabbing it with a knife), and intense nausea. Luckily during my last bout in 2008, I was able to leave my campus and get to a medical centre where I was given a metoclopramide injection, I didn’t throw up but I sure felt like it. The last time I had it, I remember counting that I vomited until my mouth was dry, and was gagging for about 6 hours nonstop at about an average rate of twice per minute, I could not sleep properly without half gagging and waking up).

      Since then though, I’ve asked doctors and searched the web, and I just can not find the cause of this burp. For me, there’s a difference between "food poisoning" where you get the runs, cramps, possible vomiting for a few days, but this illness is intense, and the symptoms are the worst I’ve ever had, it’s enough to debilitate me. The burp worries me, it is almost as if my body is telling me something is gravely wrong.

      I don’t know what this is, but can anyone here shed some light on what it may be, how it can be (if at all) prevented, diagnosed, or treated? I could be wrong and perhaps it is just Norovirus or something, but what I find odd is that no-one I’ve spoken to who has suffered norovirus or food poisoning can seem to recall having foul belching. My only other thought is that it might be some kind of bacteria buildup from rotten food caused by gastroparesis or something, but it’s just speculation. I’m trying not to worry about it (it really doesn’t help now that I almost get a little shaky when I feel so much as bloated), but it would mean the world to me if I could find out what this blasted horrible illness is after a decade of searching. The only other information I have is that I vaguely remember the first time I got it, I had eaten a Banana Fritter from a truck stop at the young age of about 10 (my immune system was probably weak as anything), and within about 3 hours I was ill.

    • #101378

      Well, having had my share of food poisonings and stomach illnesses as a kid (and once or twice as an adult) I’d say that that doesn’t sound like any normal food poisoning to me. I do not know why it would cause dry mouth first and then later such symptoms as you described.

      I have a couple of wise old clinical microbiology profesors around here where I work, I could ask them about your problem next time I see one of them. If they haven’t heard of anything like that, then I think it must be something else. And if it is something else, then I’d go for either some neurological problem (because of the dry mouth) or some secretory problem (like bile reflux from the intestines or something similar that causes irritation of the bowels/stomach and this burb-thing). Foul eggs usually contain sulphur compunds (that’s why the smell), not sure if this bit of information is of any use.

      Anyways, I try to be back in touch in few days.

    • #101605

      Any luck?

    • #101780
      quote blackmantis:

      Any luck?

      Sorry, none so far. Though the person I thought might know something has been unavailable because he’s been abroad a while. I’ll try to remember to post here if I find anything!

    • #102386

      Thank goodness that there is someone else out there that suffers from the same problem that I have. I’m not too keen of throwing up myself, and find that sometimes, I get those burps that you describe as well. Mine though just tastes like the burnt popcorn, but no one else that I know of in my town or family suffer from the same thing. I get the exact symptoms that you have (I’m actually experiencing the nausea and the stomach cramps right now) but what is strange to me is that I haven’t eaten anything out of the ordinary. Though its not the most comfortable thing to have, and can get quite worrying, it’s good for me to know that there is someone else out there that has the same thing. I’m asking around to my friends who have nurses as friends, to see if they have any answers, so if I find anything out, I’ll reply ASAP because I would like to know as well.

    • #104001
      quote k1pch4:

      Thank goodness that there is someone else out there that suffers from the same problem that I have. I’m not too keen of throwing up myself, and find that sometimes, I get those burps that you describe as well. Mine though just tastes like the burnt popcorn, but no one else that I know of in my town or family suffer from the same thing. I get the exact symptoms that you have (I’m actually experiencing the nausea and the stomach cramps right now) but what is strange to me is that I haven’t eaten anything out of the ordinary. Though its not the most comfortable thing to have, and can get quite worrying, it’s good for me to know that there is someone else out there that has the same thing. I’m asking around to my friends who have nurses as friends, to see if they have any answers, so if I find anything out, I’ll reply ASAP because I would like to know as well.

