Biology Forum Evolution The law of confrontation the levels energy

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    • #13218

      The lack of justification in the laws of conservation and development of nature

      In the process of comparing healthy and weak organisms, mammals, has been installed previously unknown the Law of confrontation the levels energy, motion, matter, the exchange interaction, or, metabolism. Confrontation of the energy levels embodies the chain of causation that underlies natural selection and reproduction of viable organisms that is, relationship between conservation and development of nature, in particular, between a quantitative constancy of organisms and the qualitative variability directed towards their perfection.
      The Law embodies the unity of the material transitions or, the indissolubility of the attributes of being and introduces a fundamental change in the level of cognition about the conservation of nature and its development. This means that the facts which show the preservation and development, by mistake, i.e. in the absence of justification have been recognized by science in the form of laws, independent of each other, and, consequently, they are distorting reality.
      Author: Research and the owner of the patent number 2111660 (1997 year) «Method of selection and reproduction of viable organisms», the therapist (Mr.) Valentine Dolzhenko. Moscow, Russia. … EORGANISMS

      For the first time on an example of mammals is experimentally found, criterion of health according to which operates: natural selection and a reproduction of viable organisms, and also an interdiction and realization of infinite variants of pathology.

      The established criterion allows carrying out the control of parental levels of viability before the beginning of conception of descendants, and opens a new era in prevention of illnesses at people and animals during their reproduction.

      Experimentally found confrontation in levels, i.e. in the speed of nitrogen (protein) metabolism, which contrasts and significantly differ from healthy against the weak organisms. This confrontation of energy levels was taken as a criterion of health or viability of organisms. It is shown, that low levels of a metabolism belong to weak organisms and provide realization of infinite variants of pathology. And on the contrary, high levels in viable organisms which have contrast opposition concerning low levels – forbid realization of any pathology.

      Is tracked the inheritance by posterity of parental levels of a metabolism. Prevailing influence of female levels on posterity is caused by pregnancy and intra-uterine development of a fruit.

      By means of registration of levels of a metabolism at oarsmen, swimmers and fighters, to surprise of trainers, the blind method also shows, that opposition of individual parameters during sports is naturally observed in conformity is individual speed of metabolic processes of the sportsman.

      Also it is revealed, that at people the high level of a metabolism is historically lost, and that is why he requires restoration. It causes growth of a wide spectrum of the illnesses menacing by disappearance of mankind. Results of the present {true} researches can be used also:

      – In prevention of illnesses at people and animals during their reproduction, by means of the control of parental levels of viability before conception of descendants;
      – In a reproduction of new breeds and kinds of animals;
      – In epidemiology;
      – In the sanitary control of animals intended for the food industry;
      – In selection of methods of treatment and their forecasting;
      – In protection of motherhood and the childhood;
      – In perfection of criteria of viability;
      – In army;
      – In sports.

      With the purpose of prevention of illnesses in descendants is offered, to create the center, as the control of viability is the necessity dictated by a life with the purpose of a survival and the further development of mankind in unity of organisms of an environment. Realization of opening capable to carry out revolutionary change in public health services and animal industries requires financial support from associates.


      It is known, that an infinite variety of organisms survives and prospers during many millions years in absence of modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of illnesses. Besides, the given process did not require the perverted substantiation of preservation of the nature irrespective of development and, on the contrary, according to the laws thought up by a science.

      The attempt undertaken by a science with the purpose of prevention of individual variants of a pathology in the environment of their infinite variety, has inevitably generated impracticable for financing also infinitely wide variety of scientific institutes.

      In connection with absence of the criterion necessary for differential diagnostics and the control of viability of organisms, the animal industries and public health services undergo huge expenses, and cannot restore historically lost viability:
      – Not by means of the finance intended for it and auxiliary means;
      – Not by means of army of researchers and a wide structure of the scientific institutes, vainly trying to embrace separately an infinite variety of individual illnesses;
      – Not by means of set below and above the listed laws.

