Biology Forum Community General Discussion transfusion vs. transcription

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    • #3186

      transfusion vs. transcription

      i don’t really get the difference between them! like they both have to do with dna right?! but what’s the dif?!

    • #37016

      wait i meant between transcription and translation NOT transfusion! loll sorry! ♥

    • #37021

      Transcription, if I remember right, has to do with the copying of the DNA strand when it replicates itself (DNA->DNA). Translation has to do with copying the DNA code onto RNA (DNA->RNA). The way to remember it is that RNA is different from DNA; it’s like "translating" something into a different language.

    • #37024
      quote alextemplet:

      Transcription, if I remember right, has to do with the copying of the DNA strand when it replicates itself (DNA->DNA). Translation has to do with copying the DNA code onto RNA (DNA->RNA). The way to remember it is that RNA is different from DNA; it’s like “translating” something into a different language.

      If I remember correctly it is more:
      Transcritption is the synthesis of DNA in mRNA
      Translation is the synthesis of a polypeptide from the mRNA

    • #37089

      Yeah, now I remember correctly. Gosh, sometimes that little thing called memory can be so unreliable! At least I tried, even if I embarrassed myself! 😳 Thanks for the clarification. 😀

    • #37154

      O-ow once again, Doctor comes when problem is already solved 🙄 😆

      Well, to make my coming is not useless here, I will provide a figure here for entertain you all 8) And the one who asked about transcription vs translation will understand it better 🙂 Enjoy! 🙂

      Ooh I love figures 😉

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