      Yes! Burnt popcorn is the same sort of "taste" I could describe it as. Other ways of describing it is rotten eggs, sulphur, burning eggs, it’s a foul taste. There seems to be nothing known about what causes this as so many people often post things such as "Oh wow you have this too!? My doctor has no idea" etc etc, like a large population of people get it but it remains a mystery as to what causes it.

      I’ve been doing a lot of studying, and even the symptom itself is hard to find. Had a good read through my Campbell Biology book (as I’m only starting out), but I have found a few things that can cause it (although I’m not looking to self-diagnose, but I have often referred these causes to my doctor as we’re working on figuring it out):

      * Gastroparesis (delayed emptying of the upper GI, food can sometimes rot and give that foul belch, although it is often only accompanied by bloating, and vomiting but not often diarrhea). It is unlikely gastroparesis is giving us both grief.

      * Giardia Lamblia (This is my main suspicion at the moment. I have heard from various sources that Giardia can cause the foul belching, often with watery diarrhea and vomiting, however I’ve never had it last for more than about 6 hours, rather than the 2 days that the symptoms often go for with Giardia. The belch is perhaps considered insignificant in comparison to the other symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, that it is not essentially listed as a symptom, but I do get gas which is interesting, as I find I have to belch more often). I believe this is most likely what is causing our problems.

      There is an interesting article here -> which details sulfur belching and some common causes, however I still believe Giardia may be the culprit. It could be the taste of bile coming back up? Although the last time I had this bug, I did not vomit (probably due to my phobia willing me not to with every ounce of strength, and being shot up on metoclopramide hydrochloride), although I certainly felt nauseas.

      Still, I’m always fascinated to hear if someone else has had this. There *must* be something or some pattern that we (the sufferers of this vile bug) are following to end up in such a miasma of symptoms. Is there anything you could perhaps tell me that might help? I live in Australia, where Sydney Water is commonly known to have Giardia in it, my mother details the scares of the 1990s in which most people caught it up to 6 times in a year, although most people I know who acquire the protozoan don’t often report the foul belch.

      I will update this thread with my findings, and I would appreciate any and all feedback from the biology community. If anyone can figure this one out, it’s you guys. Not a single doctor I’ve talked to has a clue. Personally if I could come across an anti-emetic that was *extremely* effective against the vomiting caused by this bug, as well as something that could counter the nausea, I would not let it worry me.

    • #104088

      Glad to hear you have found at least some possible explanations. Definitely, keep the thread alive and let us know if you manage to find out something!

    • #104116

      hello there

      well I cannot really imagine your symptoms, but considering burp…my Mom used to have that symptoms. Untill now, she still burps a lot (relatively compared to any in the family)
      When she went to doctor, the said something wrong with her liver, some kind of enzymatic problem. Have you went on test for something like this? Now she take some digestive pill some other time.
      Hope this help, I dont really know the taste of her burp

      As for Giardia, if your local water contain such bacteria, there will be an outbreak in your area and you wont be the one having the symptoms, right?

    • #104167
      quote adihutama:

      hello there

      well I cannot really imagine your symptoms, but considering burp…my Mom used to have that symptoms. Untill now, she still burps a lot (relatively compared to any in the family)
      When she went to doctor, the said something wrong with her liver, some kind of enzymatic problem. Have you went on test for something like this? Now she take some digestive pill some other time.
      Hope this help, I dont really know the taste of her burp

      As for Giardia, if your local water contain such bacteria, there will be an outbreak in your area and you wont be the one having the symptoms, right?

      That’s the strange thing though, we had a massive Giardia scare in Sydney in 1997 ->

      During this period (which I was getting sick in, I don’t recall the date this illness commenced for me exactly), many many people I knew suffered from Giardiasis, including my mother, however I have asked her and many others who I knew were affected, not a single one of them reported symptoms matching my own. They often had watery diarrhea for 1-3 days, and often vomited. The vomiting was not so intense that they could not eat (as it would happen only a few times a day, they could still find a moment devoid of nausea to have some dry toast), however my symptoms thankfully never last beyond about 6 hours, although when I was younger.

