Biology Forum Genetics question about mRNA

last updated by Cat 16 years, 8 months ago
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    • #9781

      The piece of genetic information removed from an mRNA strand after translation is called a(n)_________.

      a) codon
      b) anti-codon
      c) termination codon
      d) exon
      e) intron

      ok if it said transcription I know it would be the introns are removed, but what is removed after translation? Is it the termination codon (since all components come apart at the end)? Or is this a typo? I ask because I’ve found some mistakes in my math lessonbook (I’m doing correspondence). It takes ages to get an email back, so I thought I’d ask here first.

    • #84778

      I posted answer to your question here: … t29.htm#97

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