      Time has shown that we cannot get rid separately from parasitic, bacterial, virus, immune, allergic, neurological, mental, cardiovascular, oncological, endocrynologycal, etc. illnesses. So, for example, difficultly found out changes to structure of DNA and genes, as a rule, are expressed in ugliness resistant to treatment at organisms that is accessible to diagnostics and with open eyes. The given fact testifies that the modern genetics cannot provide diagnostics and the control of set of changeable or transitive levels of viability over absence of obvious attributes of a pathology though she and tries to carry out it with an anticipation and persistence by means of antiscientific lie and the advertising gimmicks intended with the purpose of expiation of unjustified hopes and wasted of billions.

      As an example, we shall consider pregnancy at healthy rats, in a condition of a half-starved albuminous diet which accompanies at children: a dystrophy, caries of a teeth (at their occurrence), irreversible changes with anomaly in bodies and fabrics and reduction of concentration in cells of DNA not without change of its structure. Having lost the way among two birches, in the form of puryny and pyrymydyn the bases: adenyn – guanyn and tymyn – uracyl, genetics exaggerate value of DNA in an organism together with own applicability in a science and a practice. Consequence of it became below mentioned a reality perverted to the detriment of health of animals and people.

      In anxiety concerning what ugliness will be born in following generation, we distinctly realize similar to researchers in the field of genetics an outstanding role of surgeons in reproduction of cardio-defects, a harelip, blindness, absence in the newborn organism from intestines of the external aperture and so it is infinite.

      In the field of experimental oncology it was possible to be convinced that to researchers sometimes is possible to get rid of cancer cells and from a tumor as from an alarm bulb by means of a hammer, but not from the reason which have generated illness, its{her} inevitable return after treatment and death of an organism.

      The essence of the given researches consists in search of the test for diagnostics of early revealing a cancer. It was supposed: that search of specific feature in a metabolism at a congenital cancer, will allow opening the reason of occurrence of the given illness.

      For revealing levels of viability, as extremely weakened condition of an organism, has been accepted a cancer, spontaneous, that is, having hereditary predisposition, but also induced by chemical carcinogen.

      In experiments laboratory and wild mice, rats, more than 20 kinds of mammals of a zoo, and also people of various age, a floor and sportsmen were used. Tables: 1, 2,3,4,5. Figures: 1, 2,3,4,5.

      The success has brought one of many experiments. He has allowed revealing long-awaited distinction. However it was necessary to find out substance which has been found in urine at interaction with tryketogydrynden (dye). As well as it was supposed, these distinctions consist in registration of quantity of free amino acids.

      In a consequence, correlation between change of the given parameter and quantity of the general nitrogen in daily urine has been tracked. Together they express speed of a nitrogenous or albuminous exchange (metabolism) which high parameters belongs healthy, low – to sick organisms.

      Calculation of speed of metabolic processes was carried out by means of registration in daily urine: of quantity of Mkg of the general nitrogen and free amino acids, in relation to weight of an organism in grams (Mkg/gram).

      The employees involved in cultivation of laboratory animals with surprise have accepted the found out fact. Whether by mistake, whether as humor, but happens so, that instead of healthy animals, workers vivaria have given out three groups of the linear mice having 100 % predisposition to a cancer, the same color, a floor and age for the further researches.

      These young, but the mature mice having age two months and 100 %-s’ predisposition to a cancer of a mammary gland, lungs and the blood, fixed at descendants by means of inside family reproduction during tens years and hundreds generations.

      Malignant tumours appear at descendants at later age (as a rule, after a year). During registration and comparison of levels of a metabolism at mice, to surprise of the researcher, above mentioned mistake has been easily revealed. And is very important that: the low level of a metabolism is found out not only in parents at presence of tumors, but also at their absence at children at young age.

      The successful beginning of researches was interrupted with one experiment. It has appeared, that the found out distinction in levels is property not only ontological, but also other illnesses. In a jungle of an unbeaten way the artefacts (mistake) has caused in the researcher a panic, disappointment and a shock simultaneously.