      Well the burp is just a side effect of this miasma of an illness or dysfunction. If it was *just* the burp, I would not be as worried (I’ve heard mint can suppress the hydrogen sulfide taste). Did your mother also suffer from profuse diarrhea and sometimes vomiting during her liver enzymatic dysfuntcion or was it just the foul belching?

      What I aim to try and find out, is:

      * What exactly causes this burp, and the taste of hydrogen sulfide? Is perhaps the liver malfunctioning and sending bile back to the stomach, or is the upper GI seizing up causing gastroparesis (which would cause the rotting food to be squeezed back up into the stomach and therefore cause the vomiting and foul taste)

      * What illness causes the overall symptoms? Is this an illness caused by a bacteria, enteroviral or protozoan / parasitical infection? Many user accounts lead me to believe it may possibly be Giardia Lamblia, and I would rule out Helicobacter Plyori as I have been tested for it and the results came back negative. Or perhaps is it a gastrointestinal dysfunction? Is the upper GI seizing up somewhere? It’s almost as if once the food has reached the upper intestinal tract, the body screams "get out right now!" as hard as it can, and suddenly it’s extremely forceful in removing the food through both exits as fast as it can.

      Interestingly enough, there is a 45 page long thread on it at Wrongdiagnosis. I have read the entire thread, and not a single person can have it diagnosed by a doctor!

      45 pages right there, with not a single answer in it. This is a serious problem and it is going undiagnosed and unrecognized by doctors. I think some of the best gastroenterologists and pathologists need to look into this because it is truly distressing. Like myself, most people in the thread who have experienced it report developing an instant and extremely strong phobia towards the illness. (most likely due to the intensity, as no doctor seems to be able to understand that you can not eat or drink when you are vomiting every 2 minutes nonstop for 6-12 hours straight).

      I think we have a dysfunction or bacterial/enteroviral/protozoan infection that has either not been discovered yet (as it only seems to affect select few people. Most people seem to never get these symptoms, however I have noted that usually the people who get it once experience recurring bouts of it throughout their life. I am the only person in my family to get this and I am unaware of any significant lifestyle changes I possess or have made that caused me to get this recurring bug). This is what worries me. It sounds like some kind of disease that manifests itself in the gut, and infects the person (so they expel most of it), and slowly over time, the bacteria builds up again, and causes another serious infection and the usual symptoms (Would this be a reasonable theory? Does H Plyori not perform a similar act of manifesting itself in the gut so it can reinfect?)

      The only other cause I could think of, is perhaps some kind of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth? I’ve read that if the balance of bacteria in the small intestine is upset, the body reacts (often violently) in expelling the bacteria in order to cull the abnormally large numbers. This sounds like a valid and possible cause to me, although I don’t quite understand the source of the foul hydrogen sulfide taste. Perhaps is this gas going through all of us every single day once food hits the upper intestine and beyond, and is broken down by sulfur reducing microbes until it reaches the anus, by which time it has lost most of the odor?

      I am tempted to start a thread and detail my notes about it in the first post (as in edit/update it whenever I can). I will continue to post anything or any developments I find in this thread. I have noticed a lot of patterns about it.

      * When I first started experiencing symptoms, my bouts of this strange illness/bodily dysfunction were spaced closely together. I would experience it about every 6 months. Interestingly enough, I never used to vomit much from it. I recall being in school one particular bout, and suffering from only the belching and lower GI symptoms, however I did not feel nausea from memory, just dehydrated, and was able to continue my studies, whereas as I’ve gotten older, the symptoms have become worse and more extreme each time.

      Slowly over time I seem to be able to go longer and longer without acquiring it, my longest being from November 2003 to April 2008. I’ve read that many people seem to shake the problem for many decades, only to have it begin to occur again when they reach their 50s (in which it starts to occur much more often, perhaps as a result of an impaired immune system due to older age? Or perhaps a weaker gastrointestinal system?) The thought that I might acquire this problem almost every month when I’m in my 50s would definitely guarantee me taking a suicidal route to escape it, due to the helplessness. I feel that even if this problem had a diagnosis but no cure, it would make it a lot more clearer for me to understand, since it just seems to magically happen out of the blue with no pattern leading to it. I lose sleep at night running through notes, and information I’ve absorbed going through my head, repeating "there *must* be a cause for this", the body wouldn’t just naturally make you belch hydrogen sulfide, vomit violently and experience fulminating dysentery. Something must be irritating the GI tract or it must be an immune system response.

