Biology Forum Molecular Biology Question about chimerism

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    • #5694

      I am in a debate with someone about chimerism. On the show House M.D. a child had 2 consciouses. One was only the memory of being abducted by aliens, the other one was his normal self. Is this possible from chimerism? Maybe I misinterpreted the show T_T

    • #55386

      I think he was referring to two consciouses (sp?). I have also been researching this issue with a theory to pose about homosexual, bi-sexual, and transgendered behaviors. Could it be that chimerism is the biological answer to the attraction, (for lack of a better vocabulary)? Also. wouldn’t many psychological issues be answered if this were in fact the case; Human Chimerism of the brain not spit or dual personality disorder for one example? Let me know what you and your ‘debator’ think on those theories. Good Things, S

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