      The exit from deadlock was visible only through forthcoming acknowledgement of the next set in unity of the previous assumptions. In particular, it was necessary to prove, that the found out criterion is universal for various illnesses. But for a substantiation of the given hypothesis it was necessary to be convinced of absolutely opposite circumstance of things, namely that high levels of a metabolism belong to wild animals which constantly undergo natural selection.

      Acknowledgement{Confirmation} was expressed in detection of contrast opposition, more than in 10 times, and on the average in 3,5 times of high levels of a metabolism at wild mice and rats in comparison with a low level – at the weakened animals, vivaria, having a cancer (a Fig. 1 and 2).

      Validity of the chosen way of research then has been confirmed also by variety of new experiments.

      Is tracked the inheritance by posterity of parental levels of a metabolism. It is shown, that descendants naturally lose viability according to reduction and restore her according to increase in a level of a metabolism of parents. Prevailing influence of female levels on posterity is caused by pregnancy and intra-uterine development of a fruit. So the example, pregnancy at healthy rats which is carried out in a condition of a half-starved albuminous diet, she causes at children: a dystrophy, caries of a teeth (at their occurrence), irreversible changes with anomaly in bodies and fabrics, at simultaneous reduction of concentration in cells of DNA, not without change of its structure.

      Also it is shown, low levels of a metabolism carry out the sanction and, on the contrary, high levels forbid realization of any pathology. That is why with the purpose of prevention weakened and reproduction of viable descendants, before conception of the last, selection of forthcoming parents among the laboratory animals having high levels of a metabolism (Table 2) was carried out.

      Selection and reproduction of the mice having high levels of a metabolism, has easily allowed to get rid of a cancer which has been fixed at descendants during tens years and hundreds generations.

      During registration of levels at various kinds of mammals of a zoo it is shown, that high speed of a metabolism is characteristic not only for small, but also for large animals of 100 kg having weight and more (Table 1).

      Historically lost high level of a metabolism is found out in people and consequently he demands restoration.

      During registration of levels at oarsmen, swimmers, and fighters, to surprise of trainers, by means of a blind method, opposition of individual parameters of sports (a Fig. 3) has easily come to light.

      Thus, for the first time on an example of mammal forms, the criterion of health or viability has been found experimentally out. In conformity with this criterion operate {work}: natural selection and a reproduction of viable organisms, and also an interdiction and realization of infinite variants of pathology.

      Researches have shown that accepted as criterion of viability: levels of energy, exchange interaction or a metabolism possess controversial belonging and express infinite a variety of forms of movement or attributes of life. In particular, inconsistent character of levels belongs:

      – opposite sexes – male and female;
      – selection and reproduction – qualitative and quantitative;
      – onto- and phylogenesis – temporal and spatial;
      – species and individual – universal and particular;
      – synthesis and destruction – anabolic and catabolic;
      – quiescence and motion – potential and kinetic;
      – health and disease – regular and pathological;
      – etc.

      For example, qualitative selection of the most viable organisms, that have high metabolism levels and proper fertileness, makes for preservation of a kind , i.e. quantitative reproduction of descendants. In its turn quantitative reproduction of descendants causes perfection of species, i.e. qualitative selection of the most viable organisms according to the high metabolism level. In a similar way realize ontogenesis and phylogenesis where spatial or intrauterine level of fetus cause the temporal, i. e. level of a metabolism of an adult organism, after a birth, and on the contrary. The same way displays the for self-motion’s inherent correlation between kind and individ (individial), potential and kinetic, destruction and synthesis, i. e. negation and affirmation etc. That means that nature doesn’t have any other displays except its contradictious levels, i. e. motion forms.

      It is not correct, is told in English! General and private (individual). Private and the individual it not the person, and not Homo sapiens!
      And consequently I cannot apply instead of a word an organism a word: individual or a word individ (this word does not need to be translated on English in the person), but it does a computer. And I am compelled to write repeatedly in the text a word an organism, an organism, an organism and once again an organism.