    • #104183

      Dear blackmantis,

      I guess my mother did not have diarrrhea or vomit during those days.

      Have you try on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease? After reading your latest assumption, it came accross my mind. 🙂
      Perhaps some others have post it in this thread. It a disease where youre stomach content is pushed upward to your esophagus.
      Actually the main symptom is heartburn which i did not recall appear in your symptom list.
      But it can cause burps, vomit, and nausea.
      There are many causes for GERD, but it all reaches one point: weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES). This sphincter should retain your stomach content in your gastric. This sphincter can be weaken by some food or drink (acid, spicy, soda, coffee) and strenghten by others (mainly those contain hi protein).
      But some people are just born with weak LES.
      There are changes in lifestyle that you can do. Beside avoiding those food effecting your LES, sleeping position (maintain your head higher than the body), and clothing (use loose clothe) can do some help.

      For diagnose, pH of your esophagus should be measured in certain time. It should be lower than normal esophageal pH. Sometimes it could have caused damage to your esophagus epithel.

      Pharmacology handling include, sucralfate, PPI or some other gastritis regimen…
      Non pharmacology handling can include some operations on implanting protein to strenghten your LES…

      Have you asked your doctor bout this?

    • #104201
      quote adihutama:

      Dear blackmantis,

      I guess my mother did not have diarrrhea or vomit during those days.

      Have you try on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease? After reading your latest assumption, it came accross my mind. 🙂
      Perhaps some others have post it in this thread. It a disease where youre stomach content is pushed upward to your esophagus.
      Actually the main symptom is heartburn which i did not recall appear in your symptom list.
      But it can cause burps, vomit, and nausea.
      There are many causes for GERD, but it all reaches one point: weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES). This sphincter should retain your stomach content in your gastric. This sphincter can be weaken by some food or drink (acid, spicy, soda, coffee) and strenghten by others (mainly those contain hi protein).
      But some people are just born with weak LES.
      There are changes in lifestyle that you can do. Beside avoiding those food effecting your LES, sleeping position (maintain your head higher than the body), and clothing (use loose clothe) can do some help.

      For diagnose, pH of your esophagus should be measured in certain time. It should be lower than normal esophageal pH. Sometimes it could have caused damage to your esophagus epithel.

      Pharmacology handling include, sucralfate, PPI or some other gastritis regimen…
      Non pharmacology handling can include some operations on implanting protein to strenghten your LES…

      Have you asked your doctor bout this?

      Hi Adihutama,

      Reflux does run in my family, however my father has never reported any of the symptoms I have encountered. He has been devoid of (any serious) illness since the 1970s. I would be tempted to say GERD, however I feel that the fulminating dysentery could not possibly be caused by it. The symptoms are just far too extreme. I have had my fair share of belching, acid reflux, and nausea from it, but never any extreme symptoms, although perhaps it could be a risk factor (Perhaps the excess amounts of stomach acid irritate the lining and cause gastritis?) However it still wouldn’t explain passing over 20 litres of water an hour. To me it still only seems that the body picks something up, and as soon as it discovers it, it goes into absolute overdrive and its 100% main priority is to expel whatever the contents are to get rid of the food. It is much more forceful and violent than the general bouts of food poisoning I suffered as a child. I seem to also lose a lot of weight in these bouts. The last continual bout I had in 2008 resulted in me losing 13kg of body weight in under two weeks. It just seems too serious to be gerd, gastroparesis, or any of these typical illnesses, and I don’t know anyone else with GERD who has had these symptoms.

