Biology Forum Molecular Biology PCR…????

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    • #4167

      could anybody explain me what PCR is…??? and how’s the process…??? and what’s the main purpose of PCR..???

      I’ve been trying to read and learn in so many books but i still cannot get the point of that…

      So please… anybody.. Thank’s Be4.. 😕

    • #44227

      Hey Bass!

      I’m not sure how indepth you want me to describe PCR.. cuz, I don’t know how much background you’ve already had on this subject … here is a brief description (please reply if you need a more … in depth/molecular explanation)….

      PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a method that amplifies (or produces many copies) of a target/desired fragment of DNA. This is accomplished by using a DNA polymerase (Taq polymerase) that accurately copies DNA thereby producing numberous copies of DNA from very few original (template) DNA fragments.

      You can generate a billion copies of a desired piece of DNA from 1 original copy (template) of DNA by performing PCR.

      Here is a good resource:

      … if things still aren’t clear please write again and me (or someone else) can go through each step with you.

      best wishes!
      – KIM

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