      It is drawn a conclusion: experimentally established Law of opposition of levels of energy, movement, exchange interaction or a metabolism underlies the self-movement including indissolubility of self-organizing, self-perfection, self-survival of organisms. From this follows: the facts testifying to preservation and development by mistake, i.e. in absence of a substantiation have been erected by a science in a rank of the laws separated from each other which provide a distortion of a reality. And as it has appeared, they cannot prove, character inherent in self-movement: inconsistent, natural, mutually connected, mutually caused, or cause and effect.
      of the
      Let’s try to tell differently:
      It is drawn a conclusion: experimental observation unity of material transitions or indissolubility of attributes of life has allowed establishing unknown earlier the Law. In its {his} basis, integration of set of controversial levels of a metabolism lays. This number includes also interrelation of the levels causing: a quantitative constancy and qualitative variability of organisms (variability, it is directed aside perfection of organisms). The established Law radically changes representation about preservation and development of the nature. From this follows, that the facts confirming not Laws, but the phenomena of preservation and development (i.e. opposite forms of movement) by mistake, i.e. in absence of a substantiation have been erected by a science in a rank separated from each other, and consequently laws perverting a reality. And as it has appeared, they cannot give the proof of self-movement: that it has natural, i.e. inconsistent, mutually caused, or cause and effect, character.

      It means that the nature cannot undergo development without preservation, as well as preservation without development at any level of the organization. In it testify: the levels of a metabolism belonging the concrete form of organisms. They express interconditionality between a quantitative constancy of organisms and their qualitative variability directed aside of perfection. It is connection between a cause and effect, inherent for opposite forms of movement, and, in particular, between preservation and development of the nature.

      Certainly, do not exist, the friend without the friend: space and time, general and particular, potential and kinetic, negation and affirmation, discrete and continuous, finite and infinite, centrifugal and centripetal, ideal and real, conservation and development etc.

      As it is possible to see, in preservation and development of the nature there is nothing especial in relation to set of other forms of movement, except for the perverted reality in philosophy.

      Owing to misunderstanding mutual conditionality of things, philosophers by means of fiction have erected preservation and development of the nature above a variety integrated, equal in rights and in value of opposite forms of movement. This circumstance of things promoted occurrence of the "basic" question in philosophy " about the superiority: an ideal above a reality and, on the contrary ". Incorrectly formulated question not only has perverted interrelation of an ideal and a reality in knowledge, but also has generated one-sided {one-sidedly}-ugly and consequently irreconcilable idealists and materialists.

      It is well known the energy transformation from one kind into another, but she has gradually decaying character. Absence of representation about inconsistent levels of energy complicates a substantiation of it’s {her} constancy in the Universe. So, for example, except the ascertaining of the well-known fact of conservation there is no scientific answer to a question about why the energy (motion) conserves. And because:
      – In three separated laws of philosophy cannot be and really there is no concrete formulation about development of the nature;
      – And about it’s {her} preservation cannot be and really there is no concrete formulation in three separated laws, introductions or the beginnings of all beginnings of thermodynamics;
      – Also as well as in three laws of dynamics;
      Modern representation about life assimilates to earlier outlook, in conformity with which the world stood on three whales, three elephants and a turtle!

      For opponents it is necessary to emphasize, that the perverted representation about life testifies not only to intellectual degradation of persons – propagandists of a nonexistent reality in the form of invented laws, but also characterizes marasmus of a science as a whole.