      I do recall the nausea being so strong it left me with obtundation. I recorded two videos on my cell phone of me talking during my last illness, and when I was well, I watched the videos and barely remembered it, similar to the feeling of being alcoholically intoxicated, (I couldn’t focus, I slurred my speech) etc and it only seems to get worse as I get older. I’m only 22 at the moment, but when I used to get it as an 11 year old, I recall being able to suffer a bout during school time, I would make all my visits to the bathroom then return to class, completely unmoved by the whole thing, whereas the last two times it has grown in intensity, as if my body can no longer handle it. I have always got my iPod ready for the same occasion should I get this illness again, and I will record a log of all the details I can think of, in case there’s one key symptom I’m overlooking due to the amalgamation of so many at once.

      The problem is, I hear a different ostensible answer for the cause of this illness from every doctor and even from those who suffer it. One person will pipe up and say "Yes! I had this with serious diarrhea, vomiting and the belches for years, then I stopped eating food with red dye #40 in it and it went away!" and some will say "The cause is red meat and poultry, I stopped eating and I’m fine".

      I haven’t ruled this theory out, perhaps there was some kind of junk food I consumed as a child and didn’t link to it, perhaps it was something completely innocent like a lollypop or candy (as I rarely eat candy or sweet products now), and I just happened to consume it in 2008 and it caused it, but it just seems so unlikely that one tiny foodstuff can cause such a violent reaction. The reaction is akin to that of mixing a gummy bear (sucrose) with molten potassium chlorate. Fulminating, instant, and forceful for six hours, and the symptoms are strong enough to get the message from your body to yourself, as if it to say "Never ever consume that again, something is seriously wrong.. I always remember feeling a sense of trepidation, dread, as if I naturally knew something was really wrong whenever I had this, even when I was young and did not fear it (which I learned to quickly, as most others do). Another theory by some is that they get these symptoms when stressed, or incredibly anxious, which could possibly make sense, as I did have the symptoms on my first day of college in 2008, but again, I just find it so hard to believe that something so stupid as anxiety could produce such an influx (or in this instance, outflux!) of horrible symptoms. When people tell me "oh yeah it’s probably just a bug/migraine", I just simply cannot believe them.

    • #104360

      Dear blackmantis,

      well, since we are a biological creature, you have to open up your mind to every possibility.
      I used to have skin exim (i am not sure whats the term in English) when my skin got ceratinized an it got so itchy. But the itch dont happen all the time. It only come when im in stress or under pressure.
      Not to mention this neck muscle tension i had when the deadline comes. I can only nod or look up because turning my head left and right will cause some pain.
      Doctor said the muscle tension is only a stressed related problem, and he only gave me some muscle relaxant and neurotropic vitamin.
      And it works damn well, i also try to reduce my stress level, and it kinda work.
      There must be some correlations between our anxiety, fear, stress and our biological function that can cause illness

    • #104708

      I have the same problems and found it related to stress and lake of sleep. I also have a skin condition. A-Topic dermatitis which weakens my immune system when I’m around things I’m allergic to. I am trying a lot of things to avoid stress but I am very busy. Although it may be stress related, I’m not completely convinced it is yet. If anyone here has another ideas, please let me know.

    • #105710

      Hi……..I too get the horrible "eggy burp" when my stomach is really upset.

      I remember having it as a child and was always sick after it!
      I am suffering from it right now. I have food poisoning from eating scampi. I got food poisoning 17 days ago.
      I wasn’t actually sick, but felt it. It has just been diahorrea. It seemed to get better after a couple of days, only to return again for about 3 days……..then went again and has returned again now. I’m totally fed up of it!

      I only get these burps when my stomach is VERY upset. It will not stop gurgling! HELP!!

