Biology Forum Community General Discussion WHAT’S THE DENSITY OF POWDERED SUGAR?

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    • #6340

      i need to know for a bio lap experiment. can you please help me? thanks 😀

    • #60539

      put it inside a recipient of known volume, then wiegh the whole thing, then wiegh the empty recipient. do the substraction and then divide. takes about 5 minutes

    • #60574

      Does it mean that you will count the density of powdered sugar just like count the density of some plant or animal in sample area 😕 Ecology is not my major, so I am afraid that you need to count one by one of those powder thingy? Oh… 🙄

    • #60601

      denisity means mass/volume doc. no counting involved.
      it’s not organism density, it’s something totally different. it’s the physical measure of density

    • #60614

      How to measure density of sugar? Powdered,
      granulated and rock candy should all have the same density since
      they are made of the same substance, but I do not know how to
      measure it to show that. Please help.
      Your best bet will be to find some liquid that does NOT dissolve
      sugar, and then to add a known mass of sugar to it and see how much
      volume it displaces. The tricky part with the finer forms of sugar
      will be keeping entrained air form sticking to the solid. Be sure
      to measure the mass of your sample and then take the ratio of
      mass/volume to get the density.

      First, you need to be sure that the granulated and powdered sugar do
      not contain other additives such as silica or starch, which is used
      to prevent caking. You can do this by dissolving each in water. If
      the water remains hazy, that is a tip-off that there is some other
      insoluble component present. Then, you need to weigh a sample of
      each solid in a liquid in which the sugar is not soluble, for
      example acetone or mineral spirits. If you carefully weigh a known
      volume of the liquid without the sugar (you will know its density).
      Then weigh the same known volume with part of the liquid removed so
      that the volume of sugar + liquid is the same as the liquid alone,
      you will know what volume of liquid has been replaced by the known
      weight of dry sugar. The ratio of that weight of dry sugar alone and
      in combination with the liquid is a measure of the volume of liquid displaced.
      If you use a liquid whose density is already known, you save the
      step of finding the density of the liquid.

    • #60628
      quote MrMistery:

      denisity means mass/volume doc. no counting involved.
      it’s not organism density, it’s something totally different. it’s the physical measure of density

      Aha! I am glad to hear that! Thank you, my boy 8)

    • #60633

      You all are discusing on the subject of 5th grade. 😆

      Ok. 🙂
      I m giving my own openion here,
      Use Archimidi’s Principle.

      Take a finely graduated measuring cylinder fill it with water upto certain mark say (50ml). Put measured quantity of dry sugar in it(say 20 gm). And find level differance in cylender.

      L2 – L1 = V. 😛 Say 70-50=20ml or dm Cube

      L2:final level
      L1:Original level
      V:Volume of sugar

      then Wt/V = Density 😉 say 20gm/2ml= 1gm/ml or 1gm dm-3

    • #61096

      Sugar is soluble in water, you will get anmalous reults by adding it to water and seeing how much water it displaces. Do what MrMistery says, its the easiest way that will give you decent results.

    • #61130

      ok then use saturated water for that..

    • #61150

      True, but is still probably easier using the other method.

    • #61160
      quote rob3:

      True, but is still probably easier using the other method.

      AGREED 😛

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