      Inconsistent character of the self-knowledge underlying our survival, defines {determines} a maturity of scientific crisis. He is expressed in a historical heap denying each other and perverting a reality laws which have been thought up not according to a rule: If you deny, it means, that you confirm, and on the contrary if you confirm, it means that you deny, as the third action is excluded!
      To them belong:

      – And nonexistent in the nature the law of indissolubility of mathematical formulations on a paper, comprising indissolubility of weight and energy, i.e. indissolubility of a matter and a matter. (For the weight of quiescence and motion or energy of quiescence and motion were known and had exact expression in the form of indissolubility of potential and kinetic displays of life).
      – And the third law of thermodynamics, as if providing a constancy of energy in the Universe due to escalating chaos in it {her};
      – And constant speed of a divergence of Galaxies from one point, and is more true the fiction which has been thought up with the purpose of a substantiation of a constancy of energy in the Universe owing to its explosion by means of not of natural force, awarded by the Nobel Prize. ("Constant" speed of a divergence of Galaxies from one point is already repeatedly garbled from 330000 km/s. Up to 50 km/s., while astronomers successfully use displacement in a radiated spectrum aside red light at the remote worlds with the purpose of registration of distance sharing us).
      – And alien to the nature, the law of uniform and rectilinear movement of bodies in absence of their interaction with an environment which does not confirm, and on the contrary, excludes Universal gravitation (a reality of that does not require the proof if to recollect unequivocal polarity centrifugal and centripetal forces).
      – And thought up for butterflies, a gene of eternity. In particular, he in absence of the control of levels of energy cannot save and the butterfly with short, and the person with a long life from early terms of realization of illnesses, death, and full extinction of species. For, variability of levels of the metabolism describing viability of organisms is subject to influence of set of factors of an environment, including age.

      Coming back to a problem of our survival and development in unity of organisms of an environment, it will be pertinently mentioned arisen virus epidemic at sheep’s and furiousness at cows on the Native land of cloning of mammals. In the same place, researchers have undertaken search of a nonexistent gene in the nature which would supervise health or longevity irrespective of a full set of chromosomes.

      By the way, that the cloning of organisms similar to us dystrophies on an example of brothers smaller, excluding qualitative selection, and together with it variability of biological forms necessary for perfection, was inevitably expressed in loss of their ability to a survival will be mentioned also. In particular, the cloning was aggravated with occurrence of a congenital arthritis in sheep’s, and a birth of the person – the ugly creature.

      The prevailing part of sheep’s has been destroyed in connection with virus epidemic as on a fire has burned down together with wool of 10 million sheep’s. As a result, the incorporated Kingdom of the Great Britain has lost 12 billion pounds sterling, besides is absolute without a guarantee to exclude relapse of epidemic. Financial losses will reach billions if to consider natural occurrence in the same state of a spongy encephalopathy, i.e. furiousness at the cows, amazed in the world a leukemia of herd and destroyed owing to a flu very much a plenty of birds which also are intended for a meal of people not without damage to their health.
      Here the figures and tables:


      I suggest you get acquainted with the material:
      In Russia, found civilization era of dinosaurs. Found the heads of men and dinosaurs, which in real life turned into stone, the remains of other animals and plants.
      We find a method of identifying the product, which was made civilized man in the era of dinosaurs.
      This photo: … NDINRUSSIA
      Article: … sg&t=13702

      As to me I do not concern neither anthropology, nor to paleontology and archeology. Never I participate in expeditions, I do not organize special searches and consequently at all I do not know any expert from the mentioned areas of a science. However curiosity inherent in my nature compels me to pay attention and to subjects of our history. Organisms which are turned to stone, I, as a rule, find almost at a threshold of houses where I should live. Whether bring these stones from open-cast mines with gravel for a construction of roads, or from bogs with the black earth for a covering of lawns.
      It is quite probable that my participation in penetration into secret of natural selection and a reproduction of viable organisms inevitably, i.e., irrespective of own desire has connected my destiny to destiny of Charles Darwin’s and, in particular, has led to detection of the people who have undergone a mineralization in an epoch of dinosaurs. What it is destiny?

      The author of a find, researches and the owner of the patent №2111660 of 1997: «The method of selection and reproduction of viable organisms» therapist (Mr.) Valentin Dolzhenko.
      Polyclinic № 71, Moscow, Russia.

    • #105822

      Why do people have to post entire treatises? Why can’t they just extrapolate one or a few interesting discussion topics from their paper and summarize those for discussion? That makes for a much better thread, imo.

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