    • #106444

      Hi There
      I’m 22 years old and from New Zealand and these symptoms have recently started happening to me in the last few months. At the moment I am stuck on my couch with huge stomach pains, the burping up of the taste of bile which in turn is making me want to vomit, im nauseous and the first 2 times i had this i also had diarrheoa and this all lasted for about 3 days, this time diarrheoa hasn’t hit me yet (fingers crossed) but I am pretty gassy at that end aswell. I haven’t actually managed to vomit any of the times I have had these symptoms but the first time i was pretty damn close and my boyfriend had to watch me stumbling to get to the bathroom and somewhat hold me up. Another symptom i have is loss of appetite (and i’ll be honest a few months ago i changed the way i eat to be alot healthier but i still indulge in the odd snack like we all do) and also a huge loss of energy even if i do get enough sleep. These last two symptoms are not just within the three days where I can barely move but they seem to happen more often. I’m not a biology person at all n I don’t believe I have food poisoning and am looking for some genuine help here so if I eventually get to the doctors i can somewhat have some knowledge behind it to describe what I have. Has anyone found a way to diminsh the taste? i have tried mouthwash, mints n all sorts but everytime a new burp pops up its so strong it just overrides it. Have you had anymore luck recently on trying to diagnose these symptoms because I would really like to know what the hells going on with my body

      I don’t want to self diagnose either but i also don’t want to go to the doctors either to be told i have something I don’t as I am on a studnet budget. Please help me =(

    • #107354

      I am currently suffering from that right now. This is about the 10th time I’ve had it since 2007. I have gone to the emergency room every time for them to tell me it’s gas so I suck the opinion of a gastroenterologist and he said that it’s abdominal migraines. I don’t believe that either, though. The pain is worse than child birth and I’ve done that naturally, with no drugs-twice. I don’t know what is going on but I feel tjat sometimes stabbing myself in the stomach a few times would actually give me some sort of relief.

    • #107716

      I first noticed my odd tasting burps while I was pregnant with my daughter.

      I’m a 24 year old woman; I had her 4 years ago. I noticed after watching a movie and eating popcorn that I got intense heartburn (Tums didn’t help unless I ate something like 2 more than dosage) and nasty nasty burps. Since then I’ve gotten the burps every time I eat popcorn. I refrain, therefore, from eating it, but I’d like to be able to enjoy a bowl of popcorn without paying for it later.

      More recently, I had a bag of Ruffles Loaded Chili & Cheese chips, just one of the snack-pak bags, and I shared it with a friend to boot, but today, now, I’m sick at my stomach and belching the same burnt-popcorn taste as when I actually eat popcorn. Other chips don’t bother my stomach, and most other foods don’t, but I don’t really want to go to my doctor only to be told to avoid trigger foods or that it’s just gas. That LES sounds promising though, especially since I drink alot of soda.

      Unlike others here though, I don’t get diarrhea (though my stool is normally loose) nor do I vomit, I just.. don’t feel well and I belch.

      Any ideas?

    • #109933

      Hello Everyone, I’m a student Naturopath and i’m actually writing a book when i came across this site, i could tell from the first few symptoms what this horrid bacteria is, it’s unfortunately not known so well but can cause the symptoms you are all complaining about and there is a simple test you can do ! first off it is very easy to confuse the Eggy-sulphur-pop-corn taste with Ammonia ! when the body eats and ingests acidic foods like wine, coffee,potato-chips and pop-corn etc.. your giving the bacterium the possibility to nest in this environment and overpower your gut flora with ammonium. Helicobacter Pylori is easily caught simply by drinking water and perseveres when your body is acidic. THat’s why most of you realized it’s not food poisoning because it happens often yet your confused by this eggy foul smell. If left undiagnosed you can ulcerate your digestive tracts and loose weight.

      If your a cigarette smoker abuse cannabis or alcohol to help you sleep or even eat acidic foods you’ll wake up in the middle of the night with the stabbing pains you all have ! drinking water only neutralizes the ammonia fast relief can come from alkaline foods like sea-weeds spirulina, wheat grass etc. i would advise hot lemon tea however must of you have scraped your insides and lemon is Acidic outside the body but alkaline inside i’m not sure it will give you relief. Mint can cause you to burp acids and ammonia further up and down your pipes so be careful.

