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    • #11986


    • #93528

      1) check out the definition of ENDO- and EXOcrine glands 😉
      2) yeah, I guess, that some degradation products of hemoglobine is meant, so probably e
      (but e.g. iron is recycled, I think, so d could work also)
      3) definitelly not a. Arteries lead the blood from heart. I think b is the best choice (or d maybe)
      4) I think, it influeces the filtration, probably decreases, but I’m not sure

    • #93545

      If you want to get really technical, there is no right answer given for the first question – true, only exocrine secretions from the pancreas go to the intestine, but it IS an endocrine gland and the source of digestive secretions.

      I think efficiency decreases in the last question, since really high efficiency would see the loss of all of the water, and that wouldn’t be good.

    • #93569
      quote Darby:

      If you want to get really technical, there is no right answer given for the first question

      very true
      but what i think it is the endocrine glands that take no part. if we see the digestive juices from the pancreas are released into ducts and satisfy the definition of exocrine glands. the pancrea during digestion plays a role of an exocrine gland while when releasing glycagon and insulin it is endocine.

    • #93571
      quote JackBean:

      2) yeah, I guess, that some degradation products of hemoglobine is meant, so probably e
      (but e.g. iron is recycled, I think, so d could work also)

      that is right

    • #93572

      for your third part
      blood flows from the heart to the artery to arterioles. particularly it carries it to afferent arteriole.
      from the glomeruli it leads to the effernt arteriole and to the proximated convulted tubule. so C is your answer.
      i am damn sure about it. the efferent then leads to capillaries and runs along the nephron and this capilaries will then lead to the renal vein and then to Venacava and then to the heart.

    • #93574

      for the last question D is out of question. as the protiens are very large. only .05 g/dm3 is left afeter filteration in the glomerular filterate. out of 80 g/dm3.
      it decreases the efficiency of filteration.
      that is B.
      the filteration basically takes place due to blood pressure. this outwieghs the effect of protiens

    • #93586
      quote Darby:

      If you want to get really technical, there is no right answer given for the first question – true, only exocrine secretions from the pancreas go to the intestine, but it IS an endocrine gland and the source of digestive secretions.

      I don’t think so, they ask, whether pancreas releases digestive fluids. Does it? I guess it does, no matter, whether it does anything else 😉

    • #93635

      anyone has any other quetions

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