Biology Forum Cell Biology western results

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    • #13068

      hi there!
      Today after detection, i got result as following (attachment). I think there are white bands which size is little bigger than 42KDa, and between each bands, i can see blackspot, i never got result like this before. confusing ❓


    • #98866

      what are the big black spots?

    • #98874
      quote JackBean:

      what are the big black spots?

      I have no idea about it, previous, when i detected this antibody, expect aim bands, background is clear. so i do not know what happened this time. 😕

    • #98877

      I did detection again today, using same antibody, but varied protocol. yesterday, i used 5% BSA blocking, and blocked 1hr, then 1st antibody incubation overnight at 4 degree. today, i used 5% skim milk blocking, blocked overnight at 4 degree then incubated with 1st antibody 1hr at room temperature. result as following, this time, this no black spot. but I still do not know what difference for these 2 types blocking and incubation protocol. 😕


    • #98888

      how long do you usually block for? Maybe 1 hour block is just not enough? Though I must confess, I’ve never seen an anomaly like yours, I don’t understand why BSA would preferentially bind to where the lanes are and not in between

    • #98889
      quote MrMistery:

      how long do you usually block for? Maybe 1 hour block is just not enough? Though I must confess, I’ve never seen an anomaly like yours, I don’t understand why BSA would preferentially bind to where the lanes are and not in between

      my antibody is phospho-p38 MAPK kinase(Thr180/Tyr182) antibody. Usually, for this antibody, we used 1hr 5% BSA blocking, and incubation overnigh with primary antibody. In recent months, we used same protocol but could not get clear bands, so i changed protocol.

    • #98940

      maybe that antibody is from a bad stock or something. You could try to borrow some from someone else and see if you get the same result. But really, if the longer blotting works, probably sticking with that is the wisest choice.

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