      Either try eating non acidic foods and go on an alkalizing cleanse to see if it helps or take the breath test for ammonia to see if it is Helicobacter Pylori. The pain usually lasts for hours… and you get relief once all the ammonia produced by the bacteria is out. The symptoms are similar to food-poisioning however the bacteria nests in you and can persevere depending on your lifestyle diet. Now i’m not a doctor yet, but i hope this helps, but get diagnosed anyway it’s a simple breath test. Act fast however because your gut lining is in danger ulcers can cause you to produce less acid in the future and can lead to life-long indigestion and GERD also as a Naturopath i’d be worried about your stomach,duodenum and small intestine because the more you harm them the less ingestion of nutrients you’ll be able to absorb in your futures which can lead to many more problems. Good luck in your research and i hope you find whatever is been harming you.

    • #109934
      quote jchupa:

      I have the same problems and found it related to stress and lake of sleep. I also have a skin condition. A-Topic dermatitis which weakens my immune system when I’m around things I’m allergic to. I am trying a lot of things to avoid stress but I am very busy. Although it may be stress related, I’m not completely convinced it is yet. If anyone here has another ideas, please let me know.

      Helicobacter pylori infection can cause or contribute to these symptoms:
      Stomach pain
      Gnawing feeling in stomach
      Acid reflux
      Belching and Burping
      Bad breath / halitosis
      Pain between shoulder blades
      Reactive arthritis
      Chronic fatigue
      Sleep problems
      Psoriasis 👿 Skin Condition?

    • #109937

      I found out that Giardia lamblia infection can cause similar symptoms as described above by various people. Giardia is an intestinal protozoan parasite that can cause various gastro-intestinal problems, one of which is described as "a foul or sulphuric-tasting belch, which has been known to be so nauseating in taste that it can cause the infected person to vomit" (

      Could be worth mentioning to your physician, if this option has not been discussed yet.

    • #111040

      I have sulfur burbs, They really stink, no pun intended. Perhaps I can add some info for this problem. I have severe back and leg problems/pain and consequently I have to take large amounts of pain killers (opoids). My long term meds don’t bring the foul burps but the fast acting medicine (oxycodone 30mg) brings it on fast and it usually lasts 24-48 hrs with lots of farting. I was worried for years and never looked into the problem because I thought it was associated with my liver, but my liver was tested every way possible and it’s not the cause. I believe the narcotics slow my digetion process way down like everything else and allows the food to stay in my stomach longer before leaving for my digestive tract, giving it time to rot- hence the smell. The gas is caused from fermintation, I can actually taste the carbonation from the fermintation in my mouth when I burp. It really only happens when my back really hurts and I take a very heavy dose of pain meds, around 150mg’s oxycodone. And I’m sure this locks my stomach right up enough to cause this problem. I’m just happy to know it won’t kill me, just those around me when I burp.

      I hope this helps some people out, and I will try pepto-Bismo, feel free to email

    • #111187

      I have understood that at least in certain animals it can indeed happen so that the food begins to spoil in the gastrointestinal track, if the digestion becomes too slow. Perhaps this can also happen in humans, like mitchpmk wrote.

      It is even possible that several conditions can cause the same symptoms. Perhaps the Giardia infection can also similarly disturb the digestive function like some drugs do and result in the aforementioned "sulfur burbs" and other such problems.

    • #111190

      I hAve had these same symptoms for over a year now. It always starts with the foul belching and shortly after the abdominal pain kicks in and the diarrhea and vomiting. Last time this occurred I was actually in so much pain I feared I would pass out and called 911. Every other time I’ve been to the doctor about this they seem baffled. The last time I had all kinds of tests done including ct scan. The doctor eventually diagnosed me with gastroenteritis. Although I was thrilled to finally have some sort of diagnosis, I am not completely convinced this is what I have. The treatment (acid reducer, daily) doesn’t seem to help.

    • #111191

      The first step in diagnosing your ailments is to really examine what you’re putting into your bodies (food, water, etc.). Test different diets. Try the basics like lactose free, gluten free, etc, and then move on to more complex diets. Many people would be amazed how many different diets there are.

    • #111192

      I’d not take much comfrot to that "diagnosis." It merely describes your symptoms – not their cause and the recommended treatment is directed at symptom not cause.

