Biology Forum Community General Discussion PostSynaptic Neuron

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    • #11602


      I’ve been having trouble with a couple of questions on a lesson that I’ve been working on for the past few weeks. I was hoping someone could help me understand a little better.

      The first question is,

      1. Give two reasons that may account for the continuous firing of a Postsynaptic Neuron

      From what I’ve read, I think one of the reasons is if Cholinesterase wasn’t active to destroy the Acetylcholine, and I’m not sure of the other, I’m probably wrong on the first one as well but I’m getting so confused reading the same stuff over and over trying to understand.

      The second question is,

      2. Your ability to understand and answer a question is controlled by your…
      A. Cerebellum
      B. Cerebral Cortex
      C. Medulla
      D. Hypothalamus

      The Cerebellum being the region of the brain to control muscle movement
      The Cerebral Cortex, the outer lining of the cerebral hemisphere
      The Medulla regulates involuntary muscle action, breathing movements, diameter of blood vessels, heart rate…
      Hypothalamus and pituitary gland united the nervous system with the endocrine system.

      I’m leaning towards Medulla, would I be correct with that answer?

      Thank you so much in advance!!

    • #92139

      As you know, postsynaptic neuron is excited by the neurotransmitter released by the presynaptic neuron at synaptic cleft. The effect of this neurotransmitter is terminated by different ways.
      1. It may be degraded by the enzyme (as you mentioned), thus preventing continous excitation of the postsynaptic neuron.
      2. Sometimes it diffuses out of the synaptic cleft.
      3. It may be reabsorbed by the presynaptic neuron and packaged again in the synaptic vesicles.
      4. It may be (occassionaly) absorbed by the Glia.

      As you can see malfunctioning in all of the above can cause neurotransmitter to accumulate and to cause continuous firing of the postsynaptic neuron.

      Postsynaptic neuron sometimes binds the neurotransmitter at places other than the regular ionic channels causing impulse conduction. This is called indirect synaptic tranmissions. It is slower but lasts longer.

      Your second question is simple: Its not Medulla….It is Cerebral Cortex.

      Hope it helps.

    • #92140

      Thank you so much!!

      I graduated high school 15 years ago and I think my brain doesn’t work as well as it used to hehe

      That makes more sense, and I appreciate the help!!

    • #92480

      I couldn’t believe it when I typed in my question and seen someone else was having the same difficulty…it’s people like you that make this site so user friendly!!! Thanks a million and keep up the good work!!
      Jackie (a.k.a. Jnsgrl)

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