Biology Forum Microbiology Staining slides with Food dye? (Or any household item)

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    • #12651


      I am trying to stain bacteria, and I started out using the Gram stain but I was using to much materials so I am trying to find stuff to stain bacteria that can be bought at a Grocery store or Walmart. If methylene blue would be a lot better then Brilliant Blue FCF then I could use that.
      I think you could methylene blue at a Pet Store right? (Aquatics)

      Thanks for everything!

    • #96918

      Brilliant Blue FCF is FD&C Blue #1, so if you are in the US, you should be able to get it as food coloring at the grocery store. As you noted, Methylene Blue is available as a disease treatment for aquarium fish, but I am not certain if the concentration is useful for staining – I’ve never tried it.

      Either should be suitable for non-differential staining of bacteria.

      If you need to Gram Stain, I think you really need to use Crystal Violet counterstained with either Safranin or Fuschin, although I’ve never had to scrounge for materials, so I could be wrong. I can’t think of any commonly available preparations of these dyes.

    • #96919

      Thanks… but I was wondering if it works well. So the methylene blue can be bought at walamart. And which would would work better?

    • #96933

      If you need to Gram Stain, I think you really need to use Crystal Violet counterstained with either Safranin or Fuschin,

      do that
      that’s more easier. and it works well

    • #96957

      Well, I need to be able to buy the stuff at Walmart! 🙂 I don’t think that is available at Walmart.
      That is my whole theme. Not enough time to order it online. I ttried Gram Staining with Crystal Violet and Safrain but I ran out of supplies! 🙁

    • #97009

      I checked 3 pet stores and still none had methylene blue…

      Anything else?

    • #97080

      Hmm.. If you ae going to Gram stain, you should stick to the original dyes and exact times. Otherwise, your results wouldn’t be conclusive. If you only want to view the microorganisms, you can try different stains. Some of my students used soy sauce though I have never seen their slides. You can do negative staining using Nigrosin or India Ink. It makes cool "starlight images". Your bacteria should be unstained while the background is violet/dark gray/black background. One thing, please be careful in handling bacteria. Practice aseptic techniques and may I ask if you are doing this at home because you are asking to buy products from WalMart not Merck or any other Lab supplier. Exercise extreme care at home.

      If you really want a good alternative, buy a gram stain kit for about $18.95. Here is the website: … 1264776542
      I’m pretty sure there are lots of alternatives besides using soy sauce like what my students did.

    • #105872

      Gram-indeterminate bacteria do not respond to Gram staining and, therefore, cannot be determined as either Gram-positive or Gram-negative. 🙂

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