    • #112349

      Just a thought, but in 1999, around 30% of corn was genetically modified. I’ve heard others talk about this and it stopped when they stopped eating GMO corn. Further points of interest are the GMO corn fed pigs who have exploded barns when their foamy, over-methane smelling feces turned into a bomb. GMO corn allegedly seems to be really playing havoc on mammals’ guts. Something to consider…

    • #113076

      I don’t suppose anyone has found an answer for this yet? I have EXACTLY what you describe in your post. Happened to me about 4 or 5 times, between the ages of 12 and 14 (19 now) then seemed to just go away. Thought it had just gone away on its own, but it seems the problem has come back with a vengeance.

      This is the 3rd time i’ve had it this year now, and it’s starting to drive me into depression. No-one seems to know what the problem is, and my doctor pretty much dismissed it as food poisoning. I am fairly certain this is not the case, as everyone else in my family is fine.

      I have a big phobia of being sick; hate it more than anything in the world. i try and hold off the vomiting for as long as possible, but i end up being sick every time without fail.

      I’m assuming everyone here is still in the dark about it, but if by chance any of you have found out why this is happening, please please please please reply

    • #113077

      I am really curious how they could avoid eating GMO, if all most of the soybean grown nowadays is GMO.

    • #113284

      I too am a sufferer of this strange stomach problem. I found what works is if you head to your local health food store and ask for some bentonite clay powder. They may have it in liquid form and I would suggest that you get that. Take the proper dosage per day. It will help it clear up quickly. Trust me I use it and it works. I used to get this problem all the time and I did the clay only one time and I really have not had a problem with it since. It is something you ingest, It will not hurt you and it will soak up anything that is causing problems like a sponge. It is rather inexpensive. I used to go to the doctor all the time about this and after much research this was the only thing that has helped. I hope you find some comfort!!

    • #114384

      Well, I am another that is suffering these symptoms of severe watery diarrhea, cramping, nausea, and the strange tasting burps. Don’t remember having this problem til this past year. Have now gone through about 8 to 10 bouts in the last 7 months. Not fun. I finally called my doctor yesterday and she order several stool sample tests. Of course, by the time my husband picked up the vials, the diarrhea (and burping) had subsided. Now just have to wait til the inevitable next bout, as long as the liquid in 3 of the vials is still viable. Will post the results later. Wanted to post some info from another site I found while searching for answers this morning. One person with the same symptoms took Alka-seltzer and it relieved his sulfur/popcorn tasting burping immediately. I have not tried it yet, as I am better this morning, but others on the site tried it, all with relief. Not a panacea but it works for the burping anyway.

    • #114793

      I have been having the same symptoms. I have not seen a doctor, yet. I was afraid I would be told it’s food poisoning and dismissed. I figured they’d just tell me to let it run its course. I’ve had it twice, now. The first time was a couple weeks ago. My vomit and diarrhea were very dark brown with a seemingly sticky consistency. I only vomitted twice (in one sitting) with the first time. This second time from which I am currently recovering I was dry heaving for about 5 minutes, but never had any actual emesis. I definitely had the corn-tasting burps. Those are the WORST! I have felt like my insides were bubbling, someone had described it as boiling water, but no heat or anything. Some chills, a fever.

    • #114950

      This has been happening to me too, like others I get a burnt popcorn burp taste, and I know I’ll have diahreha or puking problems. Like right now. I’m only 13 but I don’t seem to have any other problems but its really painful. 🙂

    • #115042

      Nice post!

    • #115334

      Just in case anyone is still needing answers, i read this man’s experience of periodic gastroparesis and it sounds exactly like what the original poster described. He has included what helped him as well I’m not a medic but it might be worth seeing if the diet works for you, or check out the professionals that helped him. All the best.

      If you have trouble opening that, search for My Life With Gastroparesis, just make sure its the right article (it’s the personal story of a guy who had diabetis since childhood: diabetics can suffer from gastrparesis)

      P.s. I only joined to share the information, I have my own ‘struggles’ so might not be back. I really wish everyone all the best

    • #115399

      Was that link of any help to you guys?

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