Biology Forum Zoology Discussion Some questions

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    • #5121

      1- All the life forms have binominal or trinominal names, I ask because the hybrids like the Mule.
      2- All the new species are named and regitered in some Place, right? This place is… ❓
      3- The footbal fish have a that glow thing in it`s head, a bacter make it glow, whats the name of that bacter.

    • #50586

      2-No such place in fact and that is a poblem bevause some species have been described a few timesm and then given differen names… Bacterial naming is now centralized, and the IJSEM is keeping a playground for people who enjoy this kind of sport (but have a look on the salmonella naming problem in the list of bacterial names with standing in the litterature and you will understand the problem. Keeping in mind that it is well known species and that bacteria naming is much more organized than many other groups.

    • #50670

      Just leave that sort of work up to the Taxonomist he will sort it all out then change the name of it a year or so later so you have to learn it all again hahaha.

      "that glow thing in its head" is a process known as bioluminescence it is a chemical reaction that takes place within the organism’s cells thus producing light.

      "binominal or trinominal names" Genus, Species, Sub species is used to accurately identify a particular organism and not get it confused with other organisms that display similar physical characteristics etc. Taxonomic rank.

      E.g. one of the Australian carpet python species, Morelia spilota varigata.

      Morelia being the genus
      Spilota being the species
      Varigata being the sub species


    • #50690

      Yeah but I ask the name of hibryds like the mule, if they have a cientifc name

    • #51412

      Oh, I think I have to ask some questions, too!
      1.Are there any differences between Nitrobacter and Nitrosomonas? I mean about their lives, the way how they can use N2 from air?

    • #51586

      Hope this link helps
      Nitrosomonas ( I’m sorry I have just found this one) … trosomonas

      how they can use N2? I think they have their own special enzyme : nitrogenase

    • #51665

      It’s cool! Thanks. I do have enough information for myself!

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