Biology Forum Community General Discussion Role of Gravity

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    • #8158

      If organisms as complex as us have developed on a planet similar to Earth but with a stronger force of gravity, what body features would you expect them to have?

      Looking forward to your comments

    • #75694

      Well, what do you think first?

    • #75695

      Would it matter that much? You’d get differences compared to terrestrial life, but would there be basic features that they would need that don’t exist here?

    • #75701

      there’s a thread about this already if you search

    • #75715

      Replies to respondants of my thread "Role of Gravity" September 1st 2007:

      1) Mith= I could not have success in locating it. Could you signal it to me if you find?

      2) Dary= The planet in question is similar to Earth and organism evolved is just as us -humans. Only gravity there is stronger. Thus in all probability I do not think that they will be in possession of any organs or organ systems not found in us. I’m trying to follow the question on lines of differences in physical appearances or morphological distinctions only.

      3) MrMistery=
      If I take into consideration the Pygmies and Bantus of Africa, the Indians of the Amazonia and the aboriginals of Indonesia (all short in appearances and inhabiting locations near equator where force of gravity is the least) then I am led into believing that strong forces of gravity might now allow body mass to concentrate higher.

      If I consider my understanding of the technical report presented by the Iowa Space Grant Consortium on Altered Gravity and its influence on Body dimensions then I would like to believe that stonger gravity may encourage long body dimensions.

    • #75716
      Nadas Moksha

      other than the obvious redistibution of the oil/water bilayer of living creatures, the issue proposed by extraneus , if observed from the PHYsiks per se of an AstroBiological nature … it would seem to condensate plasmatic/Synaptic junctions at a slow/dense cold anthropomorphic continuum………..

      Pollution, electromagnetic smog, increased gamma and cosmic ray exposure, viral, bacteriological, and parasitical susceptability (essential for the justification of the modern pharmaceutical drug cartel, and its pseudo-scientific medical science) — are removed from their all consuming powerful role to which are species is modelled to be a victim of… Rather, the very nature of our fundamental being, based on the Etherion-Hadron and the hyperdimensional DNA modus operandi, is sublimated into being revealed as being the ultimate cosmological Anthos and Universal Macroimperishability that is the SUMA of all universal realities….


    • #75719

      the 1st thing that i recall is about water.
      you know about water, one of important matter for organism in order to keep alive.

      this affect the water transport in plant…and make plant become shorter than the one we can find on earth.. so i may said that all organism may affected by that incrased gravitation..

      and about human.. the human muscle may become stronger.. and their height may be as normal as us here [as many variety of height that can be found here]

      afterall.. this is just a hypothesis (^_^). haha..

    • #75724

      This exact question was set as an exam question while I was doing my degree. I didn’t answer it, but if I had I would have written "we’d all be quite flat". My teacher told me to write that if the question appeared.

      True story.

    • #75727

      really?! are common eskimo people are shorter than us??? i mean.. in the polar, the gravity is higher than in here.. katulistiwa. (._.)?

    • #75734

      Replies to Respondents of my thread September 2nd 2007:

      Baikuza: In GENERAL, it is observed that people in the poles or in the temperates are taller than those at equator or in the tropics.
      I find your explanation about water transport in plants credible but not that about humans. Could you elaborate on the latter?

      Koteru: If flat in which plane? Let’s accept flat, but then why?

      Nadas Moksha: I find your explanation very difficult to comprehend

    • #75740

      It was meant to be humourous, albeit a weak attempt.

    • #75758

      higher gravitation>> the higher potential energy needed

      higher potential energy+ if the force to make water reached leaves is the same as here>> the highest attitude can be reached is lower than here>>means that the plant needs to be shorter or… if not they may need to put more energy output for the high.. [but, living things live in efficient.. i’m doubt they will put more energy on that transport..]

      hope this is quite clear for you….

    • #75762

      Darn, I can’t seem to find the thread either. But I remember some science fiction writer was posting about it and xenobiology in general.

      One thing you might consider is blood pressure and it’s relation to height. I’m told that giraffes can’t bend their necks too low.

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